Mauritius Land Survey

Follow up questions for data closing[*]

Question# / Question / Clarification/Uncertainty / Your Comment
16 / What is the statutory maximum duration of a lease (in years) that GlobiCo would be able to obtain? / Some respondents said yes and others said no, Please confirm the answer and provide additional information if possible / The Parliament recently passed a law under Act 14/09 ( July 09) thereby amending the State Land Act where all new leases for industrial and commercial purposes are not allowed to exceed a period of 60 years.
19 / Is there publicly available information about annual lease payment/rent rates? / Some respondents said yes and others said no, Please confirm the answer and provide additional information if possible / Yes the information is available at the Ministry of Land and the Minister has even discretion to reduce the rates,subject to the attractive interest it provides to the country.
34 / Does GlobiCo need permission to sell the land? / Some respondents said yes and others said no, Please confirm the answer and provide additional information if possible / The answer is affirmative
34.1 / If “Yes,” from which authority does GlobiCo need to obtain permission? / The Ministry of Land
45(ii) / Does the land registry in Mauritius
provide information about available land parcels accessible remotely for specific parties (e.g. for notaries)? / Some respondents said yes, others no. Please confirm the answer and provide additional information if possible / There is no cadastre in Mauritius as such and some local authorities are contemplating to establish same. Usually interested parties would spot the desired lands and would address a correspondence to the Ministry of Land as to their availability.
45(iii) / (iii) provide information about available land parcels accessible remotely for specific parties (e.g. for notaries)? / Some respondents said yes and others said no, Please confirm the answer and provide additional information if possible / Please see as above
45(v) / provide information on both the land plots and buildings/physical structures on top of the land? / Some respondents said yes and others said no, Please confirm the answer and provide additional information if possible / Not the case
46 / Is there a cadastre with descriptions of land parcels? If so , please answer questions 47(i) to 47 (iv) / Some respondents said yes, others no. Please confirm the answer and provide additional information if possible / yes
47(i) / Does the cadastre provide information available to everyone (e.g. a public register) on land parcels available for investment? / It would not provide information as the investment availability , it will cater for the zoning for e.g that such place is reserved for Industries, the other for agriculture etc. It does not specify whether the land is available or not. An application should be made to the Town Planning Division of the Ministry which would verify whether the land is available for lease or not.
47(iv) / Does the cadastre provide information on both the land plots and for buildings/physical structures on the land? / It would only specify the location of the land found on a big site plan.
52 / Would you look for information about land if hired by GlobiCo to identify an investment site from the land registry / Some respondents said yes, others no. Please confirm the answer and provide additional information if possible / As explained above, the land should be spotted first, then an application in writing should be made to the ministry which would in return reply as to its availability.
55 / What is the system of recording land rights in your country? / Some respondents said yes, others no. Please confirm the answer and provide additional information if possible / The main registry is found at the Registrar General’s office ( a governmental institution) where all rights are registered. All conveyance of land, sales and inscriptions and transcriptions of rights are registered.
56(v) / Is the following information about the land plot available to GlobiCo?
) mailing address if different from the street address? / Some respondents said yes, others no. Please confirm the answer and provide additional information if possible / The answer is negative.

[*]The following table represents our summation of the responses from all survey respondents, please review the table and provide us with any comments or changes you would make to our analysis. Note these responses will not be the exact responses you gave to us as they may include responses from other individuals who also filled out the survey. Our goal here is to get the most accurate and complete picture of the legal framework in your country. Thank you for your help.