Cardinal Ridge Elementary School
Student Behavior Management Guidelines
August 2016
Hallway / Stairs / Cafeteria / Playground / Bathroom / Arrival / Dismissal / BusRespect Yourself / I will:
- keep my hands to myself
- use walking feet
- keep myhand on the rail
- use walking feet and each step
- stay seated
- keep my hands to myself
- raise my hand to ask for help
- play safely
- walk into and out of the building
- stay in the recess boundaries
- wash my hands with soap and water and use paper towel to dry them
- use a quiet voice
- go to my assigned area when arriving
- use a quiet voice
- go to my assigned area after school
- stay seated
- Face forward
Respect Others / I will:
- walk quietly
- walk in a straight single file line
- walk on the right side
- walk quietly
- walk in a straight single file line
- eat only my own food
- stay in my seat
- use quiet voices
- line up quietly
- keep my hands and feet to myself
- play fair and think of others
- enter and leave quietly
- give others privacy
- quietly move through hallways, cafeteria and stairway
- stay in line and listen for the teachers’directions
- keep my hands to myself
- usea quiet voice
Respect Property / I will:
- keep my hands to myself at my side
- avoid items hanging on the wall
- keep my hands to myself
- clean up my trash from the table and the floor
- keep rocks and twigs, on the ground
- use the equipment for the right purpose
- share the recess equipment
- return the recess equipment to its proper place
- place all trash in the trash can
- use only what I need
- report bathroom problems to an adult
- keep my hands and feet to myself
- go directly to the vehicle/ parent or
- not eat or drink on the bus
- keep our bus clean
Behavior Teaching Plan
Teaching respect (for self, towards others and for property) should include what students are to say to others, how students say things and what they look like during the interaction.
Respect Yourself
- Wash your hands
- Example: Model for students: Using one pump of soap, rub your hands together for at least 20 seconds and rinse. Use one paper towel to dry your hands.
- Non-example: Leaving after using the restroom allows germs to spread and creates an unhealthy environment.
Respect Others
- Give others privacy
- Example: When you go into the restroom, stay focused on taking care of yourself and your needs. Return to the classroom quickly.
- Non-example: Peaking through the cracks, looking over or under the stall.
- Enter and leave quietly
- Example: Voices should be off in the restroom.
- Non-example: Talking to classmates or other students, singing, humming.
- Flush the toilet
- Example: After you are finished, make sure the toilet has flushed.
- Non Example: Leaving and not flushing.
Respect Property
- Keep water and paper towels off the floor
- Example: When you wash your hands, turn the water on just enough to get a steady flow. Keep your hands over the sink. When drying your hands, use one paper towel.
- Non-example: Splashing in the water, shaking off hands, turning water on to high, using too many paper towels, throwing paper on the floor.
- Keep paper towels off the ceiling, the floor and the mirrors
- Example: When you have finished drying your hands, throw your paper towel into the trashcan.
Respect Yourself
- Keep hands on the railing
- Model the correct way – hands on the railing with balance. Stress that students are less likely to trip using those steps.
- Non-Example: hands are on others while walking up/down the staircase
- Use walking feet on each step
- Example: Take the steps one at a time, don’t skip a step. You are less likely to fall and hurt yourself and others;
- Non-Example: taking the steps 2 or 3 at a time; running
Respect Others
- Stay to the right
- Example: Redwings stay to the right to allow traffic to pass in the other direction. Staying to the right means you will be close to the railing; Show an example on the promethean board of the traffic flow.
- Non-Example: walking in the middle of the staircase
Respect Property
- Use railing to hold for balance
- Example: Redwings guide their hand on the railing without pulling
- Nonexample: pulling railing away from wall or sitting and sliding down railing
Respect Yourself
- Keep your Hands To Yourself
- Have students practice walking in the hallway with their hands placed nicely by their sides or hands in their pockets
- Explain to students that they are not to touch other students or the walls in the hallway
- For K-2 have students use the saying “Hips and Lips” when this cue is giving the students will practice placing one hand on their hip and a finger over their lips
- Non-Examples: Touching the walls, and touching classmates
- Use Walking Feet
- Model for students what walking in the hall looks like
- Have students practice walking in the hallway as a whole class.
- Use the phrase walking with the students
- Non-Examples: Running, jumping, and skipping,
Respect Others
- Voices off
- Explain to students that they must not talk in the hallway because it is a distraction to the other classes that are not transitioning.
- Practice walking in the hallway without talking
- Model what voices off sounds and looks like in the hallway and what it does not look like in the hallway
- Non-Examples: Yelling, screaming and talking to others
Respect Property
- Stay Right
- Make the students aware of the visual on the floor that will help remind them where to walk
- Practice walking in the hallway in a straight line as a class using the visual to help make sure they stay to the right and stay straight
- Explain to the students the importance of not touching the wall and walking orderly in the hallway during transitions
Non-Examples: Not following the visual on the floor, walking on the left side of the hallway, not walking one behind the other and touching the walls
Respect Yourself:
- Stay Seated
- Example: Once you find a seat on the bus, you sit down and you do not stand or move until the bus comes to a complete stop at the location you get off the bus.
- Non-example: I sit down and at a stop one student gets off the bus. I move to the empty seat to sit by my friend.
- Face Forward
- Example: When I sit down on the bus seat, I place my book bag on my lap and face the back of the seat in front of me with my legs in front.
- Non-example: I want to talk to a friend behind me. I turn around and lean into the aisle to speak with him or her.
Respect Others:
- Hands to Yourself
- Example: When I ride on the bus, I do not touch any other students.
- Non-example: Another student accidently steps on my foot - I push the other student.
- Use quiet voices
- Example: When I am on the bus, I speak to students sitting in the same seat with me in a quiet tone.
- Non-example: I want to say something to my friend at the front of the bus so I yell to get his or her attention.
Respect Property:
- No eating of drinking on the bus
- Example: I keep my lunch in my lunch box until it is time for snack or lunch at school.
- Non-example: I didn’t eat breakfast, I decide to take a snack out of my lunch box. While I am eating, I start to choke. OR I get on the bus to go to school and when I get up I have something sticky all over me. It is food that someone else got all over the seat on the bus and now it is on me.
Respect Yourself:
- Stay Seated and keep your hands to yourself
- Example: Once you have found a seat remain seated the entire time you have lunch. Keep your hands on your own food only, and raise your hand if you need assistance with something.
- Non-example: Yelling out for assistance, getting up to get utensils, getting up to leave for the restroom, touching others’ foods
Respect Others:
- Line up quietly, no sharing of food, hands and feet to self, don’t speak with food in your mouth.
- Example: Have a routine and place to line up silently when called by hostess or teacher and wait to go back to the hall; keep food to self and do not share- be aware of allergies and the danger this can cause; chew food before speaking to a neighbor; keep bottom f your seat and feet on the floor at all times.
- Non-example: Someone asks me a question while I am chewing and I answer before swallowing; under the table. Running to line when you see your teacher, playing around while waiting in line, yelling out to other tables in the cafeteria, trading food items with friends, taking others’ food, shoving those sitting near you.
Respect Property:
- Clean up after yourself
- Example: When you finish eating, be sure to pick up everything you had, including crumbs and messes from foods and trash, and dispose of it when called by the hostess; if there is a large spill, raise your hand immediately to ask for assistance or napkins.
- Non-example: Leaving trash for the hostess to pick up, crumbs on the floor and table, saying “it’s not mine”, spilling something and not asking for help to clean up, jumping out of your seat to throw away trash before being called.
Respect Yourself:
- I will play safely.
- Example: Not pushing or playing tag games, proper use of equipment to be demonstrated by classroom teacher as well as the P.E. department. Students will walk quietly in and out of the building.
- Non-example: hitting, kicking, tripping, and blocking students on the equipment. Students will not run, talk, or be loud when entering or exiting the building towards the playground.
Respect Others:
- I will show good sportsmanship.
- Example: Include all the students that are interested in playing a game. Do not leave anyone out. Share the equipment, take turns.
- Non-example: Telling someone No they cannot play with you. Not playing fair, using unkind words. Discuss with class.
- I will include others.
- Example: Ask everyone if they want to play.
- Non-example: Telling someone they cannot play or that they cannot use/go to the equipment. Cutting in line of other students waiting for a turn on the equipment ie: share jump ropes, balls, etc.
Respect Property:
- I will use equipment properly.
- Example: Share, take turns, follow the flow of taking turns, and return any borrow recess equipment.
- Non-example: Swinging jump ropes. Using any of the equipment for something other than the purpose it was intended for. **WHEN WE HAVE A PLAYGROUND EXAMPLE: Going up the slide when someone is waiting to go down. Hanging upside down on the monkey bars. Mishandling of equipment borrowed for recess.
- I will return any recess equipment brought out that does not belong to our class.
- Example: If you class borrows something from the recess bins please return. If you see something that has been brought out and not returned please return even if it is not yours.
- Non-example: Leaving it out assuming another class will clean it up. Breaking or destruction of property.
- I will stay within the recess boundaries.
- Example: Please show your class the safe playing area during recess time.
- Non-example: Students will not be going up onto the track or the surrounding area.
Respect Yourself:
- I will go my assigned area when arriving.
- Example: Student leaves vehicle and walks in school building, directly to area where they need to go (cafeteria for breakfast then to homeroom class or directly to homeroom class)
- Non-example: walking around school to areas where students should not go or to visit with friends in other areas
Respect Others:
- I will quietly move through hallways, cafeteria and stairways.
- Example: Student walks quietly to cafeteria to get breakfast then goes to homeroom class to begin day.
- Non-example: Pushing, touching, kicking, or hitting other students and yelling or speaking loudly while traveling to assigned area.
Respect Property:
- I will keep my hands and feet to myself.
- Example: Student will have eyes forward,walking slowly, with hands and feet to self, holding doors for others
- Non-example: Touching walls and property while walking through the building and in cafeteria
Respect Yourself:
- I will go to my assigned area after school.
- Example; Student stays in line with class until arriving at dismissal destination
- Non-example: Student goes to different area instead of dismissal destination (wrong bus, wrong room) and cannot be located by school staff
Respect Others:
- I will stay in line and listen for teacher directions.
- Example: Student listens for teacher to direct them to their dismissal destination while remaining in line with peers.
- Non-example: Student walks to bus/van/car or to parent/guardianalone and without permission from teacher.
Respect Property:
- I will go to vehicle or parent/guardian from the class line
- Example: Student gets to parent/guardian or in vehicle, sits down, and waits to leave
- Non-example: Student runs to the vehicle or parent/guardian and stands up when getting to seat or runs away from adult
Behaviors that:
Do not require involvement of an administrator
Do not significantly violate rights of others
Do not appear chronic /
- Refusing to follow directions
- Yelling/crying
- Talking at inappropriate times
- Refusing to do class work
- Not paying attention in class
- Making inappropriate noises
Verbal warning
Student conference (in hall/class)
In class modified seating /
- Inform the student of the rule violated
- Describe and model the expected behavior
- Contact the parent only if necessary
- Debrief and reteach school-wide behavioral expectations
- Keep Anecdotal records
Definition / Example / Suggested Interventions / Procedures
Behaviors that:
Significantly violate the right of others
Put others at risk or harm
Are chronic Level One behaviors /
- Arguing with teacher/talking back
- Throwing materials on the floor
- Talking on a regular basis
- Refusing to follow directions on a regular basis
- Continued use of inappropriate language
Referral to Guidance Counselor
Phone call home /
- Inform the student of the rule violated
- Describe and model expected behavior
- Notify administrator
- Contact parent
Definition / Example / Suggested Interventions / Procedures
Behaviors that:
Violate student’s Rights and Responsibilities policies
Violate Virginia state policies or laws
Are chronic Level Two behaviors /
- See list in SR&R Handbook
- Severe or chronic physical aggression-towards self, others, or property
- Possession of weapons or look-alikes
- Severe verbal aggression-threats, harassment, racial, ethnic, religious, or sexual slurs
- Leaving assigned areas/running from class
- Drawing pictures that illustrate violent behaviors toward others
Parent/Student/Teacher Conference
Student/Teacher/Administrator Conference /
- Inform the student of the rule violated
- Describe expected behavior to student
- Complete Office referral
- Call the office to notify an administrator; Student will be escorted to the office by administration, not sent with other students
- Attach any relevant documentation
- Administrator contacts parent
Responsibilities for Teachers:
- Model, model, model these behaviors for your students.
- Teach the expectations
- Role play scenarios in each of the hot spot areas indicated on your matrix.
- Review transitions and routes in and out of the building.
- What will be your “signal” for them to come in from recess?
- Who is responsible for the recess equipment? Does each student have an assigned duty? Where will they line up? Which doors will your class use?
- Teach and reteach the behaviors every time.
Rewards / Consequences
- Privilege jar
- Help teacher present lesson/create assignment
- Teacher’s helper for the following week
- Read aloud to class
- Create poster for hall/door/classroom that displays the accomplishment/good behavior in a creative way and tells about the student
- Lunch/movie with friend and teacher
- Homework pass
- Decorate desk/chair for the following week
- Extra time on computer (school acceptable sites/learning games/draw/paint in pixie)
- Create something to add to a class “accomplishment collage” to build up for a student to win at the end of the year
- Have a plain “background” on desk that students can earn stickers/collage paper/use construction paper to create something each week a goal is accomplished. Make a new background for each quarter that they may take home and start fresh each quarter.
- Have a class stuffed animal- student gets chance to take the animal home for the weekend and write in a journal about their adventures/add pictures to build a book on the animal for the year.
- Add point to class Dojo if applicable
- Be line leader or caboose
- Positive note home to parents
- Redirection of behavior
- Warn and reteach
- Think time
- Assigned seating at lunch (silent lunch)
- Student Behavior chart color change
- Loss of a privilege (preferred activity)
- Seat Change
- Take point from Class Dojo, if applicable
- Student/Teacher conference
- Note home to parent
- Phone call home to parent
- Conference with parent
- Office referral
Cardinal Ridge PBIS Rewards/Consequences