Contributions to Supreme Court Candidates Escalating in 2002

During the length of one term for Ohio Supreme Court justice, the amount generated by candidates has jumped dramatically. The total raised by all the candidates for justice during the 2002 primary period ($1,941,219) is larger than the total amount raised during all of Election 1996 ($1,375,635).

Ohio Supreme Court Justice candidate Tim Black has raised more money in the first six months of the 2002 campaign ($745,858) than the total amount he generated during Election 2000 ($647,842). Justice Evelyn Lundberg Stratton fast approaches her 1996 total of $476,253 with $439,099 in contributions so far.

The total raised by all candidates in 1998 ($2,731,288) almost doubled the amount raised in 1996 ($1,375,635). It should be noted that the position of Chief Justice was on the ballot, which impacts this increase. Another comparison that might be better is comparing 1996 totals with 2000. During 1996 all candidates for justice generated $1,375,635 and in 2000 $3,118,280, an increase of 44%.

Ohio mirrors the national trend of escalating fundraising. In the 2000 campaign, Supreme Court candidates nationally raised $45.6 million- a 61% increase over 1998 and double the amount raised in 1994 (Goldberg, Holman, & Sanchez, 2002).

Total amounts raised by Ohio Supreme Court candidates
Candidate / ICO/ WL * / Election Year / Total $ Raised
Alice Resnick / I/W / 2000 / $787,836
Terrence O’Donnell / C/L / 2000 / $1,117,044
Deborah Cook / I/W / 2000 / $565,558
Tim Black / C/L / 2000 / $647,842
Thomas Moyer / O/W / 1998 / $871,248
Gary Tyack / O/L / 1998 / $281,417
Paul Pfeifer / I/W / 1998 / $568,569
Ron Suster / C/L / 1998 / $271,094
Francis Sweeney / I/W / 1998 / $530,969
Stephen Powell / C/L / 1998 / $207,991
Andy Douglas / I/W / 1996 / $441,542
Peter Sikora / C/L / 1996 / $34,605
Evelyn Stratton / I/W / 1996 / $476,253
Marianna Bettman / C/L / 1996 / $423,235
*ICO – I=Incumbent, C=Challenger, O=Open Seat
WL – W=Won election, L=Lost election

Special Interests

Almost half of the contributions to justice candidates (48.5%) so far this year are from lobbyists and lawyers, with a total of $942,433. Labor unions contributed $93,200 or 4.8% during Pre- and Post-Primary.

Maureen O’Connor and Evelyn Stratton received $11,000 so far this year from the Bricker and Eckler Political Action Committee. Brickler and Eckler, LLC represent the Ohio Coalition for Equity and Adequacy in the school funding debate. They are also counsel to the Ohio Alliance for Civil Justice, a tort reform advocacy group. The Political Action Committees (PACs) associated with board members of the Ohio Alliance for Civil Justice contributed $17,600.

Primary Contributions from Board Member Organizations of the Ohio Alliance for Civil Justice to Candidates for the Ohio Supreme Court
Contributor / Amount / Date / Recipient
Ohio Society of CPAs / $5,500 / 6/13/02 / Maureen O’Connor
Ohio Manufacturers Assoc. / $250 / 4/30/02 / Maureen O’Connor
Ohio Manufacturers Assoc. / $5,250 / 6/13/02 / Maureen O’Connor
Ohio Manufacturers Assoc. / $5,500 / 6/13/02 / Evelyn Stratton
Ohio State Medical Assoc. / $5,500 / 4/01/02 / Maureen O’Connor
Ohio State Medical Assoc. / $2,500 / 2/12/02 / Evelyn Stratton
Ohio State Medical Assoc. / $3,000 / 5/20/02 / Evelyn Stratton

*Board members for the Ohio Alliance for Justice are Barbara Benton, Ohio Society of CPAs, Roger Geiger, NFIB/Ohio, Linda Woggon, Ohio Chamber of Commerce, Tim Maglione, Ohio State Medical Association, Greg Vergamini, Ohio Manufacturers Association.

The Ohio Chamber of Commerce and the Citizens for a Strong Ohio made no direct contributions to judicial candidates during this primary period. The business-friendly tort reform group Ohioans for Fair and Independent Judges contributed $1,000 to Evelyn Stratton and $1,000 to Maureen O’Connor.

Political Parties and Money From Other Candidates

So far this year, the candidates for Ohio Supreme Court justices received $165,803 from political party committees and caucuses in Ohio and $23,400 from other candidate committees. Democratic county party committees contributed $5,300 to Tim Black and $800 to Janet Burnside. Republican county party committees contributed $16,850 to Maureen O’Connor and $20,450 to Evelyn Stratton.

Tim Black

Candidate for Ohio Supreme Court Justice

Open Seat

Pre- and Post-Primary Contributions 2002

Total Contributions Received: $745,858

Individuals / PACs / Organizations / Total
/ $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Communications / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Construction / $200 / $0 / $500 / $700
Education, Govt., Retired / $7,850 / $0 / $0 / $7,850
Energy and Environment / $1,000 / $0 / $0 / $1,000
Finance, Real Estate, Ins. / $1,950 / $250 / $0 / $2,200
Health / $3,850 / $0 / $0 / $3,850
Ideological / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Labor / $0 / $23,200 / $48,300 / $71,500
Lobbyists and Lawyers / $271,875 / $164,375 / $58,250 / $494,500
Mfg. & Misc. business / $3,200 / $300 / $0 / $3,500
Transportation / $700 / $0 / $0 / $700
Unknown Economic Sector / $68,858 / $9,125 / $1,000 / $78,983
Subtotal Economic Sectors / $359,483 / $197,250 / $108,050 / $664,783

***Top economic sectors are bolded***

Candidate gave campaign / $0
Political party/candidate / $81,075


/ $745,858

2002 Primary Political Party and Candidate Committee Contributions To Tim Black

1. / Ohio Democratic Party / $75,000
2. / Hamilton County Democratic Party / $4,500
3. / Committee for Janet Jackson / $500
Wood County Democratic Party / $500
4. / Committee to Elect Catherine Barrett / $200
5. / Defiance County Democratic Party / $100
Greene County Democratic Party / $100
Hardin County Democratic Party / $100
6. / Crowley for Council Committee / $50
7. / Tyrone K. Yates for the Ohio House / $25

Based on analysis by the Citizens Policy Center.

Tim Black


Total Contributions Received: $647,842

Top 1999-2000 Organizational Contributors to Tim Black*
1. Nurenberg, Plevin, Heller & McCarthy / $21,000
2. Murray & Murray Co LPA / $16,000
3. Miraldi & Barrett Co LPA / $15,000
Ohio Education Association / $15,000
4. Spangenberg, Shibley and Liber / $13,450
5. Waite, Schneider, Bayless and Chesley / $12,350
*Organizational contributions include contributions from PACs, members and employees
Individuals / PACs / Organizations / Total
/ $1,500 / $0 / $0 / $1,500
Communications / $7,250 / $0 / $0 / $7,250
Construction / $1,550 / $1,550 / $0 / $3,100
Education, Govt., Retired / $27,042 / $650 / $2,600 / $30,292
Energy and Environment / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Finance, Real Estate, Ins. / $8,500 / $0 / $0 / $8,500
Health / $5,125 / $0 / $0 / $5,125
Ideological / $100 / $0 / $0 / $100
Labor / $0 / $93,175 / $0 / $93,175
Lobbyists and Lawyers / $221,478 / $52,250 / $105,700 / $379,428
Mfg. & Misc. business / $2,150 / $0 / $0 / $2,150
Transportation / $125 / $0 / $0 / $125
Unknown Economic Sector / $73,319 / $2,350 / $21,450 / $97,119
Subtotal Economic Sectors / $348,139 / $149,925 / $129,750 / $627,814

***Top economic sectors are bolded***

Candidate gave campaign / $25
Political party/candidate / $20,003


/ $647,842

Based on analysis by the Citizens Policy Center.

Maureen O’Connor

Candidate for Ohio Supreme Court Justice

Open Seat

Pre-and Post-Primary Contributions 2002

Total Contributions Received: $469,099

Individuals / PACs / Organizations / Total
Agriculture / $590 / $500 / $500 / $1,590
Communications / $700 / $500 / $0 / $1,200
Construction / $18,577 / $3,750 / $1,250 / $23,577
Education, Govt., Retired / $25,603 / $2,500 / $0 / $28,103
Energy and Environment / $15,020 / $3,500 / $8,000 / $26,520
Finance, Real Estate, Ins. / $42,545 / $21,250 / $30,250 / $94,045
Health / $24,675 / $2,000 / $6,500 / $33,175
Ideological / $350 / $5,000 / $0 / $5,350
Labor / $0 / $2,200 / $250 / $2,450
Lobbyists and Lawyers / $20,980 / $9,512 / $26,038 / $56,530
Mfg. & Misc. business / $32,935 / $14,478 / $11,350 / $58,763
Transportation / $6,615 / $3,000 / $250 / $9,865
Unknown Economic Sector / $31,850 / $2,450 / $11,775 / $46,075
Subtotal Economic Sectors / $220,440 / $70,640 / $96,163 / $387,243

***Top economic sectors are bolded***

Candidate gave campaign
/ $0
Political party/candidate / $81,856


/ $469,099

2002 Primary Political Party/Candidate Committee

Contributions to Maureen O’Connor

1. / Ohio Republican Party / $40,856
2. / Hamilton County Republican Party / $15,000
3. / Montgomery Campaign Committee / $5,500
Taft for Governor / $5,500
4. / Ohio House Republican Campaign Committee / $5,000
5. / Citizens for Jim Petro / $3,500
6. / LaTourette for Congress / $2,000
7. / Wayne County Republican Party / $1,850
8. / Citizens for Gillmor / $1,000
Pryce for Congress / $1,000
9. / Boosters for Ehrnfelt / $250
Weingart Committee / $250
10. / Brayshaw for County Engineer Committee / $100

Based on analysis by the Citizens Policy Center.

Janet Burnside

Candidate for Ohio Supreme Court Justice


Pre- and Post Primary Contributions 2002

Total Contributions Received: $287,163
Individuals / PACs / Organizations / Total
Agriculture / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Communications / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Construction / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Education, Govt., Retired / $4,830 / $0 / $0 / $4,830
Energy and Environment / $250 / $0 / $0 / $250
Finance, Real Estate, Ins. / $500 / $0 / $0 / $500
Health / $900 / $0 / $0 / $900
Ideological / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Labor / $50 / $5,250 / $13,950 / $19,250
Lobbyists and Lawyers / $141,076 / $47,400 / $54,700 / $243,176
Mfg. & Misc. business / $1,075 / $0 / $0 / $1,075
Transportation / $100 / $0 / $0 / $100
Unknown Economic Sector / $11,235 / $1,900 / $1,250 / $14,385
Subtotal Economic Sectors / $160,016 / $54,550 / $69,900 / $284,466

***Top economic sectors are bolded***

Candidate gave campaign / $0
Political party/candidate / $2,697


/ $287,163

Political party/candidate committee contributions

to Janet Burnside

1. / Ohio Democratic Party / $1,547
2. / Wood County Democratic Party / $500
3. / Defiance County Democratic Party / $100
Friends of Eric Fingerhut / $100
Greene County Democratic Party / $100
Hardin County Democratic Party / $100
Linde Hurst Webb for Judge Committee / $100
4. / Friends of Bill Denihan / $50
Jasper for Judge Committee / $50
Friends of William Mason / $50

Based on analysis by the Citizens Policy Center.

Evelyn Lundberg Stratton

Candidate for Ohio Supreme Court Justice


Pre-and Post-Primary Contributions 2002

Total Contributions Received: $439,099

Individuals / PACs / Organizations / Total
Agriculture / $600 / $500 / $0 / $1,100
Communications / $1,650 / $150 / $500 / $2,300
Construction / $10,725 / $6,000 / $650 / $17,375
Education, Govt., Retired / $18,046 / $2,500 / $50 / $20,596
Energy and Environment / $25,750 / $8,200 / $2,300 / $36,250
Finance, Real Estate, Ins. / $34,575 / $9,000 / $53,075 / $96,650
Health / $3,450 / $3,000 / $3,000 / $9,450
Ideological / $300 / $0 / $0 / $300
Labor / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Lobbyists and Lawyers / $82,652 / $34,025 / $31,550 / $148,227
Mfg. & Misc. business / $11,950 / $6,700 / $7,500 / $26,150
Transportation / $3,025 / $650 / $0 / $3,675
Unknown Economic Sector / $25,776 / $10,450 / $11,500 / $47,726
Subtotal Economic Sectors / $218,499 / $81,175 / $110,125 / $409,799

***Top economic sectors are bolded***

Candidate gave campaign / $0
Political party/candidate / $29,300


/ $439,099

2002 Primary Political Party/Candidate Committee

Contributions to Evelyn Stratton

1. / Hamilton County Republican Judicial Campaign Fund / $15,000
2. / Taft for Governor / $5,500
3. / Columbiana County Republican Party / $4,450
4. / Pryce for Congress / $1,000
5. / Darke County Republican Party / $500
Union County Republican Party / $500
Weingart Committee / $500
6. / Allen for Prosecutor / $275
Committee to Elect Blessing / $275
Jim Cissell for Clerk of Courts Committee / $275
7. / Committee for Larry Flowers / $250
8. / Citizens for Gardner / $200
9. / Committee to Elect Representative Willamowski / $100
Hitchcock for Treasurer / $100
10. / Campaign for the Election of James Hoops / $50
Committee to Elect Rhonda Eddy for Treasurer / $50

Based on analysis by the Citizens Policy Center

Evelyn Lundberg Stratton


Total Contributions Received: $476,253

1995-1996 Top Organizational Contributors to Evelyn Stratton*
1. / Committee to Re-Elect Stratton / $22,668
2. / Jacobson, Maynard, Tuschman / $20,000
3. / Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue / $10,100
4. / PIE Mutual Insurance / $8,250
5. / Vorys Sater Seymour & Pease / $8,100
*Organizational contributions include contributions from PACs, members and employees.
Individuals / PACs / Organizations / Total
Agriculture / $2,750 / $3,350 / $0 / $6,100
Communications / $450 / $2,000 / $0 / $2,450
Construction / $8,775 / $500 / $0 / $9,275
Education, Govt., Retired / $8,725 / $0 / $0 / $8,725
Energy and Environment / $3,475 / $7,750 / $0 / $11,225
Finance, Real Estate, Ins. / $82,560 / $29,420 / $850 / $112,830
Health / $7,535 / $4,000 / $0 / $11,535
Ideological / $225 / $0 / $0 / $225
Labor / $0 / $10,000 / $0 / $10,000
Lobbyists & Lawyers / $97,370 / $46,550 / $19,399 / $163,319
Mfg. & Misc. business / $25,525 / $10,300 / $0 / $35,825
Transportation / $3,300 / $3,750 / $0 / $7,050
Unknown Economic Sector / $60,411 / $125 / $150 / $60,686
Subtotal Economic Sectors / $301,101 / $117,745 / $20,399 / $439,245

***Top economic sectors are bolded***

Candidate gave campaign / $0
Political party/candidate / $37,008


/ $476,253

Based on analysis by the Citizens Policy Center.

Campaign Contributions to Candidates

for Justice for Ohio Supreme Court

Pre-Primary Report (1/1-4/17/02)

From January 1- April 17, 2002, Political Action Committees (PACs), individuals and organizations contributed $1,120,877 to the four candidates for justice of the Ohio Supreme Court.

Candidate / Party / Seat / Total Amount Received
Janet Burnside / Democrat / Challenger / $191,502
Evelyn Lundberg Stratton / Republican / Incumbent / $255,285
Tim Black / Democrat / Open / $545,133
Maureen O’Connor / Republican / Open / $128,957


/ $1,120,877

Top Pre-Primary Contributors by Organization

The top ten organizational contributors are lawyers and lobbyists:

Murray & Murray Co, LPA / $50,000
Nurenberg, Plevin, Heller & McCarthy Co, LPA / $46,000
Clark, Perdue, Roberts & Scott Co, LPA / $27,000
Scanlon & Gearinger Co, LPA / $25,300
Jeffries, Kube, Forrest & Monteleone, Co, LPA / $22,000
Miraldi & Barrett Co, LPA / $21,000
Becker & Mishkind / $20,700
Allen Schulman & Associates / $19,800
Spangenberg, Shibley & Liber / $17,900
Okey Law Firm, LPA / $16,500

Pre-Primary Contributions by Economic Sectors

Janet Burnside received the majority of her contributions from “lawyers and lobbyists.”

Evelyn Stratton received the majority of her contributions from “lawyers and lobbyists.”

Tim Black received the majority of his contributions from “lawyers and lobbyists.”

Maureen O’Connor received the majority of her contributions from “finance, real estate, and insurance.”

Majority of Contributions from Individual Donors During Pre-Primary

All candidates received the majority of their contributions from individual givers:

Janet Burnside received 60% from individuals, receiving $115,455.

Evelyn Lundberg Stratton received 47% from individuals, receiving $120,535.

Tim Black received 59% from individuals, receiving $319,133.

Maureen O’Connor received 47% from individuals, receiving $60,195.

During the Pre-Primary period, Evelyn Lundberg Stratton received $17,800 from the Republican Party (of which, $15,000 came from the Hamilton County Republican Judicial Campaign) making her the candidate that received the most money from political parties.

Tim Black received $168,250 from Political Action Committees and unions making him the candidate with the most PAC money during the Pre-Primary.

Tim Black

Candidate for Ohio Supreme Court Justice

Open Seat

Pre-Primary Report 2002

Total Contributions Received: $545,133

Top 2002 Pre-Primary Organizational Contributors to Tim Black*
1. Scanlon & Gearinger Co LPA / $25,300
2. Murray & Murray Co LPA / $25,000
Nurenberg, Plevin, Heller & McCarthy / $25,000
3. Clark, Perdue, Roberts & Scott / $21,500
4. Okey Law Firm / $16,500
5. Williams, Jilek, Lafferty, Gallagher & Scott / $15,500
*Organizational contributions include contributions from PACs, members and employees
Individuals / PACs / Organizations / Total
/ $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Communications / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Construction / $200 / $0 / $500 / $700
Education, Govt., Retired / $6,500 / $0 / $0 / $6,500
Energy and Environment / $1,000 / $0 / $0 / $1,000
Finance, Real Estate, Ins. / $1,750 / $250 / $0 / $2,000
Health / $2,600 / $0 / $0 / $2,600
Ideological / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Labor / $0 / $0 / $48,300 / $48,300
Lobbyists and Lawyers / $243,150 / $158,875 / $6,500 / $408,525
Mfg. & Misc. business / $3,200 / $0 / $0 / $3,200
Transportation / $700 / $0 / $0 / $700
Unknown Economic Sector / $60,033 / $9,125 / $1,000 / $70,158
Subtotal Economic Sectors / $319,133 / $168,250 / $56,300 / $543,683

***Top Economic Sectors are in Bold***

Candidate gave campaign / $0
Political party/candidate / $1,450


/ $545,133

Based on analysis by the Citizens Policy Center.

Top 2002 Pre-Primary Individual Contributors to Tim Black
Individual / Employer / Amount
Beverly Becker / Becker & Mishkind / $2,220
Michael Becker / Becker & Mishkind / $2,200
Richard Berris / Weisman, Goldberg & Weisman / $2,200
Richard Boyce /
Law Offices of Richard Boyce
/ $2,200
Maura Bozzelli / Scanlon & Gearinger Co, LPA / $2,200
Ellen Brodhead / Spangenberg, Shibley & Liber / $2,200
Peter Brodhead / Spangenberg, Shibley & Liber / $2,200
Henry Chamberlain / Weisman, Goldberg & Weisman / $2,200
Michael Delmedico / Scanlon & Gearinger Co, LPA / $2,200
Joseph Domiano / Friedman, Domiano & Smith / $2,200
Julie Domiano / Friedman, Domiano & Smith / $2,200
Jeffrey Friedman / Friedman, Domiano & Smith / $2,200
Patrick Hart / Scanlon & Gearinger Co, LPA / $2,200
William Hawal / Spangenberg, Shibley & Liber / $2,200
Deborah Helmer / Helmer, Martins & Morgan Co, LPA / $2,200
James Helmer, Jr. / Helmer, Martins & Morgan Co, LPA / $2,200
Mark Hilkert / Scanlon & Gearinger Co, LPA / $2,200
John Hill / Spangenberg, Shibley & Liber / $2,200
Stacie Hoppel / Allen Schulman &Associates / $2,200
Michael Kelley / Kelley & Ferraro, LLP / $2,200
Mark Kitrick / Mark Kitric Co, LPA / $2,200
Larry Klein / Klein & Carney Co, LPA / $2,200
William Lamkin / Lamkin ,Van Eman, Trimble, Beals & Rourke / $2,200
John Lancione / Lancione & Lancione / $2,200
Kim Lansdowne / Spangenberg, Shibley & Liber / $2,200
Gerald Leeseberg / Leeseberg & Valentine / $2,200
Jeffrey Maloon / Jeffrey L. Maloon Co, LPA / $2,200
Lesa Maloon / Jeffrey L. Maloon Co, LPA / $2,200
Richard Nicodemo / Okey Law Firm, LPA / $2,200
Mark Okey / Okey Law Firm, LPA / $2,200
Steven Okey / Okey Law Firm, LPA / $2,200
Carol Ray / Frank A. Ray Co, LPA / $2,200
Julia Rourke / Lamkin, Van Eman, Trimble, Beals & Rourke / $2,200
Michael Rourke / Lamkin, Van Eman, Trimble, Beals & Rourke / $2,200
Robert Royer / Scanlon & Gearinger Co, LPA / $2,200
Robert Rutter / Rutter & Russin / $2,200
Timothy Saylor / Allen Schulman &Associates / $2,200
John Scanlon / Scanlon & Gearinger Co / $2,200
Timothy Scanlon / Scanlon & Gearinger Co / $2,200
Allen Schulman / Allen Schulman &Associates / $2,200
M. Smith / Friedman, Domiano & Smith / $2,200
Frank Todaro / Ray Todaro & Alton Co, LPA / $2,200
Anne Valentine / Leeseberg & Valentine / $2,200
Timothy Van Eman / Lamkin, Van Eman, Trimble, Beals & Rourke / $2,200
Christopher Van Blargan / Allen Schulman &Associates / $2,200
Scott Washam / Okey Law Firm, LPA / $2,200
Peter Weinberger / Spangenberg, Shibley & Liber / $2,200
Brian Wilson / Okey Law Firm LPA / $2,200

Maureen O’Connor

Candidate for Ohio Supreme Court Justice

Open Seat

Pre-Primary Report 2002

Total Contributions Received: $128,957

Top 2002 Pre-Primary Organizational Contributors to Maureen O’Connor*
1. FirstEnergy / $7,700
2. Motorists Mutual Insurance / $7,675
3. Citigroup Inc / $5,500
CNA Financial Corporation / $5,500
Hartford Insurance / $5,500
Ohio State Medical Association / $5,500
Westfield Companies / $5,500
Grange Mutual Casualty Co / $5,500
4. Cintas / $4,400
5. Bricker & Eckler / $2,712
*Organizational contributions include contributions from PACs, members and employees
Individuals / PACs / Organizations / Total
Agriculture / $365 / $0 / $500 / $865
Communications / $600 / $0 / $0 / $600
Construction / $1,345 / $0 / $500 / $1,845
Education, Govt., Retired / $9,575 / $0 / $0 / $9,575
Energy and Environment / $2,320 / $0 / $6,000 / $8,320
Finance, Real Estate, Ins. / $12,120 / $10,500 / $28,250 / $50,870
Health / $1,635 / $0 / $6,500 / $8,135
Ideological / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Labor / $0 / $0 / $250 / $250
Lobbyists and Lawyers / $7,180 / $8,162 / $250 / $15,592
Mfg. & Misc. business / $8,860 / $0 / $500 / $9,360
Transportation / $965 / $0 / $250 / $1,215
Unknown Economic Sector / $15,230 / $250 / $6,250 / $21,730
Subtotal Economic Sectors / $60,195 / $18,912 / $49,250 / $128,357

***Top Economic Sectors are in Bold***

Candidate gave campaign
/ $0
Political party/candidate / $600


/ $128,957

Based on analysis by the Citizens Policy Center.

Top 2002 Pre-Primary Individual Contributors to Maureen O’Connor
Contributor / Employer / Amount
1. / Anthony Alexander / FirstEnergy / $2,200
William Drackett / Diamond D Investments / $2,200
Joyce Farmer / Cintas / $2,200
Richard Farmer / Cintas / $2,200
J. Reese / Reese, Pyle, Drake & May / $2,200
2. / Charles Booher / Simplified Business Solutions / $1,000
Richard Pogue / Dix & Eaton / $1,000
Susan Starr / Watson Wyatt Worldwide / $1,000
3. / Rodney Belden / O.E. Meyer Co. / $500
John Bishop / Motorist Mutual Insurance / $500
Diane Delawder / Park National Bank / $500
Nancy Dix / Dix Communications / $500
John Grisham / Keller Group / $500
Donald Hoovler / Hoovler Financial & Insurance / $500
Katherin Leveque / Leveque Enterprises / $500
Vail Miller / Heidelberg Distributing / $500
John Sawyer / J. Sawyer Company / $500
Thomas Schervish / Stark Management Services / $500
Margaret Schott / Schottco Corporation / $500
John Steele, Sr. / Hilltop Basic Resources / $500
Margaret Wong / Margaret W. Wong & Associates, LPA / $500
Jack Youngs / Bi-Com Services / $500

Based on analysis by the Citizens Policy Center.

Janet Burnside

Candidate for Ohio Supreme Court


Pre-Primary Report 2002

Total Contributions Received: $191,502

Top 2002 Pre-Primary Organizational Contributors to Janet Burnside*
1. Murray & Murray Co. LPA / $25,000
2. Nurenberg, Plevin, Heller & McCarthy / $21,000
3. Becker & Mishkind / $12,250
4. Jeffries, Kube, Forrest & Monteleone / $11,000
5. Spangenberg, Shibley & Liber / $6,900
*Organizational contributions include contributions from PACs, members and employees
Individuals / PACs / Organizations / Total
Agriculture / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Communications / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Construction / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Education, Govt., Retired / $4,330 / $0 / $0 / $4,330
Energy and Environment / $250 / $0 / $0 / $250
Finance, Real Estate, Ins. / $500 / $0 / $0 / $500
Health / $400 / $0 / $0 / $400
Ideological / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Labor / $50 / $0 / $13,950 / $14,000
Lobbyists and Lawyers / $100,050 / $47,400 / $9,200 / $156,650
Mfg. & Misc. business / $1,075 / $0 / $0 / $1,075
Transportation / $100 / $0 / $0 / $100
Unknown Economic Sector / $8,700 / $1,900 / $1,000 / $11,600
Subtotal Economic Sectors / $115,455 / $49,300 / $24,150 / $188,905

***Top Economic Sectors are in Bold***

Candidate gave campaign / $0
Political party/candidate / $2,597


/ $191,502

Based on analysis by the Citizens Policy Center.

Top 2002 Pre-Primary Individual Contributors to Janet Burnside



1. /
Beverly Becker
Becker & Mishkind
/ $2,200
Michael Becker / Becker & Mishkind / $2,200
Larry Klein / Klein & Carney Co, LPA / $2,200
John G. Lancione / Lancione & Lancione / $2,200
John Lancione, Jr. / Lancione & Lancione / $2,200
Kim Lansdowne / Spangenberg, Shibley & Liber / $2,200
Robert Linton, Jr. / Linton & Hirshman / $2,200
Peter Weinberger / Spangenberg, Shibley & Liber / $2,200
2. / Charles Murray / Murray & Murray Co, LPA / $2,191
Dennis Murray, Jr. / Murray & Murray Co, LPA / $2,191
Dennis Murray, Sr. / Murray & Murray Co, LPA / $2,191
James Murray / Murray & Murray Co, LPA / $2,191
John Murray
/ Murray & Murray Co, LPA / $2,191
Michael Murray / Murray & Murray Co, LPA / $2,191
Patrick Murray / Murray & Murray Co, LPA / $2,191
Thomas Murray / Murray & Murray Co, LPA / $2,191
3. / Richard Demsey / Nurenberg, Plevin, Heller & McCarthy Co, LPA / $2,000
David Forrest
Jeffries, Kube, Forrest & Monteleone Co, LPA
/ $2,000
Harlan Gordon
Nurenberg, Plevin, Heller & McCarthy Co, LPA
/ $2,000
William Jacobson
Nurenberg, Plevin, Heller & McCarthy Co, LPA
/ $2,000
Jamie Lebovitz / Nurenberg, Plevin, Heller & McCarthy Co, LPA / $2,000
Jeffrey Leikin /
Nurenberg, Plevin, Heller & McCarthy Co, LPA
/ $2,000
Thomas Mester /
Nurenberg, Plevin, Heller & McCarthy Co, LPA
/ $2,000
J. Michael Monteleone /
Jeffries, Kube, Forrest & Monteleone Co, LPA
/ $2,000
David Paris /

Nurenberg, Plevin, Heller & McCarthy Co, LPA