Georgetown, Ky., April 9, 20 13

The Scott County Board of Education met at Great Crossing Office Complex at 6:30 o'clock P.M. on the 9th day of April , 20 13, with the following members present:

(1) Rebecca W. Sams (2) Robert H. Conway (3) Dr. Roger A. Ward

(4) Jo Anna Fryman (5) Jennifer Holbert


(Meeting #8)

1.  CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chair Dr. Roger Ward.

2.  WELCOME: Dr. Ward welcomed everyone to the meeting.

3.  VISION STATEMENT: Ms. Sams read, “We exist to ensure the best education for every student in Scott County Schools and to create a collaborative culture to ensure student learning”.

4.  APPROVE AGENDA: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Ms. Sams and seconded by Mr. Conway that the Board approve the agenda to include #31. 2012-2013 Calendar Amendment Proposals.

Motion carried unanimously.

5.  FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Mr. Randy Cutright gave a brief overview.

6.  APPROVAL OF CURRENT BILLS: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Ms. Holbert and seconded by Mrs. Fryman that the current bills be paid as listed below.

Motion carried unanimously.

Check #’s Amount

655792-655821 51,311.88

655822 12,092.00

655823 10.00

65208 EFT’s 4.50

655824 26,499.74

65209-65211 EFT’s 258.30

655853-655872 103,968.21

655873-656032 1,573,972.59

656042-656061 1,033,551.56


Check #’s

655791 42,350.91

655851 35,521.56

655852 36,985.01

656033-656041 41,685.32


Check #’s

654280, 654280,655430,

655532, 655749, 655839 8,953.80

7.  SPOTLIGHT – RSMS “School to Watch” and FFA Alumni and Energy Star Partner of the Year:

Superintendent Putty said we are very proud of RSMS! “School to Watch” is an exceptional honor and we are thrilled for RSMS! RSMS Principal Mrs. Shannon Gullett expressed her appreciation of staff and students at RSMS. RSMS students Anna Day and Lydia Bredwood enjoy Media Arts and shared a PowerPoint and I-Book presentations of student activities at RSMS. RSMS teacher Carrie Apple shared about the partnership with Georgetown College. The Georgetown College students mentor 25 RSMS students. Dr. Krebs introduced the students from Georgetown College and the students shared some of the experiences they have with the RSMS students. Principal Shannon Gullett, assistant principals Mike Tencza and Keith Griesser, guidance counselor Angela Fraley with teacher leaders – Willow Hambrick, Carol Ann Morrison, Celeste Lehr, Nellie Poe, and Brent Allen shared the success of students in different areas of the school and the collaboration of the teachers that helps the students succeed each day. Superintendent Putty added we are proud of RSMS on a daily basis.

Superintendent Putty said hands down we have one of the strongest groups off FFA Alumni. FFA Alumni attending were President Amy Harris, Vice-President Todd Stone, Dale Glass and FFA teacher Regina Fritsch. Todd Stone shared that the National FFA Organization produced a video for publication in October. They chose Scott County and a school in Louisville and took 4000 pictures. The nation will see lots of pictures of Scott County FFA. The SCHS FFA program is a great organization. Superintendent Putty thanked the FFA Alumni for all they do for Scott County students.

Superintendent Putty attended the Energy Star Partner of the Year Award Banquet with Jim McClanahan and Ron Willhite in Washington DC. There are 16,025 school districts in the United States and only four received this recognition. Kenton County and Scott County were the only two from Kentucky. This award is for energy management.

8.  PERSONNEL REPORT: EMPLOYED: (Certified) – ESS After School Program at Southern – Lori Graves, Stacy Hoskinson, Laura Brock, Laura McGhee, Angela Schmidt, Toni Elliott, A. Meridith Busey, Kimberly Szajka, Debbie Hoskins; Jo Ann Brandenburg, Home Placement Service for Special Ed students for the remainder of 2012-13 school year; Jim Borman, Girls Soccer Coach at GMS; William Wayne Keen, Interim Transportation Director. (Classified) – Bus Drivers – Pennie Lunsford, Michael Floyd; Substitute Food Service – Tamara Roller, Jaime Phillips; Substitute Custodians – Mark Burke, Perry Miller III; Gretchen Rice, Substitute Administrative Assistant; Ashley Stephens, Clerical Substitute. TRANSFERS: (Classified) – Ronald Blackburn, from Substitute Custodian to Custodian at Eastern. ACTIVE SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS: Lauren Hill. SUSPENDED WITH PAY: Mike Felts, Bus Driver (3-18-13 through 3-25-13). RESIGNATIONS: (Classified) – Mike Felts, Bus Driver (4-1-13). LEAVE OF ABSENCE without pay: Ed Rawlings, Bus Driver (3-26-13). FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE: Rhonda McFarland, 3-6-13 to 3-17-13; Christina Ellison, 1-8-13 to 3-29-13; Jessica Grant, 1-28-13 to 3-29-13; William Hughes, 1-24-13 to 3-29-13.

Dr. Rick Culross reported that Talent Education Online is in place for tracking applications and the hiring process.


Carole Landry questioned item #28-shortened school day for special education student. Attorney Grant Chenoweth answered Mrs. Landry. A shortened school day and shortened school week for a special education student meets federal and state guidelines. A physician may recommend that a shortened day is needed for a certain child.

10.  CONSENT ITEM FOR MINUTES: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Ms. Holbert and seconded by Mrs. Fryman that the Board approve Consent Items – Minutes A) as submitted.

Motion carried unanimously.


11.  CONSENT ITEMS FOR DONATIONS: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Ms. Sams and seconded by Ms. Holbert that the Board approve Consent Items – Donations A) - G) as submitted.

Motion carried unanimously.

A)  APPROVE DONATION TO SCOTT COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL: Recommendation: Board approve the donation in the amount of $500 from Wal-Mart to be used for student incentives.

B)  APPROVE DONATION TO ROYAL SPRING MIDDLE SCHOOL: Recommendation: Board approve the donation in the amount of $250 from Georgetown College to be used to support the Youth Service Center Backpack Program.

C)  APPROVE DONATIONS TO 9TH GRADE SCHOOL: Recommendation: Board approve the donation of 500 Locker Buddies from Wal-mart with an estimated value in excess of $100 for student lockers and the donation of $200 from Ms. Joan Fowler to support the annual Ninth Grade “FROM”.

D)  APPROVE DONATION TO SCHS ATHLETIC PROGRAM: Recommendation: Board approve the donation of $200 from the TMMK Volunteers in Action program to be used to support the SCHS Athletic Program.

E)  APPROVE DONATION TO EASTERN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Recommendation: Board approve the donation in the amount of $144 from Ricky Brannam to be used to support their Backpack Program.

F)  APPROVE DONATION TO GARTH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Recommendation: Board approve the donation in the amount of $380 from Faith Baptist Church to be used to support their Backpack Snacks Program.

G)  DONATION FROM KSBA FOUNDATION SCHOOL ENERGY MANAGERS PROJECT: Recommendation: Board approve donation from KSBA Foundation School Energy Managers Project of $200 to help pay for travel expenses for the Superintendent to attend the Energy Star Partner of the Year Program in Washington DC on March 26, 2013.

12.  CONSENT ITEM FOR COMMON CARRIER: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Mr. Conway and seconded by Ms. Holbert that the Board approve Consent Item – Common Carrier A) as submitted.

Motion carried unanimously.

A)  APPROVE COMMON CARRIER TO TRANSPORT SCHS DECA STUDENTS TO ANAHEIM, CA: Recommendation: Approve the use of common carrier services (Delta) to provide transportation for SCHS DECA students, to and from Anaheim, CA, April 23-29, 2013, due to the distance involved.

13.  CONSENT ITEM FOR FUNDRAISER: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Mr. Conway and seconded by Ms. Holbert that the Board approve Consent Items – Fundraiser A) as submitted.

Motion carried unanimously.

A)  APPROVE NORTHERN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FUNDRAISER: Recommendation: Board approve the fundraiser (McDonalds Portion of the Proceeds) for Northern Elementary School to be conducted during school year 2012-13 as presented.

14.  CONSENT ITEM FOR SURPLUS: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Ms. Sams and seconded by Mrs. Fryman that the Board approve Consent Item – Surplus A) as submitted.

Motion carried unanimously.

A)  DECLARE ASSETS TO BE SURPLUS: Recommendation: Board declare listed assets as surplus goods and approve the sale or disposal of these units.

15.  APPROVE SECOND READING OF BOARD POLICY 09.2212: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Ms. Sams and seconded by Mrs. Fryman that the Board approve second reading of changes to Board Policy 09.2212 as submitted.

Motion carried unanimously.

16.  APPROVE FY14 FARM AGREEMENT for Scott County Farm: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Ms. Sams and seconded by Ms. Holbert that the Board approve the FY14 Farm Trade Agreement contract between the Board and John Lacy for agriculture production on the Scott County Board Farm located on Long Lick Pike, under the provisions of KRS 45A.380 and written determination by the Superintendent. Authorize the Chair or Vice Chair to execute the document upon approval.

Motion carried unanimously.

17.  APPROVE CHANGE ORDER(S) FOR LEMONS MILL ELEMENTARY: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Ms. Holbert and seconded by Mrs. Fryman that the Board approve the following change order(s) and amount(s). Authorize the Board designee to execute the change order(s) less than $7,500 for submission to the Kentucky Department of Education which do not require prior approval, or submit the proposed change order(s) in excess of $7,500 to KDE for their review and approval and execute the change order(s) upon receipt of the KDE approval.

Motion carried unanimously.

CO# Bid Pkg. Contractor Amount

64 075-02 Insulated Roofing $ 40,411.00

65 092-07 OK Interiors ($ 59,601.00)

66 099-03 Bastin Painting $ 853.30

67 210-02 Quality Fire Protection $ 10,118.13

68  260-12 Whitehouse Electric $ 517.50

18.  APPROVE BID AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR LIGHTING UPGRADE ENERGY SAVING PROJECT: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Mr. Conway and seconded by Ms. Holbert that the Board approve the lowest responsive bid and award the contract to Amteck, based upon the base bid for the Lighting Upgrades in the amount of $ 137,795.00, subject to the approval by the Kentucky Department of Education and the sale of KISTA Energy Bonds;

Authorize the Board Chairman, Superintendent and Finance Officer to execute a revised BG #1, page 3, for submission to the Department of Education, in the amount of a construction cost of $ 137,795.00 and total project cost of $ 160,000.00, inclusive of KISTA bond sale costs, as it is being funded by a KISTA Energy Bond Sale; and

Authorize the Board’s designee (Superintendent Putty, Maintenance Director Rexroat or Facilities Director Luscher) to execute the contract upon the sale of KISTA Bonds, and any and all other documents required for approval from the Department of Education.

Motion carried unanimously.

19.  KISTA-KSBA ENERGY SAVINGS FOR SCHOOL PROGRAM PARTICIPATION RESOLUTION: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Ms. Holbert and seconded by Mr. Conway that the Board approve “A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION (“BOARD”) AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES LEASE (“LEASE”) WITH THE KENTUCKY INTERLOCAL SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION (“KISTA”) TO IMPLEMENT THE BOARD’S PARTICIPATION IN KISTA’S POOLED FINANCING FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION PROJECTS (“ECP”) THROUGH THE ISSUANCE OF KISTA’S EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES LEASE REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION (“CERTIFICATES” OR “COPS”)”; Authorize the Board Chair and Superintendent to execute the Participation Resolution document; Authorize the Board designee (Superintendent Putty, Maintenance Director Rexroat or Facilities Director Luscher and Director of Business Cutright) to execute any documentation required to attain KDE approval; and approve the funding of the annual payments for this Certificate of Participation to be paid with General Fund dollars based on projected savings from the projects.

Motion carried unanimously.

20.  RENEW AFJROTC AGREEMENT FOR SCHOOL YEAR 2013-14: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Mr. Conway and seconded by Mrs. Fryman that the Board renew the “Agreement for the Establishment of an Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Unit” for 2013-2014 School Year.

Motion carried unanimously.

21.  APPROVE BOND OF DEPOSITORY JULY 1, 2013 – JUNE 30, 2015: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Mr. Conway and seconded by Mrs. Fryman that the Board approve the Kentucky Bank “Bond of Depository for Public School Funds” at 103% of current daily balances for a maximum of two (2) years, beginning July 1, 2013.

Motion carried unanimously.

22.  RENEW EMPLOYEE FIDELITY BOND FOR FY14: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Ms. Sams and seconded by Mrs. Fryman that the Board approve the Employee Fidelity Bond in the amount of $600,000 at an annual cost of $2,237.56 for FY14.

Motion carried unanimously.

23.  RENEW TREASURER’S BOND FY14: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Mr. Conway and seconded by Mrs. Fryman that the Board approve the Surety Bond for the Board Treasurer / Director of Business & Finance in the amount of $2,000,000 at an annual cost of $1,454.72 for FY14.

Motion carried unanimously.

24.  APPROVE FRANKFORT CONVENTION CENTER LEASE: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Ms. Sams and seconded by Mr. Conway that the Board approve lease with Frankfort Convention Center and authorize the Superintendent or Superintendent’s designee to sign the contract with Frankfort Convention Center to hold the Scott County High School graduation on May 25, 2013, with a backup date of June 1, 2013.

Motion carried unanimously.

25.  ESTABLISH BANK ACCOUNT – UNITED BANK: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Mr. Conway and seconded by Ms. Holbert that the Board approve the Director of Business and Finance to establish a bank account at United Bank in the name of, and for the benefit of, Scott County Board of Education – SGES Daycare Depository Account and approve the Board Secretary, Patricia Putty and Board Treasurer, Randall Cutright as authorized signors.

Motion carried unanimously.

26.  APPROVE AGREEMENT WITH University of the Cumberlands: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Mr. Conway and seconded by Mrs. Fryman that the Board approval of affiliation agreement with University of the Cumberlands to accept Student Teaching Placements & Field Placements and supervision of student teachers for the 2013-2014 school year.