Environmental Science Unit # 3 Ecosystem dynamics
I. What are ecosystems?
Ecosystem – all of the living organisms in a region as well as the nonliving resources in a region
Ecology – the science of studying organisms and their interaction with other organisms and the abiotic world around them.
A. Two major components of ecosystem Biotic + Abiotic
Biotic community – all of the living components of a region
- Biodiversity of the area
Described species =1.4 million
Estimates to 100 million
Archaea – ancient bacteria
Eubacteria – true bacteria
Eukarya – all other gourps
3.5 BYA first bacteria
Evolved 1.5 million years without other organisms
10 X the biomass of all eukaryotes
Important as saprophytes and pathogens
Animals 1.3 Million sp.
Insects – 751,000 sp.
Mollusks – 112,000 sp.
Fish – 29,000 sp.
Amphibians – 6,000 sp.
Reptiles – 8,000 sp
Mammals – 5,500 sp
Plants – 248,400 sp
Fungi – 69,000 sp
Protists – 57,700 sp
Abiotic component – nonliving resources in the area
- Air
- Water
- Soil
- Rock
- Climate
- wind
Biosphere – anywhere on Earth which life can be found
Lithosphere – Upper mantle, rock and soil – 29.2%
Hydrosphere – All regions of Earth with water -70.8%
Polar ice
Water vapor-
Freshwater – 2.12%
- percolating
- aquifers
Saltwater – 68.68%
Inland brackish waters
Atmosphere – Gasses surrounding Earth to 48 km 30 miles
Troposphere – closest to Earth to 17 km 11 miles
Stratosphere – 17-48 km
B. Interactions within an ecosystem
Biotic to biotic
Predator / Prey
Mutualism – both benefit
Commensalism – one helped other unaffected
Parasitism –
Interspecies interactions – between species
Seed dispersal
Parasite reduction
Biological services
Intraspecific interactions - within a species
Biotic to Abiotic
Nutrient cycling
Nest / Den building
Habitat modification - Keystone species – beavers, elephants, bison
Abiotic to biotic
II. How does an ecosystem function?
Ecosystems must have influx of energy and matter.
Energy – Constant influx of solar energy or other high energy source
1st law of thermodynamics
Maximize efficiency but cannot increase overall energy reserve
2nd law of thermodynamics
Reduction of energy quality during use
What happens to energy on Earth?
- Some reflected off atmosphere ~ 34%
- Heat Earth and returned to space as heat leaving atmosphere ~ 66 %
- Little enters food chain via primary productivity ~0.23 %
High Quality Solar Energy Chemical Potential Energy Heat
Natural greenhouse effect – atmospheric gasses CO2, CH4, H2O, NO2, O3
- blanket Earth trapping radiant heat
- allow Earth to be warm enough for life
What happens to matter on Earth?
Matter – Constant cycling of matter through living organisms and back to
abiotic environment
- Law of conservation of mass
- Gravity – holds materials
- particular interest in CHNOPS
Matter linked using energy – Anabolic + Catabolic processes
Aerobic respiration
Anaerobic Respiration
Incorporated into living material
Used as intermediate molecules
Sequestered – moved to rock strata
Fossil fuels
Carbonate rocks – CaCO3
Marine Sediments
Recycled Biogeochemical cycles – decomposition, combustion,
Carbon / Oxygen
III Abiotic components of an ecosystem and ecosystem dynamics
The abiotic components of an ecosystem determine the biotic community
A. Climate – temperature and precipitation
- delineates all terrestrial ecosystems
- determines flora and fauna types
- leads to distinct BIOMES
Biome – region of the Earth containing characteristic biotic community
- Deciduous hardwood forest –
- Taiga – northern coniferous forest
- Desert -
-Tundra –
Often due to latitude
Often due to geography
B. Aquatic life zones – regions of the hydrosphere with different characteristic
life forms
- Factors which change biotic community
- Salinity
- Dissolved oxygen
- Current
- Solar influx
- Turbidity
- Nutrients
- Substrate
- pH
C. Law of tolerance – Biotic members of a community are determined and
limited by abiotic factors in an environment.
- Organisms have a range of tolerance
- Some organisms are well adapted to broad ranges of tolerance
- Some very narrow
- There is generally a optimum level for a particular organism
- As you move away from this optimum level
Physiological stress increases
- This stress limits population growth
D. Limiting Factors – an abiotic factor which limits population size
- Again a range
- Too little
- Too high
- Density dependant – limiting factor which is changed by number of
Organisms – nutrients, nesting sites, water
- Density independent – numbers do not effect - fire, drought
E. Biodiversity – The number of different life forms in a given area
- ultimately controlled by abiotic factors
- High sunlight, temperature, precipitation = High primary productivity
- High primary productivity = large amount of available energy (food)
- High levels of energy = high biodiversity
TropicalRain Forest – 200-400 cm / Yr precipitation – warm climate
- A typical four square mile patch of rainforest contains as many as 1,500 flowering
plants, 750 species of trees, 400 species of birds and 150 species of butterflies.
- Up to 300 tree species per hectare 10,000 M2 2.5 acres
- ½ Earth’s terrestrial species
Tundra –15-25 cm /Yr precipitation – very cold
- 1,700 species of flora and only 48 land mammals can be found
IV. Ecosystems – the players
- Autotrophs
- photoautotrophs
- chemoautotrophs
- Heterotrophs / consumers
- Decomposers / Detritivores / Saprophytes
Detritivores – animals which eat detritus
Saprophytes – bacteria and fungi
- Herbivores
- Omnivores
- Carnivores
IIV Ecosystems and energy flow energy pyramids
How do we get our energy
- All energy moving through an ecosystem originates from the abiotic world
- Energy is trapped by autotrophs
- Biomass – mass of living material
- Base of all food chains
- Heterotrophs depend upon autotrophs to supply them with food
3. Almost all energy for any ecosystem originates from the sun
- Gross Primary productivity- the total amount of light energy harnessed by autotrophs in an environment
- Some of this energy must be used by the autotroph itself
Growth, reproduction, metabolism
- leads to NPP – Net Primary Productivity
Net Primary Productivity = amount of energy available for use by
heterotrophs in the environment
- this is very low percentage of total energy entering ecosystem (0.023%)0.023% of suns energy hitting earth converted to chemical potential E.
- Measured in kcal/ m2/yr or g/m2/yr
- Rainforest - ~ 9000 kcals
- Tundra ~ 600 kcals
- Deciduous HW forest ~ 5800
- the amount of primary productivity greatly effects the number of organisms in the ecosystem
- high primary productivity = high biodiversity, more energy
- low primary productivity = low biodiversity, low energy
C. The energy pathway
1. energy pyramids- a visual simulation of how energy moves through an
a. trophic level- level of energy transfer in an ecosystem or level of
b.1st trophic level- autotrophs or producers
-always autotrophs
-build base of pyramid
-support all life
c. 2nd trophic level – first order consumer
-first order consumer- organism which feeds directly on autotroph
-herbivore- organism which eats only plants
-omnivore- organism which eats plants and animals
d. 3rd trophic level- second order consumer
- second order consumer- organism which feeds on 1st order
ex. grass= producer --> mouse= first order consumer --> snake= second order consumer
- carnivore- meat eater
- omnivore- plant and animal eater eat both producers and
- saprophytes- organisms which feed on dead material (decomposers)
2. Food chain
-a linear movement of materials through the environment
-Ex. grass - autotroph/producer
mouse- 1st order consumer- herbivore
snake- 2nd order consumer- carnivore or omnivore
hawk- 3rd order consumer – carnivore
3. Food web
-all possible relationships between organisms
-group of food chains
-includes decomposers ( bacteria and fungi ) breaking down materials and returning to environment
4. Energy amounts in relationship to trophic level
Ecological efficiency – amount of energy transferred from one
trophic level to next
- Range 2-40 %
- Typical 10%
- Rule of 10% - 10% of energy passes on to next level
- energy can neither be created or destroyed law of conservation of energy
- However it can be lost
1) lost as heat
2)lost as work (organism moving ect.)
3)lost because all organisms are not eaten by next trophic level
-because energy is lost there always must be higher numbers of organisms in a lower tropic level than in higher trophic levels
trophic level one has 10,000 calories
calorie = the amount of heat energy needed to raise 1 gram of water from 14.5 to 15.5 degrees C. at one atmosphere pressure
trophic level two has 1000 calories as 90% of energy was lost
Trophic level three has 100 calories and so on
IIIV. Soils and Ecosystems
A- What is soil?
Soil – mixture of abiotic and biotic components covering most of the
Pedosphere – between atmosphere and lithosphere – Pedology
Earth’s land.
Abiotic – Bedrock
Regolith – broken down bedrock component
Eroded materials
Clay – chemical weathering
Silt - Physical weathering
Leached out
Modified in situ
Biotic – living and once living component
Leaf litter
Humus – partially decomposed organic material
Flora and fauna
Nematodes – unsegmented round worm
Small higher organisms
B - Why is soil important?
1) Soil acts as substrate for terrestrial plants
2) Soil acts to provide nutrients to plants
Other nutrients
Trace minerals an elements
3) Habitat for many organisms
4) Sight of plant germination
5) Natural services
Cleansing water – removes toxins from water
Water storage – stop flooding
Sight for decomposition
Carbon sequestration
C - Soil formation
- Slow
- 1 cm 15 -100 yrs
- From decaying material
- From weathering of rock
- From interaction with the biotic environment
Bacteria, Fungi, Plants, and animals
- Adding materials
- Modifying through decomposition materials
- Through physically disturbing soil
D - What factors affect soil formation?
Climate – Temperature and precipitation
- Temperature
Increase helps promote decomposition
Decrease slows decomposition
Freeze thaw cycles
Movement of soil components – frost heaving
- Precipitation
Low – slows decomposition
High – increases decomposition
Increases leaching
Increases chemical alterations
Increases weathering
Increase or decrease sedimentation
Biotic – living components
- Add to humus
- Increase mixing of materials
- Increase weathering
- Decrease erosion
Parent material – rock soil is forming from / on
- Chemistry of soil often controlled by bedrock
- Limestone – raise pH calcium carbonate
Topography – slope
- changes water patterns
- changes sedimentation patterns
E - Soil Horizons
- Soil forms in layers O A B C
O Horizon – Leaf litter
- Very top layer of soil
- Undecomposed and partially decomposed organic material
- plant material
- wastes
- Nutrient rich
- Habitat for many organisms
A Horizon – topsoil
- Partially decomposed organic material
- Humus
- Little inorganic material
- Zone of leaching
B Horizon – Subsoil – illuvial horizon
- Mostly mineral soil
- Little humus
- Site which receives leachate
- Often site of in situ synthesis of materials
- Site of clay buildup
C Horizon – regolith
- Partially decomposed parent rock
- Some chemical weathering and modification of parent materials
F- Soils and biomes
- soils form in specific manners depending upon biome
Desert Biome – High heat – Low precipitation – Low Biomass
0-25 cm Yr
Grassland Biome – Temp varies – Low precipitation – Low biomass
Drought US Prairies – 50-75 cm
TropicalRain forest – High Temp – High Precipitation – High Biomass
Deciduous hardwood forest – Varied temps – High Precipitation – High Biomass
- Heavy forest litter each year
- Sufficient water for decomposition and leaching of materials
- Cold enough to slow decomposition
- Rich A horizon with Humus
- Biotic mixing is high
- B horizon
Northern coniferous forest – Cold temps - Low precipitation – High Biomass
G – Man and soils
Erosion –
Increased runoff
Problems Associated
Loss of soil
Salinization – buildup of salt in soils
Problems associated
Loss of arable land
Compaction - Creates impermeable layers (hardpan ) in soil
Heavy traffic
Increases runoff
Aquifer not recharged
Desertification – loss of soil water
Loss of cover plants
Increase erosion
Loss of arable land
Increased runoff
III. Biogeochemical cycles
- water cycle
1. water is needed by all life
- medium or place to live
- for chemical reactions (photosynthesis)
- reproduction (liquid for sperm)
- as limiting factor for plants Often delineates BIOMES
- component of life about 60% of all living things
- Water cycle
- evaporation- liquid water turning to water vapor
1) increased with temp.
2) increased with air movement
3) 84% of atmospheric water from ocean
4) Natural service – purifies water
- transpiration- the evaporation of water through the leaves of plants
1)wicking of water from ground ( Evaporation cohesion theory )
2)leaves have stomata and waxy coating to stop
c. Sublimation – ice to vapor
d. condensation- water vapor to liquid
1) due to cooling
2) in clouds
e. precipitation- falling of water as rain snow sleet hail
f. run off – liquid water flowing to body of water lake pond ocean
1)evaporation occurs here
2)or absorption into ground
g. Infiltration / perculation into ground or plants
1) round- to aquifer or water table- will run out as spring or
drawn out by plants humans
.2) plants- used for life processes or transpired
- Man and the water cycle
- removing water from FW and aquifers
1)reduces amount of available fw
2)can cause saltwater intrusion
3)can cause land subsidence- land sinking
- land clearing and development
1)Increases impervious surfaces
2)increases runoff
3)decreases absorption
4)aquifers tend to lower
5)increases erosion
- Pollution
1)addition of toxins
2)addition of nutrients –eutrophication
B. Carbon oxygen cycle
- carbon is the backbone of sugars – Carbo, protein, lipids , nucleic acids
- oxygen is used to burn this sugar by most organisms
- sugars are the energy source of choice for all living things
- Carbon where is it found
a)CO2 0.038% of atmosphere
b)large reserves in the ocean 60X the atmosphere
c)also carbonate rocks- limestone
- Carbon dioxide and the climate
carbon dioxide causes greenhouse effect
6. Primary productivity – photosynthesis
Carbon dioxide + water + sunlight---> glucose + oxygen
7. Cellular respiration takes in oxygen and sugar and releases energy +
carbon dioxide
- Notice photosynthesis and cellular respiration are almost total reverse process
8. Decomposition – Breakdown of organic molecules releasing CO2
9. Sequester - Sedimentation
a. carbon materials locked in sedimentary rocks
b. Fossil fuels
c. calcium carbonate shells of aquatic organisms CaCO3
10. Combustion - burning fossil fuels
1)fossil fuels are dead organic matter (plant material) stored in the earth, coal, oil, and, natural gas
2)burning these releases carbon in the form of carbon dioxide
11. Man and the Carbon oxygen cycle
- burning fossil fuel has greatly increased CO2 levels
- deforestation
- slash and burn agriculture burning rain forest increase CO2 and stops photosynthesis
- Global warming
- Sequestration discussions
C. The Nitrogen cycle
- nitrogen is one of the four most important elements of life CHON
- nitrogen forms an important part of all proteins
- amino acids building blocks of proteins have NH2 Amino group
- proteins are what help make up cell membranes, enzymes and many other molecules of biological importance
- nitrogen is also building block of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA all living organisms genetic material)
- Forms of nitrogen
- nitrogen gas N2– 78% of atmosphere
- ammonia NH3 + ammonium NH4+
1)toxic to most organisms
2)can be used by some plants
3)produced via excretion
- nitrites/nitrates NO2-/ NO3-
1)used by plants
- nitrogenous wastes- nitrogen compounds formed from the breakdown of protein
1)urea- urine
2)sweat and urine
3)changed to ammonia
- The cycle three major inputs of nitrogen
-Nitrogen is found in air as N2 ( 78% of atmosphere)
-this is useless to all living things except bacteria
- nitrogen fixationbacteria fix atmospheric into ammonia NH3
1)in soil- cyanobacteria
2)in root nodules- symbiotic relationship
a)legumes- 18,000 sp. beans, alfalfa, clover
b)planted as crop rotation
c)Rhizobium bacteria
- lightning fixes nitrogen (10%) forms ammonia and enters nitrification pathway
- industrial fertilizer production (produces nitrates as fertilizer)
- nitrification ammonia changes by bacteria into nitrate ions NO3-
7. Food Chains
- plants uptake nitrates and ammonia adding them to living material
8. Death, excretion, and decomposition
a. Ammonification – taking organic nitrogen compounds and
converting them to ammonia and ammonium
NH3 NH4+
b. Denitrification - nitrates are used by microorganisms and returned to
atmosphere as nitrogen gas ( called)
9. Major reactions
- nitrogen fixation- atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia by bacteria
- nitrification- ammonia to nitrites / nitrate for use by plants
- ammonification- ammonia from decomposition and waste
- denitrification- nitrates/nitrites back to nitrogen gas by bacteria nitrates used as energy source
10. Man and the nitrogen cycle
a. nitric oxide NO2 Nitric Acid HNO3 – fossil fuels acid rain
b. N2O – Nitrous oxide – Green house gas
c. NO3- - Nitrate – leaching into groundwater
d. Nitrogen compound eutrophication NPK – fertilizers
e. Haber-Bosch process N2 gas + Methane anhydrous
- 100 million tons of nitrogen fixed
- 0.75 % of World’s energy use put into this proecess
.D. phosphorous cycle
- importance of phosphorous
a)essential nutrient of plants
b)DNA RNA component
e)component of teeth, bones, shells
f)80% of your teeth and bones – calcium phosphate
- Sources of phosphorous
-Phosphate salts-
-PO43- Orthophosphate
-PO4 - Phosphate
a)terrestrial rocks sedimentary
b)shallow marine sediments
- Phosphorous does not have atmosphere as source- Very little as phosphoric acid
- cycle is slow because sedimentary rock must be created, uplifted and weathered to complete cycle
- The cycle
a)phosphorous rich sedimentary rock reaches the surface and is weathered
b)this phosphorous is taken up by plants
c)passed along food chain
d)some phosphorous starting again in plants
e)some running off to become sediments again
Guano- Bird excrement- marine birds- build up large amounts of phosphorous from eating fish – Excellent fertilizer
- Man and the phosphorous cycle
a)mining for fertilizer
b)ground bone meal for fertilizer
c)clear cutting rainforest for logging
1)Burning material to release phosphate
2)removing organic material removes source of phosphate
3)becomes limiting
d)addition of phosphates to water – Eutrophication
3)animal wastes
5)algae bloom / fish kills
e) increased phosphate cycle 3.7 times
E. The Sulfur cycle
1) Sulfurs importance
- protein building block
2) Sources
a. Sulfur containing minerals
- Gypsum – CaSO4
- Pyrite – FeS2
b. Sulfate salts – SO4- - Ocean sediments + Salt spray
c. Hydrogen Sulfide – H2S - Swamps
d. Sulfur Dioxide – SO2– volcanoes
e. Dimethyl Sulfides – Marine algae produce add to atmosphere
3) Uptake
- Plants utilize sulfate salts
- moves through food chains
4) Cycling
- Many materials end up in atmosphere where they will form acid