Notes (Prepared by Sue Ashwell FRPharmS, Chief Pharmacist
  • Previous to April 2013 the recorded information on hospitality or sponsorship by pharmaceutical companies was not readily available centrally, as departments hold their own records.
  • We have in April 2013 revised our Prescribing Advisory Group’s (PAG) operational arrangements to make clearer where members and applicants may have a potential conflict of interest. These are to be declared at each bi-monthly meeting and any potential effect on items to be discussed on the PAG agenda made known to all the group’s members and recorded in the meeting notes.
  • The systems in place at MKHFT take account of the research on the potential influence of the pharmaceutical industry on the selection of drug treatments. At Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust this has been managed for an extended period through an open and systematic process of review of the case for change put forward by clinicians and management of our formulary using an evidence-based approach, including taking due account of NICE TAs.

Payments from companies ; information held by Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Including travel
Johnson and Johnson / Payment for lecturing to an internal company training meeting / unknown / Jul12
Janssen / European educational visit – flights and visit 2 days / Company paid direct / Mar12
BMS / European travel fellowship and educational grant; to present at a conference. / £1,000 / Jul11
Pharmacy department educational meetings
Napp / Presentation of licensed indication Bendamustine; sandwich lunch provided for 24 staff attending / £120 est / Mar13
Warner Chilcott / Presentation of licensed indication Asacol; sandwich lunch provided for 21 staff attending / £120 est / Feb13
Gilead / Presentation of licensed indication Euiplera; sandwich lunch provided for 19 staff attending / £120 est / Jan13
Chiesi / Presentation of licensed indication Fostair; sandwich lunch provided for 24 staff attending / £120 est / Dec12
Novartis / Presentation of licensed indication Seebri; sandwich lunch provided for 19 staff attending / £120 est / Nov12
Janssen / Presentation of licensed indication Velcade; sandwich lunch provided for 26 staff attending / £120 est / Nov12
BMS / Presentation of licensed indication Apixiban; sandwich lunch provided for 22 staff attending / £120 est / June12
Schering Plough / Presentation of licensed indication Nasonex sandwich lunch provided for 20 staff attending / £120 est / May12
BoerhingerIngelheim / Presentation of licensed indication dabigatran sandwich lunch provided for 23 staff attending / £120 est / Apr12
Other departments’ educational meetings
various / Presentation of licensed indications; sandwich lunch provided for small number of doctors attending Frequency - perhaps once a month per specialty / £60 est / Various,