Math ASAP Computation 1.2.4: Equivalent Forms of a Number

Grade Level:

/ 1 /





Prepared By:


Overview & Purpose

Students demonstrate the meaning of addition and subtraction and use these operations to solve problems. /

Education Standards Addressed

1.2.3 Show equivalent forms of the same number (up to 20) using objects, diagrams, and numbers.
Problem of the Day: I am going to the store to buy fifteen pieces of fruit. The man who helps me in the store always puts the pieces in my bag in just two handfuls. Show different ways he could fill my bag with fifteen pieces.”

Teacher Guide

/ Teacher Notes
  • Teacher will introduce the daily problem of the day to solve.
  • Teacher will choral read the problem of the day with class.
The teacher will guide the students through each step of the problem solving process outlined with the slides.
 The students will use the Math Think Aloud Prompt Sheet to model their solution and thought process while working on the problem solving strategy.
 The students may use manipulatives, drawings and other concrete materials to extend the thinking processes.
The students will work together in pairs to completed steps in the problem solving process. /

Materials Needed

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Others

Workouts to Support Problem Solving Experiences:
The teachers will guide the students through a series of DM problem solving experiences.
The teachers will use problems identified for whole group instructions through exploration.
The students will work in pairs to complete problems.
The students will use a problem solving organizer and/or composition notebook to show work for problems. / Assign Destination Math Lesson Std. 1.2.3 Equivalency
  • Walk around lab and pull those students who show lack of understanding.
  • Provide additional assistance using the blocks either in Destination or actual counting block manipulatives.
  • Bring white boards, markers and erasers

  • Have students do the following worksheets with counters.
  • Destination Page: Same but Different Worksheet
  • If time allows, give them the same problem of the day and change the total number.

Materials Needed

  • Same but Different (DS Page 41)
  • It’s All the Same (Indiana Teacher Materials)
  • Eduplace Practice 2.6)

  • Each student will complete a 10 minutes a day in the school’s computer lab to complete math fact practice using an addition site recommended by TIS Team
/ If time allows, do Indiana Curriculum Framework Lesson, It’s All the Same Activity provided. / Materials Needed:
  • It’s All the Same Activity (IN 1.2.3)