
“Seventh Grade” by Gary Soto page 259

Circle the best answer. 4 points each (44 total)

1. Who are the most important characters in the story?

A) Victor, Michael, and Teresa

B) Victor, Michael, and Mr. Bueller

C) Victor, Michael, and Mr. Lucas

D) Victor, Teresa, and Mr. Bueller

2. Victor decides to take French because___

A) his family is from France

B) he is traveling to France soon

C) he wants to learn another language

D) he is required to take French in seventh grade

3. Why does Victor say that he can speak French?

A) To impress the teacher

B) To impress Teresa

C) To prove to himself that he can learn the language

D) To try to get out of the first day’s homework

4. Which is the strongest evidence that the French teacher is understanding?

A) He yells at Victor when Victor cannot speak French.

B) He does not correct Victor’s terrible French.

C) He tells Victor to pretend that he knows French.

D) He asks Victor to leave the classroom.

5. Which is the best description of Victor’s first day of seventh grade?

A) He is confused by most of his subjects.

B) He is teased in most of his classes because of what he says.

C) He has ups and downs but feels good about the year ahead.

D) He feels so embarrassed he wants to transfer to another school.

6. Details that reveal a character’s traits include all of the following except—

A) how the characters thinks

B) how the character acts around others

C) what the character looks like

D) where the character appears in the story

7. Which is one of Teresa’s character traits?

A) Friendly

B) Shy

C) Lonely

D) Impatient

8. One important difference between Victor’s and Michael’s traits is that—

A) Michael is not interested in dating, while Victor is

B) Michael is more comfortable than Victor around girls

C) Michael has a serious girlfriend.

D) Victor is funnier than Michael around girls

9. Character traits show you a character’s—

A) problem

B) solution

C) personality

D) opportunity

10. Making inferences about a story helps you to—

A) make educated guesses about characters and events

B) find evidence to guess the main character’s conflict

C) identify the main events in the story

D) rewrite a story in your own words

11. An inference that you might make about Victor and Mr. Bueller is that—

A) Victor will never learn French

B) Mr. Bueller will have no patience with Victor’s behavior

C) Victor will learn to speak the best French in the class

D) Victor will work extra hard in Mr. Bueller’s class


“Seventh Grade” by Gary Soto page 259

Direct Characterization tells the audience what the personality of the character is.

Example: Miss Melissa is very tall.

List four examples of direct characterization from the story “Seventh Grade” by Gary Soto. Be sure to include which character is being described. (4 points each- 16 total)

1.  ______

2.  ______

3.  ______

4.  ______

Indirect Characterization shows things that reveal the personality of a character. Complete the STEAL chart with examples of indirect characterization about Victor from the story “Seventh Grade” (40 points)

Type of Indirect Characterization / Example / Explanation
Effect on others