Reporting Online for the Church Copyright Licence
Thank you for contacting us regarding reporting online for the Church Copyright Licence. Please find below step by step instructions on the reporting process for your reference. These instructions have been written assuming you already have an Online Account set up with us already. If have not yet set up the account please contact CCLI on the free call number 1800 635 474.
· Firstly log into the Online Copy Report by going onto our homepage and click on Login Now you will then be asked to enter your user name and password:
· You will then see a screen that says “Launch Copy Report” click on that:
· You will then see a screen that looks like this:
If you click on each of the links under “NEW USERS” you will be taken step by step through the reporting process. Alternatively you can select the second tab at the top “Search and Report” to report by yourself.
· Once you have clicked on the “Search and Report” tab you will see a screen that looks like this:
Here you can search for the song you wish to report by title, lyrics, author, catalogue, theme and CCLI song number (choose from the drop down menu where it is set to title.)
· After selecting the type of search you wish to conduct type the necessary criteria in the box next to the drop down menu. So, if you selected “Title” enter the title in the box and select search. (I have used “Blessed be your name” by Matt Redman for an example.)
You will then see a list of all the songs with “Blessed be your name” as the title. (See below)
You now need to click the version you used (the Matt Redman one right up the top of the list) by clicking on the title.
· You will then see a screen with the song information on the left hand side and lyrics on the right hand side (see below) you will need to click on “Enter into Copy Report.”
After clicking on “Enter into Copy Report” you will see a screen that looks like this:
· You now need to enter how you reproduced the song (Projection Master, Print and Record);
Projection Master covers any songs that you project onto an overhead projector or via data projection (PowerPoint). You only need to report any NEW projections you make so if you create an overhead or PowerPoint presentation and use it over and over again you only need to report 1 Projection Master. If however you create a brand new projection each week you will need to report however many you make.
Print covers any song lyrics that you print straight from a computer file into a song booklet or order of service for a wedding etc. When reporting Print you only need to report how many times the song appears in the booklet. So, say you had 10 songs appearing once each in 100 booklets, you would only report each of the 10 songs once not 100 (for each booklet).
Record covers any songs that you record onto a CD or tape of the congregation singing or musicians playing. When reporting songs that you record you only need to record how many times the song is taped not how many CD’s or tapes you create. So if you have one song and your make 5 CD’s you only report 1 recording.
· Once you have entered the amount of reproductions you have made under the respective headings click “Save.”
· You will then be taken to a summary screen with the song you have just reported as well as 2 buttons “Next Song” and “Exit.” If you have finished reporting all the songs you have used just click “Exit” and the report will come straight through to us at CCLI. If you still have songs you need to report click “Next Song” and repeat the above process until you have finished and then click “Exit.”
If you continue to have difficulty reporting online please do not hesitate to contact one of our Customer Service Representatives on 1800 635 474.