Greater Reading Environmental Network – Notes of meeting held on Monday 21st April 2008, 7.30 – 9.45pm

1. Present:Ian Henderson FoE, Jenny Cottee Tilehurst Globe, RickiJoseyOxfordRoadCommunityGarden, Sunil Gandhi Reading Green Party, Oonagh Kelleher BCTV, Paul Harper

Apologies: Peter Burt, Lynsey Green, John Booth, Paul Forrest-Jameson, Liz Ellis, Dave Soper.

2. Notes of meeting held on 21st April 2008 were agreed and the following matters arising discussed:

2. (i) A group member had raised an issue about ‘all group’ responses to postings, particularly when this was a response to a request, and whether the group should have a setting that was ‘reply to sender only’. PH said he had discussed with Lynsey, as the group moderator, and they felt this was contrary to the purpose of the group, which was to facilitate broad networking. Users could (subject to their email package) select reply to sender only where appropriate. Sunil flagged up that the GP has two groups; one for announcements and one for discussion. Agreed to review in September meeting if this is an issue.

6. Use of calendar – Ricky said he has put listings on this but not aware that anyone else has – need to encourage group to use for events etc.

8. Local Strategic Partnership arrangements – PH outlined what the LSP does and JC said she has been part of it for TREGA. Agreed that if she continues on the liaison group she will report back for GREN as well.

3. GREN Publicity

Flyer for events was done for Forbury Fever – PH handed round copies. Ricky went to both this and Waterfest but highlighted the absence of many local groups at either (FoE and BBONT only). He will also give out leaflets at Oxford Road fun day this Saturday. Feels that we are missing an opportunity to promote local green groups. JC said Tilehurst GLOBE had been asked but as a local group they concentrate on their own neighbourhood area. Proposition that GREN could facilitate a stall which local groups could utiilise collectively to promote themselves. Agreed this was a good idea but organization and resources required meant that would be pursued next summer season rather than this year.

ACTION – raise at September event.

4. Climate Change Strategy Response and follow-up

Paul updated on GREN response and follow-up letters sent to the Cabinet lead on Environment and Chair/Vice Chair of Environment Scrutiny Panel.

We had not yet heard back from RBC as to what the process for considering responses to CC consultation would be and also had not yet had a response to the letters sent to Councillors.

ACTION: Email reminder to Councillors. Chase up Committee services as to who was responsible for the process. Stress value of GREN as means of collectively communicating with local groups.

5. GREN event in September

PH fed back on progress: Climate Outreach Information Network have agreed to hold a Climate Action Group event as the major part of our meeting on 28 September 2008. PH has also booked the Friends Meeting House main hall & kitchen from 1.30 – 5.30 pm for the event – cost £13.50 per hour plus £5.50 for the kitchen. May need to consider adjacent room for break out groups. GREN can cover cost of rooms booked to date from original funds.

In discussion we highlighted that we need to work out with COIN exactly how their session and our own business can be ‘stitched’ together in a way that makes sense and enables GREN to be publicised to the audience. Will also need to work out with COIN how the publicity can work for us as well as the CAG event. Discussed whether RBC should be involved in the event.

Agreed that we need a group of, say 3 people, to take forward the planning of this event on behalf of GREN and authorised them to do so within the overall parameters and reporting back or consulting via group postings.

ACTION: PH will speak to Catrina Pickering from COIN (their new CAG project manager) about the broad issues, report back via a group posting and seek some volunteers to help organise the event.

6. Campaigns, information, concerns – sharing

(i)FoE Reading main campaign focus on Bio Fuels – especially in relation to EU directive coming up in September.

(ii)BTCV are still seeking young people 16 – 24 yrs to for their conservation groups.

(iii)OxfordRoadCommunityGarden open day on 26th July 12.00 – 4.00 pm.

(iv)The Forum – the general Voluntary & Community Sector forum – AGM Wednesday 9 July at 4.30 pm.

(v)New car club in Reading – ‘Common Wheels’?

7. Date of Next Meeting – needs to be a few weeks before the September event to finalise any outstanding issues for that day particularly what GREN is going to do in our session.

Thursday 4th September 7.30 pmat RISC – room to be advised.