IEE/09/250822/ SI2.558293 - ECOWILL
Table of contents
1. Summary 3
2. Objectives – Results – Impacts 7
3. Target Groups and Key Actors 12
4. Work Programme 14
5. Co-financing sources 67
6. Overview of Letters of support (optional) 69
1. Summary
(a) Abstract
The ECOWILL proposal is designed to be directly relevant to the needs of national and EU governments regarding the reduction of both greenhouse gases (CO2, N2O and CH4) and air pollutants (NOx emissions, particulates etc.) and traffic accidents. ECOWILL concerns a massive roll out of short duration ecodriving snack training programs for licensed drivers in 13 EU-countries, including Eastern-European countries. The project also concerns the education of learners in ecodriving during driving lessons. The project will boost the application of ecodriving all over Europe. By aiming at the driving school curricula and the driver test ECOWILL guarantees a sustainable lasting effect even beyond the conclusion of the project.
ECOWILL makes use of and builds further on the networks, momentum, know-how and deliverables established and produced in former and currently running EC projects like TREATISE, FLEAT and in particular ECODRIVEN. ECODRIVEN has established a European network and knowledge basis regarding the safe and smart style of driving. ECODRIVEN has brought ecodriving into the realm of the driving school curricula and the driver test. ECODRIVEN has also laid the foundation for efficient, cost effective and successful short duration snack training courses. ECOWILL is the next step and will roll out ecodriving snack training courses to the mass by deploying the existing infrastructure of driving schools. ECOWILL will also further introduce and roll out e-learning methods. E-learning might be a bit less effective than snack training courses but will make it possible to reach those licensed drivers who will never ever show up at any training course. E-learning concerns a modern up to date training tool which is demanded by several target groups. Target groups like lease companies and lease car drivers that can not afford to spend much time on practical training courses, even short duration "snack training" courses of maximum 60 minutes duration.
In the past many ecodriving training courses provided took a whole or at least half a day. This was optimal for those drivers who truly had the impression they could improve their driving behaviour. They were willing to pay the costs because they envisaged the money they could save on the long run. These long-duration courses maximise fuel savings but only reach a relatively small number of engaged people. Snack training courses, like they have been explored and deployed in ECODRIVEN, turn out to be an applicable way of reaching far more people. In snack training courses the ecodriving contents have been focussed to the core tips which have the biggest effects and are easy to adopt with high driver acceptance. The overall individual effects might be a bit less compared to the long-duration training courses, but the overall group effect is bigger because more licensed drivers can be involved. Snack-Trainings are designed to lower the inhibition threshold to participate in ecodriving trainings. The little amount of time that has to be spent and the relative low participation costs are good arguments not only to interest a broad mass of people but also reach additional target groups like fleet operators. Snack-trainings can easily be conducted in companies in a high cost effective way. For this reason snack trainings are dedicated for a mass roll-out to achieve a broad spectrum of target groups and large numbers of drivers at a high acceptance level.
Modern e-learning solutions can reach a broader mass at an even earlier stage and are easily to access. Several e-learning solutions already exist and are almost ready to be deployed. Especially e-learning instruments making use of simulation techniques and being highly interactive with a personalized feedback to drivers are attractive and publicly very well recognised.
Both, snack training courses and e-learning are complementary when it comes to roll out of ecodriving to the broad public and multiple target groups of private and business drivers/fleets.
Besides ECOWILL will aim at harmonising the education and examination of learner drivers. In some countries ecodriving is already part of the driver test/examination and though of regular driving lessons. The way in which ecodriving is being educated and examined however differs. In some EU countries no attention at all is paid to ecodriving in both driving lessons and the driver test. ECOWILL aims at harmonisation in both areas and thus optimising the effects, in collaboration with EFA (driving school association) and CIECA (examination association). In those countries in which ecodriving is not part of learner education and driver test, ECOWILL engages administrations to develop legislation for incorporation of ecodriving in the driver test and driving school curriculum to integrate ecodriving in their driving lessons and finally also into the driver test.
The consortium will be assisted by an "Ecodriving Advisory Board" (EAB), consisting of representatives of European Automobile Manufacturers' Association (ACEA), Ford of Europe, International commission for driver testing authorities (CIECA), LeasePlan Corporation, Quality Alliance Eco-Drive (QAED) and SenterNovem. SenterNovem will be represented by the coordinator of the former IEE ECODRIVEN project, the successful European ecodriving campaign. The EIB will also assist AEA with the extensive management activities of this challenging project.
(b) Major outputs and Results – including main quantitative result indicators
At least 500 certified/qualified driving instructors will be certified starting at various ecodriving experience levels in individual countries
à We will differentiate between
§ "expert countries" (ecodriving system established);
§ "intermediate expert countries" (some ecodriving experience);
§ "kick-off countries" (poor or no ecodriving experience)
WP4 aims to qualify at least 156 driving instructors in the participating countries. WP5 will use those core driving instructors to further develop the network of qualified driving instructors. The activities in WP5 will qualify at least additional 344 driving instructors.
At least 10,500 licensed drivers will be trained in standardised short duration training courses ("snack trainings").
§ Expert countries (Austria, UK, Germany, Finland, The Netherlands): At least 6,500 licensed drivers will be trained in the given five countries
§ Intermediate expert countries and kick-off countries (8 countries): At least 4,000 licensed drivers will be trained in these countries (500 in each country)
10,000,000 learner drivers (including novice[1] and young drivers, i.e. multi-stage learners or novice drivers within a probation period) will be teached in ecodriving skills in the 13 partner countries during the period of the ECOWILL project. This number estimates the potential number of learner drivers to be involved in the project and is derived from the total number of potential target groups which are listed below:
§ Estimated 3.3 m learner drivers per year (9.9 m within the project period) will be involved in the 13 partner countries
§ Potential novice drivers at the beginning of the project which are planned to be involved as well: estimated 6.6 m
Additional 6.6 m will be involved directly following the ECOWILL project (until 2015) via lessons and online information.
1,500,000 licensed drivers of passenger cars will be directly involved through training and communication activities.
This number will be reached by:
§ public events, like motor shows; local training & demonstration events
§ media events (at European, national, regional & local level): journalists as multipliers for consumer information (print, radio, TV and online)
§ print and online media for end-user communication
ECOWILL aims for up to 8 Mton CO2 emission avoidance[2] as well in a significant drop of other emissions deriving from road transport until 2015 through optimised driving behaviour.
(c) List of Participants
Partic N° / Participant name / Participant short name / Country code / Main Role in ConsortiumCO 1 / Austrian Energy Agency / AEA / AT / CO
CB 2 / Energy Saving Trust / EST / UK / CB
CB 3 / Motiva Oy / MOTIVA / FI / CB
CB 4 / VVCREurope b.v. / VVCR / NL / CB
CB 5 / Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving / CRES / EL / CB
CB 6 / The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency / KAPE / PL / CB
CB 7 / SEVEn, Stredisko pro efektivi vyuzivani energie, o.p.s. / SEVEn / CZ / CB
CB 8 / Geonardo Ltd. / Geonardo / HU / CB
CO 9 / Close stock company "COWI Lietuva" / COWI / LT / CB
CB 10 / Energetski Institut Hrvoje Pozar / EIHP / HR / CB
CB 11 / TRAIN (TRAnsport INnovation) / TRAIN / IT / CB
CB 12 / RACC Foundation / RACC / ES / CB
CB 13 / Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat e.V. / DVR / DE / CB
CB 14 / European Driving School Association / EFA / CB
CB 15 / Federation Internationale de L'automobile – European Bureau / FIA / CB
CO = Co-ordinator or beneficiary
CB = Co-beneficiary
The direct ECOWILL activities will be limited to the 13 partner countries Austria, UK, Finland, the Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Croatia, Italy, Spain and Germany. Where it concerns communication and dissemination activities, these may also affect countries other than those mentioned above in order to reach a broader target audience. In addition, the international project partners (EFA and FIA) will spread the knowledge and findings gained in the ECOWILL project to their member organisations in various countries.
The consortium will collaborate with various associated partners most of which have proven their added value in the previous IEE project ECODRIVEN.
Associated partners
PartnerN° / Partner name / Partner short name / Country codeCO 1 / SenterNovem / SenterNovem / NL
CB 2 / Ford of Europe / Ford / DE
CB 3 / International commission for driver testing authorities / CIECA / BE
CB 4 / European Automobile Manufacturers' Association / ACEA / BE
CB 5 / LeasePlan Corporation / LeasePlan / NL
CB 6 / Quality Alliance Eco-Drive / QAED / CH
CB 7 / National Association of Swedish Driving Schools / STR / SE
The National Association of Swedish Driving Schools (STR) is an organisation for driving school companies all over Sweden who have drivers' license training, and professional training for commercial drivers. STR is working on a long-term basis with many road safety issues, both in Sweden and on the international arena. It follows global developments and social and environmental changes very closely and in cooperation with its member companies. STR is developing and investing in environmental improvement primarily through its work with EcoDriving.
2. Objectives – Results – Impacts
(a) Specific objectives of your project
The ECOWILL project has five main objectives:
n To deploy both the existing infrastructures of driving schools and advanced driver training for the massive rollout of short duration ecodriving snack training courses and online (e-learning) education for licensed drivers.
n To standardise the contents of snack training courses and to certify trainers for providing snack training courses
n To train licensed drivers of passenger cars and vans in ecodriving and to involve additional drivers through publicity and media attention
n To engage governmental and driving school administrations to incorporate ecodriving in the driving school curriculum
n To harmonise and optimise the contents and application of ecodriving in the driver test for learner drivers.
(b) Strategic (long term) objectives of your project
n Setting of defined standards for ecodriving snack trainings, which can be easily adopted at pan-European level
n Establishing a dense infrastructure for ecodriving training deployment which will keep the ecodriving alive after termination of the ECOWILL project
n Rising awareness about ecodriving among drivers, all target groups
n Incorporation and harmonisation of ecodriving in the driver test and consequently the incorporation of ecodriving in the driving school curriculums in all EU countries
n Reductions in fuel consumption, GHG emissions, other air pollutants emissions such as NOX, PM, VOC etc. as a result of introducing ecodriving in the markets of the EU 27.
(c) Performance Indicators
At the end of the project it will be important to measure the results and assess the effectiveness of the European-wide Ecodriving campaign. Each national energy agency involved in the consortium will be responsible for gathering information on a continuous basis during the entire project from the target audiences in their country.
The evaluation will assess the impact of the whole project in the following areas:
n The impact of the activities on the target audiences in terms of their improved driving behaviour, which will result in energy and CO2 emission savings and possibly also in improvements in traffic safety;
n The impact of the activities on the target audiences in terms of their knowledge of, interest in and acceptance of Ecodriving;
n The potential for subsequent European-wide Ecodriving and safety campaigns based on collaboration between local actors and local departments and outlets of relevant companies;
n The transfer of knowledge between the target audiences, the EnR network and other actors in the wider EU.
Evaluation will be carried out through the two following main mechanisms:
1. Interviews and data collection with the project partners, supporting partners and target audiences;
2. Behavioural and operational data collection from the activities.
The calculations for the estimated reductions in CO2 emissions will be made according to a step-by-step evaluation approach. This approach has been developed within the Dutch national Ecodriving programme Het Nieuwe Rijden and has proven to be successful and transparent:
The activities will result in:
n The number of people participating in the projects (participation rate);
n The actual change in behaviour of a person participating in a project or other kind of action (effectiveness);
n The reduction rates of CO2 emissions by changing driving style and purchasing behaviour (efficiency rates).
This evaluation work will provide an assessment of the overall project as well as the individual actions within it. The performance of the project will be evaluated in WP8.