4040 W. Guard St.

BOISE, ID 83705



A meeting of the Idaho Emergency Communications Commission (ECC) was held on March 1, 2012, at Gowen Field, Joint Conference Room, Bldg 600, Boise, ID. Chairman Garret Nancolas called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m. A quorum was present.


3/1/2012 Idaho Emergency Communications Commission Minutes


Members Present:

·  Garret Nancolas, Mayor, City of Caldwell, Commission Chairman

·  Rich Wills, State Representative, Commission Vice-Chairman

·  Lan Smith, Idaho Association of Counties

·  Teresa Baker, Ada County Prosecutor’s Office

·  Bill Gardiner, Captain, Idaho State Police

·  Michelle Carreras, Idaho Bureau of Emergency Medical Services, Commission Treasurer

·  Scot Haug, Post Falls Police Chief

·  Martin Knoelk, Idaho Fire Chiefs Association

·  Chris Smith, Idaho Sheriffs Association

·  Bill Shawver, Military Division

·  Andy Snook, Deputy Attorney General and Ex-Officio Member

Members Absent:

·  Troy Hagen, Ada County Paramedics

·  Jim Lemm, J&R Electronics, INC., Coeur d’Alene

Others Present:

·  Eddie Goldsmith, E9-1-1 Program Coordinator

·  Jodi McCrosky, CenturyLink

·  Jerry Piper

·  Hal Hayball

·  Wes Jones

·  Carlos Simmonds, Frontier Communications

·  William LePoider, Frontier

·  Ben Ealey, ACSO

·  Carmen Boeger, Nampa PD

·  Traci Lefever, Elmore County

·  R. D. Porter, L.R. Kimball

·  David Jones, MCP

·  Paul Mallet, MCP

·  Todd Herrera, CCSO

·  Nathan Reed, ECC Administrative Assistant

Approve Agenda

Chair Nancolas asked for a review of the Agenda.

There were no changes.

Approve Minutes of January 5, 2012

Approve Minutes of January 27, 2012 (Conference Call)

Approve Minutes of February 13, 2012 (Conference Call)

Chair Nancolas asked for a review of the minutes from the ECC meetings on January 5, January 27, and February 13, 2012.

MOTION: Commissioner Haug moved, Commissioner Lan Smith seconded, that the Commission approve the Minutes of the January 5, 2011, January 27, 2012, and February 13, 2012 Idaho Emergency Communications Commission meetings. The motion passed.

Legal Representation

Gen. Shawver reported that he spoke with Steve Olsen. The Attorney General’s Office has come to the conclusion that the solution of legal representation is to enter into an agreement with the AG’s Office to provide support to the Military Division, as well as the ECC and SIEC. The process of bringing legal support from the AG’s Office to the Commission should move quickly.

Gen. Shawver excused himself from the meeting.

Financial Report

Commissioner Carreras presented the following financial information:

Cash in Bank: $4,163,855.83

1% Revenue Earned: $66,914.39

Grant Revenue Earned: $773,790.52

Operating Expenses: $43,755

Interest Earned: $13,494.67

Year-to-Date Revenue: $854,199.58

Commissioner Carreras asked that the financial report be accepted.

MOTION: Commissioner Baker moved, Commissioner Haug seconded, that the Commission approve the Financial Report. The motion passed.


Chair Nancolas presented a plaque to Clint Berry, who resigned his position with the Commission. Chair Nancolas thanked Mr. Berry, on behalf of the entire Commission, for all his many years of service to the Commission.

Mr. Berry thanked the Commission for the opportunity to serve.

E9-1-1 Program Coordinator Report

Eddie Goldsmith reported that he had a busy two months.

January 11, Mr. Goldsmith attended an Enhanced 9-1-1 project meeting with Boise County. Boise County is doing their final simulation on their EMSAG. They hope to go live in two months.

February 1, Mr. Goldsmith had a conference call with CenturyLink concerning the Boise County EMSAG.

February 2, the ECC Funding and Revenue Committee met.

February 14, Mr. Goldsmith attended a Senior Staff Meeting.

February 16, Mr. Goldsmith met with the Public Utilities Commission and wireless services concerning 9-1-1 fees.

February 22, Mr. Goldsmith gave the Annual Report to the Idaho Legislature. It was received very well.

February 23, Mr. Goldsmith met with Fort Hall concerning addressing.

In March, Mr. Goldsmith will finish grant monitoring and audits for FY 2010 Grant Funds. This fund will be closed out by the next ECC meeting.

Chair Nancolas thanked Mr. Goldsmith for giving the Annual Report to the Legislature.

Legislative Update

Commissioner Baker reported that the Public Utilities Commission has entered into a proposed settlement with the issue regarding TracFone. The PUC is inviting comments to the settlement, due by March 9. Commissioner Baker will draft comments for the settlement. This settlement does not involve the collection of 9-1-1 fees.

Commissioner Baker reported that there was a workshop with the PUC. The PUC invited the ECC to come speak with the wireless carriers about paying 9-1-1 fees. The prepaid wireless companies are on notice that they should be collecting 9-1-1 fees.

Contract Discussion

Mr. Goldsmith presented a contract for professional services to the Commission. The contract has been reviewed by a Judge Advocate General. A minor change was made, and the contract was approved by the JAG.

MOTION: Commissioner Baker moved, Vice-Chair Wills seconded, to accept the contract as written, with Mr. Berry as the contract to provide the services as outlined. The motion passed.

Budget Fund Adjustment

Commissioner Carreras reported that with the passing of the previous motion, the Commission needs to move $50,000 from the Contingency Fund to Contracts within the budget.

MOTION: Commissioner Chris Smith moved, Commissioner Lan Smith seconded, that $50,000 be moved from the Contingency Fund to Contracts within the budget. The motion passed.

PSAP Standard Committee Report

Commissioner Gardiner reported that the PSAP Committee met February 29. The first quarter training on TTY is winding down, with two courses left to be taught in Grangeville and Coeur d’Alene. Second quarter training on de-escalation will be starting soon. Third quarter training on suicide callers is being planned. The fourth quarter will be the Dispatch Seminar. Eight courses will be taught at the seminar.

Commissioner Gardiner reported that there is an open position on the PSAP Committee with the resignation of Greg Warner. There was a call for nominations. Sheriff Rausch from Latah County nominated Cathy Gia for the position.

MOTION: Commissioner Haug moved, Commissioner Knoelk seconded, to appoint Cathy Gia to the PSAP Standards Sub-Committee. The motion passed.

Commissioner Gardiner reported that Beth English from Blaine County took a job in Texas, leaving a PSAP Committee position open in District 4. Beth did an outstanding job for the Committee. There will be a call for nominations to fill the vacant position.

The Committee’s next meeting will be April 5 at the Nampa Police Department.

Fort Hall Addressing Discussion

Mr. Goldsmith reported that there have been addressing issues concerning Fort Hall for some time now. Mr. Goldsmith did an assessment for 9-1-1 services within the reservation. It was found that there are 320 landlines on the reservation. 32 of those landlines have an address or a house number attached to it. 12 of those 32 landlines are in one building. From this assessment, there are 20 residents in Fort Hall that are receiving Enhanced 9-1-1. This is unacceptable. At best, the others would be getting Basic 9-1-1.

Out of the three counties that the reservation is on, Power County is against Fort Hall doing their own addressing; Bingham and Bannock are for them doing their own addressing.

Mr. Goldsmith asked for consideration from the Commission to draft a letter of support for the reservation to move forward with their addressing to get the citizens of Fort Hall served correctly.

MOTION: Commissioner Lan Smith moved, Vice-Chair Wills seconded, that Mr. Goldsmith draft a letter discussing the issue with addressing in Fort Hall, and the imperative nature that citizens of Fort Hall receive the service of Enhanced 9-1-1 as intended. The motion passed.

Commissioner Haug asked about the issue with Power County not cooperating.

Mr. Goldsmith answered that Power County believes they have addressing jurisdiction over the part of the reservation that is in their county.

Commissioner Lan Smith volunteered to contact the Power County commissioners to discuss the issue.

IAC Presentation

Commissioner Lan Smith reported that his presentation to the Idaho Association of Counties went well.

Commissioner Baker commented that she was there, and the presentation went well. This will hopefully resolve the issue of correct use of 9-1-1 fees.

New Business

Future Meetings:

May 3, 2012 – McCall, ID

July 12, 2012 – Gowen Field

MOTION: Vice-Chair Wills moved, Commissioner Carreras seconded, that the Commission accept the July 12, 2012 meeting date and location. The motion passed.

Open Comment Period

Chair Nancolas thanked Mr. Goldsmith and all who were involved in putting together the Annual Report. It is an amazing report in telling where the Commission was a few years ago, and where it is today.

Hal Hayball thanked the Commission for their help and support. Mr. Hayball commented that he would be willing to discuss the issue with Power County with Commissioner Lan Smith.


MOTION: Commissioner Haug moved, Commissioner Chris Smith seconded, that the meeting adjourn. The motion passed.

The meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m.


Garret Nancolas

Mayor, City of Caldwell, Commission Chairman


Nathan Reed

Administrative Assistant


3/1/2012 Idaho Emergency Communications Commission Minutes