Appendix 1.1 –1) Initial invitation letter:
GP Headed Paper
[Patient address]
[Study ID]
Dear [Title] [Surname]
Bowel Cancer Screening Information: Your Response
[Practice name] is helping researchers at University College London (UCL)with a study looking into what people think of a type of bowel cancer screening test. We are inviting people registered with this practice, who are approaching the age for bowel cancer screening, to complete a brief questionnaire. Included with this letter is a booklet containing information about a bowel cancer screening test, a leaflet with information on how the test would be carried out, a questionnaire and a Freepost return envelope.
Note: The information enclosed is just an example. You are NOT being invited to participate in the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme.
It is up to you to decide if you take part in this study or not:
- If you DO want to take part in this study, please follow the instructions that are on the front cover of the questionnaire booklet. If we have not received a questionnaire from you within 2 weeks we will send you a reminder.
- If you DO NOT want to take part, please return the blank questionnaire in the freepost envelope provided (no stamp needed). This way, we know not to bother you with a reminder.
If you would like to know more about this study before deciding whether to take part, please contact Alex Ghanouni on [telephone] / [email].
If you would like to know more about bowel cancer screening, call the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening helpline on 0800 707 60 60.
Yours sincerely,
[GP signature]
Information about the study
What are the possible benefits of taking part?
We cannot promise that the study will help you directly but the information we get may help improve the way that bowel cancer screening is organised in the future. You may also find that the information on bowel cancer screening is helpful.
Will this study be registered on a public database?
The study has been registered on the Primary Care Research Network portfolio, which means that GP practices are willing to support the study. It has also been recorded on the International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number register, which means that information on the study aims and design can be accessed online.
What will happen to the results of the study?
When we have analysed the data, we will publish our findings in a medical journal. We may also present the results at academic conferences or on social media websites (such as ‘Twitter’). All your responses will be anonymous and so results will not mention you by name.
Will I be able to receive a summary of the results?
If you would like a summary of the results, please provide a valid email address tick the applicable box at the end of the questionnaire. Please note that due to limited funds, we will not be able to send results any way other than by email.
2) Reminder letter:
GP Headed Paper
[Patient address]
[Study ID]
Dear [Title] [Surname]
Bowel Cancer Screening Information: Your Response
A few weeks ago we wrote to you about taking part in the above study. So far, not everyone who was invited to take part has responded. We are therefore sending you this reminder and another copy of the Freepost return envelope, in case the first copy has been mislaid.
Just to remind you, this study is being organised by researchers at University College London (UCL) and aims to find out what people think of a type of bowel cancer screening test.
[Practice name] is helping with this study by inviting people registered with this practice to complete a brief questionnaire if they are approaching the age for bowel cancer screening.
Reminder: The information enclosed in the previous letter is just an example. You are NOT being invited to participate in the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme.
It is up to you to decide if you take part in this study or not.
- If you DO want to take part in this study please follow the instructions on the front cover of the questionnaire.
If you would like to know more about this study before deciding whether to take part, please contact Alex Ghanouni on [telephone] / [email].
If you would like to know more about bowel cancer screening, call the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening helpline on 0800 707 60 60.
If you have already sent your questionnaire back, or if you do not wish to respond, please ignore this reminder and accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Many thanks for your help.
Yours sincerely,
[GP signature]
Information about the study
What are the possible benefits of taking part?
We cannot promise that the study will help you directly but the information we get may help improve the way that bowel cancer screening is organised in the future. You may also find that the information on bowel cancer screening is helpful.
Will this study be registered on a public database?
The study has been registered on the Primary Care Research Network portfolio, which means that GP practices are willing to support the study. It has also been recorded on the International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number register, which means that information on the study aims and design can be accessed online.
What will happen to the results of the study?
When we have analysed the data, we will publish our findings in a medical journal. We may also present the results at academic conferences or on social media websites (such as ‘Twitter’). All your responses will be anonymous and so results will not mention you by name.
Will I be able to receive a summary of the results?
If you would like a summary of the results, please provide a valid email address tick the applicable box at the end of the questionnaire. Please note that due to limited funds, we will not be able to send results any way other than by email.
Version 1.3: 07/03/13