Fifth Workshop
Global Food Security-Support Analysis Data @ 30 m (GFSAD30)
(By invitation only)
January 27th, 2015 Arrival
January 28-30, 2015: 5th GFSAD30 Workshop (Note: Meeting ends at 4 PM on January 30, 2015).
Room BA102A & B (in basement next to cafeteria)
USGS Headquarters,
John Wesley Powell Building
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, Virginia 20192
Directions for Visitors and Map:
Go to visitor's entrance. Access to USGS will require a U.S.,Government Identification Card, a Valid State Driver's license or a Valid passport.
Local Host:
Dr.Terry Slonecker,
Research Geographer,
U. S. Geological Survey (USGS), Reston, VA
Tel.: 703-648-4289;
Other contacts:
Prasad: 928-380-9965 (cell),
Pardha: 928-225-5958 (cell);
Jun: 760-705-8888 (cell)
Closest Airport:
Washington Dulles International (IAD) but Washington Reagan National (DCA) can also be used.
See attached map.
Hotels near USGS:
See attached map:hotels_in_reston.jpg
(I will stay in Courtyard, Herndon Reston)
Workshop Goals:
The GFSAD30 workshops areintended for the project team and collaborators to meet, present, discuss, and strategize on all aspects of the project. The 5 year GFSAD30 project is funded by NASA MEaSUREs and started on June 1, 2013. So, the USGS HQ Reston VA workshop will be held as we are into year 2 of the project. I know that all sub-groups have substantial progress and gaining momentum towards our ultimate goal of producing consistent and unbiased estimates of global agricultural @30m:
- Cropland extent\areas;
- Crop types (8 major and others);
- Cropping intensity;
- Irrigation vs. rainfed; and
- Cropland changes over space and time.
Workshop will take stock of the progress made so far, data-methods-approaches used, team coordination, deliverables, time-lines, milestones, and strategize way forward.
January 27:Everyone arrives in Reston (this is important to avoid, delays and missed flights we had last time; avoid red-eye flights, start June 27th morning to arrive well in advance)
Agenda for Day 1: January 28, 2015
7.30 AM Leave from the hotel to USGS HQ in Reston, VA (car pool or taxi)
8.45-9.00 AM:Inaugural; TBD
9.00-9.45 AM:GFSAD30 project: Overview on where everyone is? And where we need to go?; Prasad S. Thenkabail
9.30-10.30 AM:Global Cropland Extent V 2.0 (250 m product) for Africa: preliminary results, algorithm (parallel k-means clustering algorithms), ATBT, manuscript (draft); Jun Xiong, Prasad, and Jun
10.30-11.00 AM:Tea break
11.00AM-12.00 AMDetailed discussions on Jun’s Africa Work
12.00AM-1.00 PMLunch in cafeteria in basement
1.00 PM-2.00 PMGlobal Cropland Extent V 2.0 (250 m product) for Australia: preliminary results, algorithm (spectral matching technique and automated cropland classification algorithm), ATBT, manuscript (draft); Pardhasaradhi Teluguntla (Pardha), Prasad, and Jun
2.00-2.15 PMTea break
2.15 PM-3.15 PMDetailed discussions on Pardha’s Australia Work
3.15-3.30 PMTea break
3.30-4.30 PMGlobal Cropland Extent V 2.0\V3.0 (250 m product) for N. America: preliminary results, algorithm (automated croplands classification algorithm), ATBT, manuscript (draft); Teki Sankey and Richard Massey;
4.30-5.30 PMDetailed discussions on Richard\Teki’s N. America work
5.30 PMdrive back to hotel
6.45 PMMeet in the lobby and drive or walk (depends on weather) to dinner and back
Agenda for Day 2: January 29, 2015
8.00 AM Leave from the hotel to USGS HQ in Reston, VA (car pool or taxi)
9.00-10.00 AM:Global Cropland Extent V 2.0 product (30m) for Europe: preliminary results, algorithm, ATBT (linear discriminant model), manuscript (draft); Mutlu Ozdogan and AparnaPhalke;
10.00-10.15 AM:Tea break
10.15-11.15 AM:Detailed discussions on Aparna\Mutlu Europe Work
11.150 AM-12.15 PMGlobal map accuracies, ground data, very high resolution data: A global perspective in support of Global Cropland Extent V 2.0\V3.0 (250 m\30 m product) efforts: Kamini Yadav and Russell Congalton
12.15 AM-1.15 PMLunch in cafeteria in basement
1.15 PM-2.15 PMDetailed discussions on Kamini\Russ’s work
2.15-2.30 PMTea break
2.30 PM-3.30 PMGlobal Cropland Extent V 2.0 product (30m) for Africa with focus on Linear Spectral Mixture Model: preliminary results, algorithm, ATBT, manuscript (draft); Cristina Milesi;
3.15-3.30 PMTea break
3.30-4.30 PMDetailed discussions on Cristina Milesi’s work
4.30-5.30 PMProgress in: (a), (b) ground data App, (c) Google Earth Engine (GEE) initiative, (d) GFSAD30 web portal: Justin Poehnelt, David Thau, Cristina Milesi, Jun Xiong, Pardhasaradhi Teluguntla;
5.30 PMdrive back to hotel
6.45 PMMeet in the lobby and drive or walk (depends on weather) to dinner and back
Agenda for Day 3: January 30, 2015
8.00 AM Leave from the hotel to USGS HQ in Reston, VA (car pool or taxi)
9.00-10.00 AM:coordination between global land cover and global croplands; Chandra Giri;
10.00-10.15 AM:Tea break
10.15-11.15 AM:HSeG as a tool for: (a) mapping croplands vs. non-croplands, (b) generating validation data from very high spatial resolution imagery, (c) segmentation; James Tilton;
11.15 AM-12.15 PMPreparing to disseminate GFSAD30 products through LP DAAC; Stacie Bennett, Dave Meyer et al.;
12.15 AM-1.15 PMLunch in cafeteria in basement
1.15 PM-2.15 PMPathways to move forward, especially re-visiting milestones for deliverables
2.15-2.30 PMTea break
2.30 PM-3.30 PMPI and co-Is meet to discuss project progress and project performance and way forward.
3.15-3.30 PMTea break
3.30-4.30 PMNext meeting and other issues
List of Invitees and their Contact Details
GFSAD30 Project Team names and affiliation (Project Team)
Prasad Thenkabail, PI, USGS
Cristina Milesi, co-I, NASA AMES\CSUMB
Mutlu Ozdogan, co-I, UW
Russ Congalton, co-I, UNH
Chandra Giri, co-I, USGS EROS
James Tilton, co-I, NASA GSFC
TemuulenTeki, co-I, NAU
Pardhasaradhi Teluguntla, Research Scientist, BAERI\USGS
Jun Xiong, Post doc, NAU\USGS
Richard Massey, PhD student, NAU\USGS
AparnaPhalke, PhD student, UW
Kamini Yadav, PhD student, UNH
GuJianyu, PhD student, UNH
Justin Poehnelt, USGS (starts on May 14th, 2014), NAU Computer Science Student
LP DAAC (web portal, data portal, web map)
Dave Meyer
Stacie Doman Bennett, App Developer, Web Master (web portal, data portal, web map)
Justin Poehnelt
Google Earth Engine: (Python and Java scripts);
David Thau, Justin Poehnelt, Jeanne Jones
Email list of GFSAD30 members:
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Web Master
Google Earth Engine:
Web, GEE:
WGSC leadership
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