Annual General Meeting 23rd March 2009

Held at Chartham Village Hall

Who came to the meeting? / Who said that they could not come?
Jo Kidd } Directors and
Peter Calcutt } Joint Chair
Annie Metcalfe (Director)
Sylvia Scott (Director)
Chris Geary (Skillnet Accountant)
Venetia Carpenter (Company Secretary) / Alaine Bunce (Director)
Michelle Thorne
Alan Jones
Sue Carmichael
David Towell
John Cox
Christine Burke
Jeff Smith
Sheelagh Smith
Sue Peach
Michelle Huggins
Debbie Jewsbury
Laura Maude
Delyse Hayward
Lis Clayson
Peter Bland
Steve Perry
Jamie Forrester
David Robinson
Gez Norton
Birgitte Perdios
John Garland
Elvis Cudjoe
Di Lovecchio
Louise Jones
Chris Jennings
Terry Thompson
Gill Cross
Gillian Emans (Minutes) / Sam Carrier
Richard Carrier
Jamie Flaherty
Maureen Friend
Julie Wilkins
Karly Ratcliffe (Christchurch student)
Emily Alcoran (Christchurch student)
Joy Butcher
David Rawling
Trevor Sakuringwa
Linda Chapman
Trevor chapman
Jo Poynter
Des Sowerby
Marianne Drawater
Dan Edney
Sheryl Savva
Neil Fullilove

Welcome, Introductions and Apologies

Jo Kidd (Joint Chair) welcomed everyone then led the introductions and apologies for people who could not get to the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Speaking Up Group

Neil and Peter gave an interesting presentation on Speaking Up Group work and then there was a time for questions and answers.

The Money

Delyse gave a presentation about Skillnet Group’s money:

Money In –

April 2007 to March 2008

Donations and Grants £116,357.00

Money for Support and Projects £451,763.00


Interest Received £ 1,018.00

Total in: £569,138.00

Money Out

April 2007 to March 2008

Salaries and other Supporter costs £513,528.00

Rent paid out £ 32,632.00

Other running costs including:-

·  stationery, phones, insurance,

electricity and gas £ 54,952.00

Total out: £601,112.00

Money we are owed as at the end of February 2009: £123,260.00

Delyse explained that we have money ring-fenced for some projects, so when we receive funding to be spent over two or more years, sometimes this is carried forward into another financial year.

Des (Kent Partnership Board) said that this showed that Skillnet Group uses every last penny well and does useful things with it.

Chris Geary congratulated Jo and Delyse for using the money so wisely and effectively.

Jo and Delyse both thanked Chris for all of his help.

The Year Ahead

Jo talked about our priorities for the next 18 months:

  • Working together to develop communities, especially supporting more people to have real, paid work.
  • Speaking up and campaigning about human rights.
  • One Vision musical tour – we have 5 tour dates for the next year or so.
  • Criminal Justice – making sure people being treated fairly.
  • West Track Studios in Canterbury. We want to make this something the whole community is involved with. The launch date is 21st May, from 3pm onwards. Ben Mills and other local Canterbury bands will be performing. The website will be going live at the end of March.
  • The Pulse – a community cafe and meeting place in Sittingbourne. The Eco Shed is now in there. We are trying to get more funds for the next phase.
  • More people with learning difficulties involved in making big decisions. This will be through:

§  Getting a Life, Transition and Self-Directed Support. People having control over things, including their own budgets, living independently, working and having good social lives – like everyone else.

§  Valuing People Now – all means ALL. We do work with people with high support needs, supporting people to develop their person-centred plans and have better lives. We want to support people to be involved in more things.

§  Jargon Busters – helping other organisations to make things easier to understand. We will soon be launching flyers about this.

  • Having some FUN while we get our message across!

Michelle thanked Jo for her hard work in putting together the Annual Report.

Company Stuff – Directors and Members

Only Members of the Company are Directors. We want to make Decision Team Members (about 20 people) Company Members as well. The Memorandum and Articles of Association are being changed to say this.

Remembering the Past Year

Peter (Joint Chair) introduced a presentation of various slides showing some of the things we had been up to last year.

Eco Shed on the move:

West Track Studios

Work starts on The Pulse

Community Café

One Vision Musical

AGM 2009

A taste of what we do.

There were some questions about the slides – and lots of laughter as we remembered the hard work leading to the good times. Everyone agreed it had been an informative and enjoyable meeting, and they liked the displays of work on the tables around the hall.

Dave (Ashford CIC) congratulated Skillnet Group on a very successful year.

Chris Jennings said that he had seen Skillnet Group go from strength to strength. Everyone agreed.

Jo said that it was great to have so many friends and supporters of the Skillnet Group.

There was no further business so Jo and Peter thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting at 6.45pm.

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Chair Chair