Ch. 12-13
1. At the Hartford Convention in 1814 the New England Federalists
D. Sought to limit the terms of the president and the authority of the Congress to declare war
2. In proposing the American System, Henry Clay sought all of the following except
C. A reeducation in tariff rate
3. One of the ironies about the Compromise of 1820 (Missouri Compromise) was that
B. Missouri was north of the 36°30’ line which divided free territories from slave territories
4. Which of the following was the most important military victory for the U.S. in the War of 1812?
A. The Battle of New Orleans
5. Which of the following was a provision of the Treaty of Ghent in 1814?
D. Any territories taken by either side during the war were to be returned
6. Which of the following statements best describes the post-War of 1812 situation in the U.S.?
A. The U.S. enjoyed a period of nationalism and economic development
7. One of the principal reasons why New England federalists opposed the construction of roads and canals at federal expense was the
B. Concern that the growth of the West might diminish their political power
8. The “Era of Good Feelings” referred to presidency
A. James Monroe’s
9. The Missouri Compromise provided that Missouri be admitted as a slave state, Maine admitted as a free state and that
B. All of the Louisiana Territory north of the 36°30’ be closed to slavery
10. The canal building period of the 1820s resulted primarily from
E. The need for an economical method of shipping farm goods from the West States and territories directly to Eastern Markets
11. The greatest support of the War of 1812 came from
C. The agricultural areas of the South and West
12. The War of 1812 had all of the following effects except
E. It led to an increase and more active American role in world politics
13. The fragility of the Era of Good Feelings was shattered by the
C. Missouri Compromise
14. The Tallmadge Amendment (1819) was proposed to
B. Prohibit the introduction of more slaves into Missouri
15. In Dartmouth College vs. Woodward, the Supreme Court
E. Protected corporations from having their state charters changed arbitrarily
16. During the War of 1812
B. The British invaded Washington, D.C. and burned the capital
17. The Missouri Compromise was engineered by
E. Henry Clay
18. The principal that “American Continents [were not]…subject for future colonization by any European power” is expressed directly in
B. The Monroe Doctrine
19. The main purpose of Henry Clay’s American System was to
B. Develop an interdependent economic system tying the East, West, and South together
20. The trend taken by the Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Marshall was to
D. Expand the federal government’s powers
21. Which of the following was not a factor in the American decision to declare war on Great Britain in 1812?
D. Boundary disputes between Vermont and Ontario
22. In the disputed Election of 1824, all of the following were candidates for the presidency except
E. Daniel Webster
23. The Hartford Convention was a manifestation of
A. New England Federalists opposition to the War of 1812
24. Which of the following accounts for the allegation of a “corrupt bargain” made by Jacksonian Democrats in the Election of 1824?
E. A cabinet appointment had been promised in exchange for support in the House of Representatives for John Quincy Adams
25. The election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 is referred to as a “revolution” because
D. There were ever increasing number of voters in the West as property qualifications were eliminated
26. The South Carolina Exposition and Protest was written in opposition to
C. The Tariff of 1828 which indirectly taxed the South to aid Northern industrial development
27. What was the principal issue behind the famous Webster-Hayne Debate?
D. Federalist
28. The followers of Andrew Jackson established what political party?
C. Democrats
29. Which of the following most accurately describes the dispute in the Election of 1824 between Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams?
D. The final decision was made in the House of Representatives for Adams
30. In the nullification controversy, some Southerners took the position that
C. States had the right to nullify acts of the federal government they deemed to be unconstitutional
31. The most important aspect of Jacksonian democracy was
A. Abolition of property qualifications for voting
32. When President Andrew Jackson’s enemies spoke of the “Kitchen Cabinet”, they were referring to
A. A group of old friends and unofficial advisors of the president
33. Southerners referred to the Tariff of as the “Tariff of Abominations”
B. 1828
34. The Tariff of Abominations led directly to the
B. South Carolina Exposition and Protest
35. The outcome of the Election of 1824 between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson was decided by
D. House of Representatives
36. For which of the following reasons did the New England states oppose American entry into the War of 1812?
D. They were enjoying the wartime profits from trading with both Britain and France
37. The Monroe Doctrine stated that the United States
C. Would not tolerate any new European colonization of the New World
38. The Battle of New Orleans in 1815
I. Resulted in the emergence of Andrew Jackson as a military hero
II. Ended the possibility of a British Empire on the lower Missouri River
III. Strengthened the Federalist Party’s grip on the national government
IV. Assured the relations of the treaty ending the war with notable changes by the British
D. I, II, and IV
39. All of the following occurred during the “Era of Good Feelings” except
A. Intensification of party loyalties
40. The economic hard times which followed the conclusion of the War of 1812 were largely the result of
C. Excessive government regulations