INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Raymond E. Menard

Office: SC 120

Phone: 341-3561


Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday: 12:15-2:00pm, Tuesdays: 1:15-2:00 pm and Thursdays 12:45-2:00 pm

ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT: Department of Natural Science and Wellness

Dr.Natavia Middleton/ Dean

Office: SE LI 281

Phone: 398-8288

Department of Natural Science and Wellness

Dr. Stephen Andrasik/ Academic Chair

Office: SC 133

Phone: 341-4343


COURSE NAME: Microbiology Lab

This laboratory will consist of experiments that teach bacterial techniques, characteristics of morphology, growth responses, metabolic activity, and distribution in selected environments.


Class meets in SC 213

Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00am to 9:15am

ATTENDANCE: Attending class and being an active participant are crucial to your success in this class. The majority of the exam material will come from notes presented in class, so regular attendance should improve your exam scores. Attendance will be taken every class period and students who miss are responsible for all work due that day as well as any material presented in class that day. If you must miss class due to a serious illness or other event, please let me know so that I am aware of the situation


If you wish to request accommodations as a student with a documented disability, please make an appointment with the Learning Specialist on campus. If you have a documented hearing loss, please contact the Program for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing at 791-2628. If you need assistance during an emergency classroom evacuation, please contact your campus learning specialist immediately about arrangements for your safety. The Office of Services for Students with Disabilities can be reached at 791-2628 or 791-2710 (CL), 341-4758 (SP/G), 394-6108 (SE)
712-5789 (TS) or 341-4532 (AC).

Required Materials: Each student must have the following supplies:

1.  Lab coat – not smock

2.  Black Sharpie

3.  Lab Manual (This is provided in mycourses)

4.  Lab Notebook

MyCourses: The MyCourses class website contains your syllabus, course information, laboratory handouts and assignments/quizzes. It also has an email area where you may communicate with me and with one another, and a news page where I will post important announcements. You can also check your grades and your current class average. Please check the MyCourses website on a daily basis.


1. The student will develop the skills and techniques of microbiology that provide an understanding of microorganisms and methods of identification.

2 The student will accurately perform and interpret scientific tests to gain confidence and skill in problem solving techniques.


1. The student will develop the skills and techniques of microbiology that provide an understanding of microorganisms and methods of identification by:

a. demonstrating proper aseptic techniques.

b. using appropriate microbiological media and test systems.

c. using standard microbiology laboratory equipment correctly.

d. accurately recording and interpreting laboratory data.

e. demonstrating and explaining safe laboratory practices for handling biohazardous materials.

f. identifying microorganisms by growth habits, nutritional requirements, staining reactions, and biochemical reaction.

g. evaluating different anti-microbial agents as control mechanisms of microorganisms.

h. demonstrating appropriate care and use of the microscope

2. The student will accurately perform and interpret scientific tests to gain confidence and skill in problem solving techniques by:

a. formulating clear, answerable questions, developing testable hypotheses, predicting expected results, and following experimental protocols.

b. collecting and organizing data in a systematic fashion, assessing the validity of the data, and drawing appropriate conclusions based on the results.

c. working effectively in groups or teams so that the task, results, and analysis are shared.

d. effectively managing time and tasks allowing concurrent and/or overlapping tasks to be done simultaneously, by individuals and within a group.

e. integrating knowledge and making informed judgments about microbiology in everyday life.


Corequisite: MCB2010


Grading System: Grading Scale:

3 Lab Exams (100pts) 300 90-100% = A (450-500)

Quizzes 75 80-89% = B (400-449)

Lab Reports 75 70-79% = C (350-399)

Unknown Lab Report 50 60-69% = D (300-349)

Below 60% = F (<300)

Total Points: 500

Grade Determination: Your grade will be based on points you received from various assignments including lab reports, class attendance, and exams. There will be no extra credit given in this class.

Attendance: The grades for this portion will be as follows:

1) unexcused absence – deduction of 10% of total course points

2) unexcused absences – deduction of 20% of total course points

3) unexcused absences – deduction of 30% of total course points

4) or more unexcused absence – FAILED COURSE

5) If you are late to class 3 times that equals one unexcused absence. For 6 it’s equal to 2 unexcused absences, etc.

Lab Exams:

The lab exams will primarily focus on material presented in lab with some reading material included from your lab book. The exams will consist of a combination of multiple choice, fill in the blank, short answer, and essay questions. Anyone arriving more than 10 minutes late for an exam will be asked to leave and will have to take the exam late with the 10% penalty as per the make-up exam policy. For more detailed information on proper student conduct please see the code of conduct in your course catalog.

Lab Reports:

Lab reports are assigned throughout the semester to help you understand the experiments better. Refer to the schedule for the due dates on these reports. Reports are to be uploaded in the drop box set up in mycourses by 11:30pm on the day they are due. The drop box closes at exactly 11:30pm, once the drop box closes you will not be able to submit your report and therefore will receive a zero. I will not accept emailed lab reports. Lab reports will not be accepted from individuals who are absent and do not perform the labs.

** PLAGIARISM will NOT be tolerated; reports with ANY documented plagiarism will be given a grade of “0”. You are to write your reports yourself not with anyone else, and it needs to be in your own words. Also points will be deducted it you do not have in text citations. Reports will be automatically be scanned in turn it in. If you took the lab before, do not hand in the same lab report. You have to reword it. Your match to turn it in should never be above 20%.

Unknown lab Report:

You will be given an unknown bacteria to identify towards the end of the semester. You will use techniques learned in class to identify this unknown. You will then submit a comprehensive lab report on this specimen. Again this report needs to be submitted to the drop box that has been set up.

QUIZZES: There will be 5 quizzes throughout the semester that you will need to take on line. The due dates to take the quizzes are listed in the schedule at the end of this document. The quizzes will have 15 questions and you will have 45 minutes to take the quiz. You will have one attempt so be sure you check all of your answers before you submit it.

Make-up Exams:

Any student missing a lab exam may take a make-up provided they have a legitimate excuse for missing class (i.e. severe illness with doctor’s note, family emergency). All scores on make-up exams will be reduced by 10% each time you need to take one. This penalty applies to ANYONE taking a make-up, No Exceptions! The 10% penalty is additive, so the first make-up is -10%, the 2nd -20%, the 3rd -30% etc… Make-up exams must be taken within one week of the original test date and note that make-up exams may be of a different format than the original.

Lab Attire: In this lab we are working with MICRO-ORGANISMS. Therefore it is important that you wear the proper clothes. A LAB COAT IS REQUIRED.

NO OPEN TOED SHOES IN LAB EVER!!!….you do not want to spill any cultures on your skin. We will discuss safety during the first lab period. Also, if you have long hair, please have it pulled back, we will use Bunsen burners in this class and you don’t want to set your hair on fire.

You need to wear a lab coat. Please put your name on the lab coat and bring a bag to store it in.

At no time are you to bring food or beverages into the lab. If you enter the lab with food or a beverage (whether it’s opened or not) you will be asked to leave the lab.

Grades Changes: Please follow the guidelines listed below if you feel that an answer on an exam, quiz, homework, or other assignment has been erroneously marked incorrect. I will either post a key or go over questions/answers in class with you for any assignments/quizzes/exams that are given.

1)  Please circle the answer in question and return to me within one week from the day you receive the assignment/exam back.

2)  I will review the appropriate answers and determine if your grade needs to be adjusted. I will return your assignment/exam back to you within one week from the time you give it to me.

3)  The time frame therefore for changing a grade on any given assignment is TWO WEEKS. If for some reason you are ill or otherwise engaged, you may make an appointment with me, but the appointment needs to be made within the two week time frame.

Please do not ask me during class time to review your papers for a grade change as there is no time for me to assess the situation while in class.

Classroom Behavior:

Success in this and any college class requires good note taking, test taking , and study skills. Please ask me for assistance with any of these areas. Do not wait until mid-term before trying to improve your work. Start asking questions and looking for help early on if you need it. In addition, attending class means more than just showing up. Come prepared to take notes, ask questions, and listen. Please be considerate of other students as well as myself during lecture. It is distracting to hear someone talking or laughing during lecture so please refrain from side conversations during lecture. Students who continue to cause disruptions in class will be asked to leave the classroom. For more detailed information on proper student conduct please see the code of conduct in your course catalog.

Please turn off all beepers and cell phones while in class. You may NOT have your cell phone out during the lab. There is a potential for you to contaminate your phone with bacteria during the lab. Cell phones going off during class are a distraction during lecture and exams. You will be given one warning if your cell phone goes off during class before being asked to leave class for that period. If you need to use your phone please do so outside class even if this is during a break time.

Finally, coming late to class is distracting to me and, more importantly, your fellow students so please be on time for all class meetings. In addition, missing the first 10 minutes of class means you will miss important announcements about the schedule, assignments, quizzes, etc. If you do arrive late please enter the class and take your seat quietly. Do not ask students or myself questions at this time or copy notes that you missed. You can ask questions or copy notes after class.


St. Petersburg College has an academic honesty policy. It is your responsibility to be familiar with the policies, rules and consequences of violations. Read about the policy at: There is no tolerance for cheating and academic dishonesty. The penalty can range from a zero on that assignment or exam to a grade of F in the class.

MCB 2010L Microbiology Laboratory-- Tentative Schedule Fall 2017

St. Petersburg/Gibbs Campus

Lab Manual and Power point Picture atlas in MyCourses

Lab / TuTr / Topic / Lab book pg#
1 / 8/15 / Introduction to the lab; Requirements; Lab safety / 5-6
2 / 8/17 / Ubiquity of Microorganisms
Hand washing Lab / 22
3 / 8/22 / Aseptic Techniques; Streak Plate
Observe Ubiquity Results and Hand washing Results / 26-31
23, 25
4 / 8/24 / Observe streak Plate
QUIZ 1 DUE Friday August 25th by 11:30pm / 31
5 / 8/29 / Basic bacterial morphology.
Use of the microscope & oil immersion. / 7-11
6 / 8/31 / Eukaryotes: Molds and Yeast / 12
9/5 / Microscopy, Bacterial Shapes, Yeasts and Mold
Exam Review
7 / 9/7 / LAB EXAM 1
8 / 9/12 / Simple Stain/ Make smear unknown / 13-15
9 / 9/14 / Gram stains on gum smears. KOH method of Gram analysis / 16-19
10 / 9/19 / Demo Slides: Spore Stain, Flagella, Capsular, and Acid Fast / 20-21
11 / 9/21 / Effect of pH and Osmotic pressure on microbial growth
LAB REPORT 1 DUE: Simple and Gram Stain upload in dropbox by 11:30pm
Quiz 2 Due Friday Sept 22 by 11:30pm / 32-33
12 / 9/26 / Aerotolerance/Temp Tubes
Observe pH/Osmotic Tubes / 34-37
13 / 9/28 / Antibiotic susceptibility
Observe Aerotolerance/Temp Tubes / 40-41
14 / 10/3 / pGlo Genetic Transformation of E. coli
Observe Antibiotic sensitivity plates / 56-62
15 / 10/5 / Observe pGlo Plates
UV Light Experiment
QUIZ 3 DUE Friday Oct 6 by 11:30pm / 63-64
16 / 10/10 / Observe UV Plates
Due in dropbox by 11:30pm
17 / 10/12 / Lab Exam 2
18 / 10/17 / Simulated HIV Test / 66-68
19 / 10/19 / Staphylococcus Identification Lab / 45-48
20 / 10/24 / PEA/EMB
Inoculate PR fermentation Broths, Urease, PAD
Observe Staph Identification results / 49
21 / 10/26 / Observe PR fermentation/Urease/PAD/PEA/EMB
Set up MRVP, Citrate, Indole
Quiz 4 Due Friday Oct 28 by 11:30pm / 53-55
22 / 10/31 / ALL COLLEGE DAY. NO LAB
23 / 11/2 / Observe Citrate amd MRVP
Set up: Kligler Iron, and Motility, Oxidase, Catalase / 53-55
24 / 11/7 / Discuss Unknown Project
Flow Charts / 64-66
11/9 / Begin Unknowns
Lab Report 3 Due: Citrate, MRVP, Indole
Due in dropbox by 11:30pm
QUIZ 5 Due Friday Nov 11 by 11:30pm
25 / 11/14 / Unknowns continued
26 / 11/16 / Unknowns continued
27 / 11/21 / Unknowns continued
11/23 / Thanksgiving Break – No Lab
28 / 11/28 / Finish unknowns, Lab Clean Up.
29 / 11/30 / Lab Exam3
UNKNOWN LAB REPORT DUE in dropbox by 11:30pm

Last day to drop, get refund or change to audit 8/18/17