Goring Primary School Curriculum Plan Autumn Term Year 6 Mrs Toolin 2016/17
This term the children will be concentrating on writing across a variety of genres, based on our topic of Natural Disasters. We will look at developing characters, settings and extending our literary techniques in fiction writing as well as writing non-fiction pieces such as newspaper reports and explanation fact sheets.. We will be writing poetry to fit the theme and reading a book called Saint Louis Armstrong Beach about Hurricane Katrina. Homework will be out on Fridays, due back by Friday the following week. Children should be encouraged to read a variety of genres and authors at home. / Numeracy
This term, in preparation for SATs in term 4, the children will revise the whole Maths curriculum, beginning to really take responsibility for setting their own targets and developing their skills in their particular areas of need with plenty of practice before the tests.In addition to this, we will use an investigative approach to extend the children by ensuring themaths we are learning links to the other areas of the curriculum we are studying. Our goal for all children is to reach mastery in mathematics with them ultimately achieving the expected standard for year 6.
This term’s topics are Evolution and Inheritance up till half term, and then we will focus on the human body with a particular look at the circulatory system; the heart and blood. / Music
Music lessons will be following Music Express for Year 6. Our topics until Christmas are 'Exploring rounds, and sound sources. Within these lessonswe will be learning some new songs.
The topics this term areNatural Disasters. First the children will explore how Avalanches, Volcanos and Tornados occur and the effect on the physical landscape and on humans. Children will also look at the impact of historical disasters such as Pompeii and Krakatoa. We will also study the tsunamis that have occurred in recent times. Many of our art activities will be linked to these lessons. / I.C.T.
Our main topicwill be to develop an app for a mobile phone; we will be taking a close look at the mobile phone market, the apps available and seeing if we can spot any gaps in the marketplace for a new app.The children will act as designers, engineers, project managers, marketers and shall go on perhaps to develop the app into something real.
PE and Games: Topics this term include Outdoor and indoor activities, starting with sprinting and invasion games. Children will continue with their Sport’s Leading skills for the younger children. Please could PE kits be in school for Tuesday and Wednesday. Thank you. / R.E./ PSHE
This term will follow the Oxfordshire scheme of work. Our topics will follow a big question: firstly, are Saints encouraging role models? Secondly, is God made man a good way to describe the Christmas story? In PSHE, the SEAL scheme will be used alongside Circle Time to discuss topical and class issues as appropriate.
Children will focus on drawing and painting techniques using a variety of media and making and designing models based on our topic work. / French:
We will continue to explore French vocabulary following the scheme ‘jolie ronde’ with role plays, speaking and listening.

Dates: Osmington Bay20th to 25th MarchSats Week: 8th to 12th MayThank you for your support! Mrs Toolin