Ms. Wilkinson called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m.
PRESENT: Suellen Wilkinson, Warren Nash, Michael Hall, Mickey Thompson
ALSO PRESENT: Police Chief Knight, Fire Chief Juliott, Shane Gibson, John Rosenbarger and Vicki Glotzbach
- RP Hotdogs re: Vendors Permit
Ms. Glotzbach stated that the owner of R&B Hotdogs asked that his permit be renewed.
Mr. Nash moved to approve the permit, Mr. Thompson seconded, all voted in favor.
- Julie Calloway with Floyd County YMCA re: Triathlon 502-544-0612
Ms. Colloway was present to see if they could have their Triathlon on Sunday, April 22nd. They host part of it at YMCA and then use Water Street. The event is 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Norfolk usually stops the train between 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and that’s usually never a problem.
Mr. Nash asked how many people are usually involved.
Ms. Calloway stated that last year they had around 125 and they are looking at 150 this year.
Ms. Wilkinson asked what the route is.
Ms. Calloway stated that they start at parking lot and go west on bikes to Duke. Then they run east past the railroad bridge and finish out with swim in the YMCA pool.
Ms. Wilkinson asked about the road being closed off to residents that live on the road that the Recycling Center is on.
Ms. Calloway stated that they have people posted there to let the cars know that they have people on bikes on the road.
Mr. Nash moved to approve, Mr. Thompson seconded, all voted in favor.
- John Rosenbarger re: Grant Line North Improvement Project (McDonald Ln to Mt. Tabor Rd): MAC Construction – Formal Cost Reduction Incentive Proposal
Mr. Rosenbarger asked to postpone this item and have a special meeting on Thursday, January 26th after the Storm Water meeting.
Mr. Gibson stated that this originated back in December when Matt came forward with a proposal and the board told him to get the final plans together and that is what this is. We are getting the final plans reviewed and would like to have the Storm Water Board approve it so that’s why we are requesting a special meeting after the regular Storm Water meeting.
Ms. Wilkins stated that this item would be postponed until this meeting is reconvened on Thursday, January 26th at 11:00 a.m.
- John Rosenbarger re: Charlestown Road and Blackiston Blvd Traffic Signal: Jacobi Toombs and Lanz – Notice to Proceed
Mr. Rosenbarger stated that there is a traffic signal warranted at this intersection. He stated that Jacobi, Toombs and Lanz has proposed a signal design. He added that Redevelopment has approved the funding and he would like this board to approve the design.
Mr. Nashmotioned to approve that Jacobi, Toombs & Lanz proceed with signal design, Mr. Thompson seconded, all voted in favor.
- City Garage
Mr. Thompson stated that he spoke with the Mayor and they would like to take this item off of old business. He added that they are going to contact Grant Line Nursery to set up a meeting with the administration to see how they want to proceed with this property.
- Insight Communications Solicitors Permit
Mr. Nash moved that Insight Communications Solicitors Permit be denied, Mr. Thompson seconded, all voted in favor.
- Mt. Tabor Road Improvement Project (Grant Line to Charlestown) – BLN Supplemental Agreement No. 1
Mr. Rosenbarger stated that they are in conversations with the consultant and it will be ready next week.
- Jacobi, Toombs and Lanz, Inc. 2012 Contract
Mr. Rosenbarger stated that he hopedthat the board would approve it.
Mr. Nashmoved to leave it on the table because he would like more information.
- Item #2 - Frank Briner, Infrastructure System Inc re: Street Cut for work being done for IN-AMW on Culbertson.
Mr. Thompson suggested that they do the same thing with this project that they did with the Scribner project which was the conditional agreement that the city will let them begin work pending the city’s final determination as to how the road will be put back.
Mr. Nash asked if these projects fall under the new ordinance and if that ordinance was passed.
Mr. Gibson replied that the council did not take action.
Mr. Thompson added that is the pending part that weare still trying to work out. He stated this is just so that the project can get started.
Mr. Gibson stated that a lot of it is going to be up to the Board of Works to set the criteria for what needs to be done within the parameters of the ordinance that is in place now.
Ms. Wilkinson asked how long the project will take.
Mr. Briner stated three or four months.
Mr. Nash asked where it is on Culbertson Avenue.
Mr. Briner replied that it will begin at Silver Street and goes down to E. 11th Street.
Mr. Briner also asked about closing the street down one block at a time.
Mr. Thompson stated that should be done for safety reasons.
Mr. Nash asked what kind of work is being done.
Mr. Briner replied a new watermain is being put in along with new water meters. He also mentioned that they are putting in 14 new fireplugs.
Ms. Wilkinson asked to get this information put on the city’s website.
Mr. Thompson stated that he can work with Michael Hall on that.
Ms. Wilkinson asked when it was to start.
Mr. Briner replied tomorrow.
Mr. Thompsonmotioned to approve the start of the work on the Culbertson Avenue portion of the INAWC project pending the city’s final determination on how the road will be put back, Mr. Nash seconded, all voted in favor.
Mr. Thompson stated that they received a call from a resident on Spring Street explaining that there was an accident where the driver was turning left turn off of Cost onto Spring Street. The resident suggested that there be a no left turnthere. He said that the city is taking that under advisement and to see how it would affect some of the plans for a project at Silver and Spring Streets.
Ms. Wilkinson asked about getting a list of projects.
Mr. Rosenbarger said he would make copies for the board.
Mr. Copperwaite (Paul Primavera & Associates)stated that he was present to propose a two lot subdivision for Tannery Commons. He stated that it is basically a rehabilitation of the old Moser Leather Company building. It has been approved by the Plan Commission for senior apartments. He also added that Lot 1 is the tax credit project. He mentioned that there is a public easement across the north end of the project that will access the Greenway.
Ms. Wilkinson asked how many residences will be in this project.
Mr. Copperwaite replied about 33 units.
Mr. Nash asked if any of the existing buildings will be used.
Mr. Copperwaitereplied that the large brick building that was the tannery will be remodeled and that will be the facility.
Mr. Rosenbarger stated that the Redevelopment Commission has promoted this project for many years and it is now coming to fruition. He added that this is the 1st phase.
Mr. Nash moved to approve Plat 1414, Tannery Commons, Mr. Thompson seconded, all voted in favor.
Mr. Rosenbarger presented a worksheet of ongoing projects and explained it to the board.
Ms. Wilkinson acknowledged receipt of an anonymous letter setting out violations of cab companies in the area but took no action because there was no one there to address the board.
Mr. Nash Motioned to approve regular meeting minutes for January 17, 2012 as corrected, Ms. Wilkinson seconded, all voted in favor.
Mr. Nash moved to recess the meeting until 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 26th, Ms. Wilkinson seconded, all voted in favor.
Mr. Nash moved to reconvene the Board of Works January 24thmeeting at 11:17 a.m. on January 26th, Mr. Thompson second, all voted in favor.
Mr. Gibson statedthat this was a project on Grantline Road which was the state road that Indiana did own and had originally planned for a bridge to go over the railroad tracks. He added that this project came off of the state’s plan and they gave control of it to the city about two years ago. That roadway and right-of-way was relinquished to the city and the city was paid 6 million dollars because they knew that there were improvements that needed to been done in that area.
Mr. Nash asked if a contract was signed at that time.
Mr. Gibson replied no, it was purely just a transfer of ownership at that time. MAC was awarded the contract as the lowest and most responsive bidder and as they started their prep work they identified savings in the project that amounted to $875,740.50. The plans that were originally presented were not necessary and they presented a Cost Reduction Initiative. He stated that is always in our bid packets and it comes down from state regulations. It encourages contractors to identify areas where their client, in this case the city, can save money.
Mr. Nash asked how much was the original contract.
Mr. Gibson replied about 2.7 million. He went on to explain how the original drainage plan took the water under the railroad tracks and dumped down on the south side. He stated that they reconfigured it and came up with what is being presented.
Ms. Wilkinsonasked who the architect and the engineer were that designed it in the first place.
Mr. Gibson replied GAI.
Mr. Rosenbarger added that they were selected by the city because they were INDOT’s engineer of the overpass project.
Mr. Nashconfirmed that the original plans were out and they developed new plans without the bridge.
Mr. Rosenbarger replied yes, when INDOT got to 17 million dollar price tag for an overpass that was going to cause some issues, they decided not to do the deal and made plans to relinquish the roadway to the city.
Mr. Nash asked about all of the right-of-way they bought for the overpass.
Mr. Rosenbarger the state said to go ahead and use it in the project.
Mr. Nash asked who is maintaining it.
Mr. Rosenbarger replied INDOT.
Ms. Wilkinson asked that when the city accepted GAI’s design plan, did anyone review it beyond that.
Mr. Gibsonreplied no because they were our hired architects.
Ms. Wilkinson asked if we bid it out again and GAI was successful in that.
Mr. Thompson commented that the recommendation was to use GAI because they were involved in the state’s part.
Mr. Nash asked that once construction started,doesn’t the engineer see that through.
Mr. Gibson commented that communication is not real good between the architect and the city at this point so he doesn’t see that the engineer will be finishing this project.
Mr. Brinkworth presented the original plans to board and explained to them what was eliminated from the project.
Ms. Wilkinson asked about the right-of-way underneath the property.
Mr. Rosenbarger stated that we would have to procure it.
Ms. Wilkinsonasked how much will the right-of-way cost.
Mr. Rosenbarger stated as little as $3.00 per sq. ft. and as much $7.00 per sq. ft.
Mr. Brinkworth stated that there is an allowance for two in the plan which are $50,000.00 each for detention on each side.
Mr. Gibson stated that Clark Dietz was asked to take a quick preliminary reviewof the project.
Mr. Christmas reported that the plan is very feasible. He added that they recommended going ahead with the project but he would like to see final plan.
Ms. Wilkinson asked if there is a guarantee that MAC won’t come back with a change order for $150,000.00 or so.
Mr. Gibson stated that there are no guarantees.
Mr. Brinkworth stated that he has not seen anything else in the plans that look obvious like this.
Ms. Wilkinson asked if this is something that should be rebid.
Mr. Gibson replied no.
Mr. Nashstated that it seems that someone needs to be accountable for this mistake.
Mr. Gibson stated that they are going to investigate. He added that if anyone is at fault, it would be the original architect.
Ms. Wilkinson asked how the CRI works.
Mr. Gibson replied that once the project starts, 25% is cut to them and 75% is held back to reconcile after the project is finished.
Mr. Nash moved to approve the change order subject to final plans and review and legal aspects, Mr. Thompson second, Mr. Nash and Mr. Thompson voted in favor, Ms. Wilkinson voted no.
Mr. Nash moved that John Rosenbarger be approved to sign the change order that was just approved, Mr. Thompson seconded, all voted in favor.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:55 a.m.
Suellen Wilkinson, acting PresidentVicki Glotzbach, City Clerk
Board of Public Works & Safety
1Board of Works
January 24, 2012 January 24, 2012
All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office