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Fax (+39) 011-5683893 / Rationale
Why choose this issue to celebrate a centenary of the Clinica Pinna Pintor?
Can the firmness and the private interest of a family – since the managerial continuity for two generations is an original aspect to stress – explain such a long period of survival to social turmoil, the destructions of two World Wars and the changes of the management of public health? Or do some other less overt factors explain it?
Returning to the origin, I would like to quote what the Founder wrote to introduce the first private gynecological clinic : “Differently from other Italian and foreigner cities, in Turin there was not a private clinic dedicated to the medical and surgical treatment of women where they can find a pleasant and highly discreet atmosphere, coupled with best medical equipment currently available, and with a homely comfort and assistance”
Up till now, several studies on quality of care in the United States 1-4, in Europe5-6, and recently also in Italy7, have shown that, when patients are asked to evaluate the quality of care, what they rate highly is : dignity and respect, appropriate information, and a comfortable setting. Those are in fact the quality indicators defined ten years ago by Italian law.
The second consideration relates to the current convergence of all health systems, private and public, on patient – centered care. This demonstrates the validity and the actuality of the original decision made by the Founder of the Clinic; I think the patient centered care could be one of the reasons for our hundred-year survival.
What better rationale then for a celebration of the Clinic’s centenary than a symposium on “ Patient centered care – The perceived quality of care”?
The symposium is organized by the Arturo Pinna Pintor Foundation, that is the cultural branch of the Clinic which has developed several studies on quality assurance. The symposium will be the opportunity for national and foreign experts to present their most recent experiences and to discuss methodological issues still open, in order to stress the essential role of the individual patient in the evaluation and improvement of quality of care.
P. Pinna Pintor
1 Cleary PD. QRB 1989; 172-9.
2 Cleary PD. Health Aff (Millwood). 1991 Winter;10(4):254-67.
3 Cleary PD. QRB Qual Rev Bull. 1992 Feb;18(2):53-9.
4 Joffe S. J Med Ethics. 2003 Apr;29(2):103-8.
5 Coulter A. 2002
6 Sixma HJ. Health Expect. 1998;1:82-95.
Final Program
of the Clinica Pinna Pintor
Torino – Italy
A century of tradition and renewal
Patient Centered Care
Under the Auspices of
Ministero della Salute
Regione Piemonte
Provincia di Torino
Città di Torino
Accademia di Medicina di Torino
Società Italiana Qualità Assistenza Sanitaria-SIVRQ
Associazione Italiana Ospedalità Privata-AIOP
Saturday September 25, 2004
Arturo Pinna Pintor Foundation Hall
Via Vespucci 61 – Torino, Italy
Anna Apicella: Professor of Sociology and Economics at the University of Genova; advisor to the regional government of Liguria on perceived quality of care and patient outcomes.
Chiara Benedetto: Director of theDepartment of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Ospedale Sant’Anna, University of Torino
Marco Bobbio: Cardiologist, Staff Physician, Department of University Cardiology, San Giovanni Hospital, Torino.
Paul D. Cleary: Professor of Medical Sociology, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School. Teacher of research methodology, and medical sociology, organizational analysis and health care, Boston.
Andrea Gardini: Director for quality assurance in the Regional Health Service of the Marche and member of the Governing Council of the International Society for Health Care – ISQua, Ancona.
Marco Massobrio: Director of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University of Torino and Ospedale Sant’Anna, Director of the School of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University of Torino.
Antonio Maturo: teaches "Sociology of Health" and "Methodology of evaluation research" at Bologna University
Plinio Pinna Pintor: Cardiologist, President Pinna Pintor Clinic and Arturo Pinna Pintor Foundation, Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology, Torino.
Piera Poletti: Director of CEREF - Centre of Research and Advanced Education; Member of the Board of the Italian Society for Healthcare Quality; Director of the program “Alliance with Citizens”.
Giuseppina Poppa: Obstetrician, Office for Quality, S.Anna Hospital – Torino.
Grace Rabacchi: Director, Office for Quality, S. Anna Hospital, Torino.
Rachel Reeves: Senior Researcher and Manager of the Advice Centre for the National Survey Programme at Picker Institute Europe, Oxford, England.
Herman J. Sixma: Senior researcher at the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (NIVEL), expert on quality of care research, Utrecht.
Sergio Vigna: Director of the Technical Activities and Control Quality of the Health Department of the Regione Liguria, Genova. / Programme
General Methodological Problems
Chairman: M. Bobbio
8.45 P. Pinna Pintor: Introduction.
9.00 P. Cleary: Using Patient Reports to Assess Health Care in Different Systems.
9.30 H.J. Sixma: Total quality management incorporating the patients' perspective.
10.00 A. Maturo: Going beyond the traditional questionnaire : measuring patients’ experience rather then satisfaction
10.20 P. Poletti: Effective Partnership with Patients & Informal Caregivers
10.40 Discussion
11.00 Coffee Break
Comparing experiences
Chairman: M. Massobrio
11.30 R. Reeves: Inquiry on patients hospitalized in Britain.
12.00 A. Apicella, S. Vigna: The System of the Hospitals in the Liguria Region vs the implementation of a Regional Observatory of Services’ quality.
12.30 C. Benedetto, G. Poppa, G. Rabacchi: The importance of several dimensions of care in an obstetric department: the patients’ opinion.
12.50 A. Gardini: The participation of citizens in the Regione Marche Project for improving health care provision.
13.10 P.Pinna Pintor : Discussion and Closing Remarks.
13.30 End of sessions / Scientific Committee
Chiara Benedetto
Marco Bobbio
Plinio Pinna Pintor
Arturo Pinna Pintor Foundation
Via Vespucci 61 – 10129 Torino, Italy
Phone +39 011-5802365 - Fax +39 011-5683893
General Information
CME Credits requested
100 places are available: first come – first served
Languages: Italian / English
Arturo Pinna Pintor Foundation Hall
Via Vespucci 61 – Torino-Italy
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Turin Palace Hotel**** € 139÷169
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Boston Hotel **** € 110÷130
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Organized by:
Comitato Organizzatore Simposi FAPP
Piera Colonna – Maddalena Caviglia
Via Vespucci 61 - 10129 Torino, Italy
Tel. (+39) 011-5802365 - Fax (+39) 011-5683893