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European Economic and Social Committee

Welcome speech by the President, Mr Dimitriadis to MinisterGlos

on the occasion of the 433rd plenary session

on 15 February 2007


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It is a great honour for our Committee to have a very important piece of the kaleidoscope called "German Presidency" the Federal Minister of Economics and Technology of Germany, Mr Glos.

I strongly believe that his presence is of an utmost importance given the fact that Mr Glos is the competent Minister for our Committee in the German government.

The German government requested from our Committee an exploratory opinion on the "Challenges and Chances of Globalisation".

During our meeting, in December 2006, I confirmed to you that our Committee will deliver its opinion in May 2007 and we would be more than happy to present this important opinion, publicly in Berlin, honoured by your presence, in June 2007, later this year.

The European Council of March 2005 urged our Committee to set up with Member States' economic and social councils and other partner organisations an interactive network of civil society initiatives aimed at promoting the implementation of the strategy of Lisbon.

Consequently, our Committee's Ad hoc Lisbon Group has prepared an update in the form of resolution for 2007 Spring Council.

Additionally, the German Presidency has its own top priorities for the EU agenda such as:

a) Energy and climate change

b) European Constitution

c) Better regulation and innovation.

We are all very aware that Technology and Innovation are going together and both of these "precious ingredients" are necessary to make Europe even more competitive, not only for European citizens but as well as to the rest of the countries out of Europe, in a worldwide level.

And for that we have two paths to explore.

The first one, by tailoring the European education system to the current needs and challenges and by being able to offer high living and working standards in our Europe, in order to facilitate not only the free movement of goods but rather the free movement of 'brains'

Dear Minister Glos

On behalf of our Committee and myself, I wish to thank you again for being with us and I want to declare that our Committee is very looking forward to giving to the German EU Presidency all its support.

Thank you.
