Aboriginal People
Named in
Protector’s Correspondence OUT 1840-1912
Protector’s Correspondence IN 1866-1901
Color-Coded for Easy Reference
Compiled by Joe Lane, ?2014 –
Protector’s Correspondence OUT:
Volume 1PCO1 ….
Volume 2PCO2 ….
Volume 3PCO3 ….
Volume 4PCO4 ….
Volume 5PCO5 ….
Volume 6PCO6 ….
Volume 7PCO7 ….
Volume 8PCO8 ….
Protector’s Correspondence IN:PCI
In this example,
Cameron, Alfred, Point Macleay/Coorong PCO7 60a, 358b, 427b, 496a, 581a, 591a, 601a-602a,
627a, 693a, 709a, 811b, 881b, 889b, 909, 911b, 918, 944.
PCI 95/136, 96/253, 97/448, 97/457, 98/89, 99/128, 00/51.
PCO7 means ‘Protector’s Correspondence Out’, colour-coded for Volume 7, and the numbers (and letters, a or b), for example, 911b, means the second letter on page 911.
PCI references relate to Year IN andthe Number of the Letter in that Year.
Here’s another example:
Adams, Thomas (Jnr.), Point Pierce/Poonindie PCO4485, 546; PCO6 489b-490a, 515; PCO7 115a,
557b-559a, 834b; PCO8 48b, 49a, 50b.
Poonindie/Moonta PCI [68/152], [68/251], 69/30, 72/218, 76/9, 76/463, 77/11, 78/63,
88/79, 88/129, 88/158, 94/167, 95/100, 96/268, 97/404, ?00/324.
indicates letters OUT in Volume 4, Volume 6, Volume 7 and Volume 8, and letters IN by year and number. All you have to do is look up each volume, one by one, and find those letters in full.
Just take your time. Happy hunting
Combined PCO and PCIIndex
Abdalla, child, Yongala PCI 99/376.
Abdelah, Annie, Clare/Mid-North PCI 92/361.
Abdoolah, John, Kadina PCO6 6.
Kadina/Bundaleer PCI 84/331, 84/348A, 91/55.
Abdullah, Sarah, Clare PCO5 799a.
Adams, ? , Pt Pierce PCI 96/70.
Adams, Arthur, Poonindie/North Terrace PCO6 855b.
Poonindie/Pt Pierce/Adelaide PCI91/166.
Adams, Mr Chas S., Point Pierce Mission PCO7 972b.
PCI 00/407.
Adams, Esther, Moonta PCI 97/96.
Adams, Ethela [Tom’s daughter], Point Pierce/Norwood PCO7 283a.
Poonindie/Pt Pierce/Adelaide PCI 96/281, 96/284.
Adams, G. [Gladys?], Kadina PCI 92/182.
Adams, Julia, Pt Pierce, PCI 95/46, 95/183, 00/180A.
Adams, Laura, Poonindie PCO6 489b, 490a.
PCI 88/68, 88/79.
Adams, Louie, Poonindie PCI 88/79.
Adams, Mary (Kudnorto), Crystal Brook PCO1 340, 350, 358, 597, 628-629, 635, 638.
Adams ChildrenPCO1 629, 635, 638.
Adams family PCO3 197, 457, 495, 512, 711, 719.
Adams, Mrs, Point Pierce PCO7 283a.
Adams, Tim, Poonindie/Point Pierce PCO6 657b, 855b; PCO7 142b, 155a, 191a, 2621-262b,
277a, 317a-317b, 355a, 384b, 412a, 415b, 463a, 505a-505b, 538b, 686a, 693b-694a, 755b, 787, 799a, 802a, 806b.
Pt Pierce/Poonindie/Moonta PCI 91/166, 94/308, 95/146, 95/247, 96/39, ?96/51,
96/150, 97/114, 97/216, 97/418, 98/79, 98/225, 99/35, 99/403.
Adams, Thomas (Jnr.), Point Pierce/Poonindie PCO4485, 546; PCO6 489b-490a, 515; PCO7 115a,
557b-559a, 834b; PCO8 48b, 49a, 50b.
Poonindie/Moonta PCI [68/152], [68/251], 69/30, 72/218, 76/9, 76/463, 77/11, 78/63,
88/79, 88/129, 88/158, 94/167, 95/100, 96/268, 97/404, ?00/324.
Adams, William, Pt Pierce/Dergholm PCI 00/21, 00/407.
Aggie, Leigh’s Creek PCO7 77a.
Aggie [Johnson?], widow, Goolwa PCO5 255-256, 268.
PCI 9/350, 80/232, [80/247].
Aggie (Rankine), Goolwa PCO6 80b, 92b, 241b, 390b, 534a, 964b, 974b.
Ah Hang, George, Kingston/Border Town PCO7 834a, 849a; PCO8 78a, 84b.
A King, Poonindie PCO5 542b.
Albert, Beachport/Millicent/Poonindie PCO5 462, 748a-748b.
PCI 81/244, 81/257, 81/297, 82/400.
Albert, Goolwa? PCI 86/231.
Albert, Venus Bay PCO4 959-960.
Albert, George Franklin Harbor PCO6 208, 233, 230a,230b, 275b, 355a, 360b, 362a, 389b,
PCI 86/22, 86/126, 87/57, 87/159, 87/171, 87/207.
Aldeanackar (Jimmy), Far North, PCI 67/88.
Alice, Chowilla PCO6 320b, 335a. PCI 87/50.
Alice, Fowler’s Bay PCI 88/227.
Alice, Port Augusta/Far North PCO7 913b.
Alice, Kopperamanna PCI 87/141.
Alick, Venus Bay? PCO6 794b.
Allchurch [Newchurch], Dick, Yorke’s Peninsula PCO6 363a, 368b. See: Dick Newchurch.
Ambrose, George, Point Pierce PCO6 77, 82b-83a, ?716a; PCO8 117a.
Ambrose, Mary, Stansbury PCI 91/270.
Ambrose, Sarah, Stansbury PCI 91/235, 91/285.
Ambrose, Tommy, Stansbury PCI 90/65, 90/73, 90/87.
Amelia, Yorke’s Peninsula PCO6 707a, 709a.
Pt Pierce PCI 90/41.
Amey, Victor Harbor PCO7 440b
Anbillian, Fowler’s Bay PCI 69/262.
Angie, Point Pierce PCO7 138a.
Angie(f.), Yorke’s Peninsula PCO6 484b.
Angie, Christina, Point Pierce PCO7 138a.
Edithburgh PCI 92/278, 94,304, 95/193
Angie, Dan, Point Pierce PCO6 314a. PCI 86/322, 86/355, 87/10.
Angie/Angey, Harry , Point Pierce PCO5 464.
Kadina/Pt Pierce/Pt McLeay PCI 81/247, 99/160, 00/132, 00/146.
: child, Pt Pierce PCI 00/132.
Angie, Henry, Point Pierce PCO7 503a.
Angie, Irene/Jane/Jessie [Lindsay] PCO6 612a.
Angie, Willie, Point Pierce PCO6 927b. PCI 92/53.
Ango Tommy, Beltana PCI 91/341.
Annie, Goolwa PCO6 453a. PCI 87/400.
Antonie, Jane, Warooka PCO6 19b, 26a.
Archie [Blackmore?], Point Macleay PCO7 52b, ?73b.
Wellington PCI 73/201, 92/271, 93/184.
Arden, Mount Gambier PCO6 619b, 622a.
Armstrong, ?? Canowie/Pt McLeay PCI 83/18.
Armstrong, Amelia, Canowie/Point Macleay PCO5 758.
Armstrong, Ellen, Canowie/Point Macleay PCO5 758.
Arthur, ? , Pt Germein PCI 97/417.
Avenue, Jane, ?Mt Gambier? PCI 84/162.
Bakilti, Port LincolnPCO1 430.
Ballantyne, Narracoorte PCI 81/251.
BallycrackPCO1 620.
Barlow, Fanny, ??Poonindie?/South-East/Pt Pierce PCI 81/346, 81/350, 83/272, 83/319.
Barrett, woman [Martha?], Pt McLeay PCI 96/123.
Barrett, A., Point Macleay PCO7 697b.
Barrett, Arthur, Poonindie/Pt Pierce/Pt McLeay? PCI 94/196.
Barrett, Jenny, Stansbury PCI 85/182.
Barty, Jack, Pt Augusta? PCI 98/243.
Bates, Kingston PCI 87/160.
Bates, Blackford, Mt Benson or Evangelina PCO6 425b.
Baulby, N.T. PCO6 879b. PCI 91/263.
Beck, Ethel, Murray Bridge/Wellington PCO7 387a, 567a, ?696.
PCI 98/235.
Beck, Geo., Murray Bridge/Mannum PCO6 329b, 397b, 696a, 751b; PCO7 155b, 171, 213b,
446b, 541a.
Mid-Murray/Lower Murray/Pt McLeay PCI 87/74, 94/312, 94/363, 94/364, 95/18,
95/142, 97/126, 99/88, 00/225, 00/368.
Beck, Mrs Mary, Murray Bridge/Point Macleay/Manunka PCO7 119a-119b, 592, 593a, 696,
922b; PCO8 108.
Mid-Murray/Pt McLeay? PCI 91/114, 92/91, 94/182, 94/188, 94/363.
: children, Pt McLeay PCI 99/64.
: boy, Wellington/Gaol PCI 99/143, 99/155.
: family, Mannum PCI 00/274, 00/348.
: child PCO7 155b.
Bell, Jackie, Victoria PCO6 806a.
Bella [Bookmark?], Morgan/Upper Murray PCI 83/130.
Ben Bow, Goolwa PCO3 897.
Bendigo, MInburra PCI 84/229.
Bendigo, Emma, Minburra PCI 86/261.
Bendigo, Kitty, Orroroo PCI 86/217, 86/221.
Benjamin, Ellen, Strathalbyn PCI 76/396.
Bennett, Geo., Clare PCO6 980b.
PCI 92/296.
Bennett, George, Goolwa PCO4333.
Point McLeay/Victor Harbor PCI 88/2, 93/299.
Bennett, William. Goolwa/Finnis River? PCI 83/303.
Bertha, Kopperamanna PCO6 226b.
Besley/Chowilla Besley, Renmark PCO7 265a.
PCI 91/335, 92/57.
Bessie, Millicent PCO6 452b. PCI 87/399.
Betsy, Overland Corner PCI 69/8.
Betty Baer/Baker?, Kingston PCI 73/143.
Bews, ? Lower Murray?/Kingston PCI 82/299, ?95/245.
Bews, ? , Wallaroo PCI 99/204.
Bews, David and Ellen [Wilkins?], Wellington PCO5 700b, 739.
Bews, Davie, Mid-North?/Yorke’s Peninsula PCI 88/171.
Bews, Eli, Yorke’s Peninsula/Poonindie/Port Lincoln PCO6 431b.
PCI 87/345.
Bews, Mrs [Nelly?], Wallaroo PCO7 444b, ?490b.
[Wilkins?], Poonindie/Pt McLeay PCI 87/304.
Bews/Bewes, Willy, ?Adelaide?/Yorke’s Peninsula PCI 78/229.
?Bey, Nellie ?Kelly, ?? PCI 91/333.
Bigges, ?, Mid-North?/Kadina PCI 95/404.
Biggs, Alfred, Yalpara PCI 93/242, 95/55.
Biggs, Jack, Mid-North PCI 84/12.
Biggs [Miller?], Julia, Jamestown PCI 93/129, 95/52, ?98/20.
Big Harris, Overland Corner PCI 83/163.
Big Johnny, ?? PCI 76/204.
Big Sal, Kangaroo Island PCO4372-373.
Biggs, Alfred, Minburra PCO7 63a, 174b.
Biggs/Miller, Julia, Orroroo/Port Pirie PCO7 173, ?346a
Billy, Cowell PCO7 406a.
BillyPCO3 160.
Billy, Beachport/ Millicent PCO5 535b-536; PCO6 954a, 961a, 964a, 991a.
Billie, McDonnell Bay PCI 78/79.
Billy, ? PCI 66/1.
Billy, ? PCI 67/50.
Billy, ? PCI 74/387, 75/173.
Billy, ? PCI 84/19.
Billy, Melrose PCI 84/213.
Billy, Meningie/Dodd’s Point PCI 93/264.
Billy, Millicent PCI 85/86, 92/170, 92/318.
Billy, Peake PCI 84/82, ?86/246.
Billy, Poonindie PCI 75/263, 75/307.
Billy, Pt Augusta PCI 85/52.
Billy, Wallaroo? PCI 72/327.
Billy Bully, Goolwa PCO4424.
Billy Button, Fowlers’ Bay PCO6 897a, 905a.
PCI 88/122, 91/342, 92/81.
Billy Nandya, Anna Creek PCO6 258a. See also: Nipper.
Billy Rowdy, Smithfield PCO5 554.
Binnum [Binnum] Jenny, Narracoorte PCI 82/386.
Black Bess, Robe PCO7 264b.
Blacker, Tommy, Point Pierce/Kadina PCO5 464. PCI 81/247.
Blackmore,Archie, Lower Murray & Lakes/Murray Bridge PCO6 330a, 398b, 812a, 922b, 927a;
PCO7 73a, 74a, 374a, 513a, 542a, 566, 615a, 702b, 790a, 831a, 911a.
PCI 80/224, 83/214, 90/324, 90/330, 90/339, 91/137, 92/29, 92/50, 96/295, 97/226,
00/189, 00/365.
: child, Wellington PCI 90/238, ?95/354, 97/253.
Blackmore, Frank, Pt McLeay/Milang PCI 93/267, 98/95, 99/225, 00/320.
: child, Milang PCI 98/95.
Blackmore, Maggie, Point Macleay/Victor Harbor PCO6 805b, 806b, 822a, 831b.
Blackmore, Rebecca, Point Macleay PCO7 374a.
PCI 00/375.
Black Rock Mary, Laura PCI 89/63.
Blade, Emily, ? PCO8 133.
Blade, Maud, ? PCO8 133.
Blades, Charlie, Far North/Cowell PCO7 388b, 389b. PCI 98/169, 98/192, 98/254.
Blades, John, Pt Augusta/Wallaroo PCI 97/408, 98/192.
Blake, William, Mannum PCO7 867b.
Blake, Willie, Point Pierce/Kadina PCO5 464. PCI 81/247.
Blind Billy, Mt Gambier PCI 81/415.
Blinman Billy, Flinders Ranges? PCI 86/172.
Blucher, Edward, South-East PCO3 494, 495, 564, 688, 696, 753, 767-768, PCO4332.
Mt Gambier PCI 67/284, 68/132, 68/402, 69/59, 69/135, 74/112.
Blueskin, Kangaroo Island/Poonindie PCI 80/195.
Blueskin, Streaky Bay PCO5 242.
Blueskin Billy, Perrepurngarrimi, Penola PCO1 643.
Bluff, WilliamPCO1 233.
Bob, [Yatala Labor Prison] PCO7 902b, 912a.
Bob (Kurralie), North-East/Cowarie PCI 97/91.
Bobby, Cooper’s Creek PCO3 448, 450. PCI 68/68.
Bocco, Fanny, Mt Remarkable PCO489.
Boco, Billy¸ ? PCI 67/117.
Boco, Edward, Kangaroo Island PCI 83/226, 87/288, 00/292.
Boes, Pt Augusta PCI 94/172.
Boes, Edward, Kangaroo Island PCO6 247b, 405a, 735; PCO7 540a.
PCI 98/369.
Bogle Eye, Blanchetown PCO5 733a. See also: Old Bogle Eye.
Morgan/Upper Murray PCI 86/11, 87/194, 87/306, 87/326, 88/178.
Bonaparte, Napoleon, Pt McLeay/Coorong PCI 71/26.
Bonnie, Henry, ?/NSW?/Pt McLeay? PCI 94/110.
Bonny, Point Macleay PCO6 735, 992b. See also: Napoleon Bonaparte.
PCI 92/326.
Bookmark, ? , Murray Bridge PCI 99/362.
Bookmark, Bella, Mid-Murray PCI 87/34, ?87/373, 90/99, 90/131.
Bookmark, Ellen, Murray Bridge PCO7 672b; PCO8 102..
Bookmark Tommy, Upper Murray/Murray Bridge/Mannum PCO6 221b-222a, 341a-341b, 344a,
348b-349a, 716b, 807, 859a; PCO71b, 6a, 177b, 180a, 369, 472b, 592, 593a, 921b, 975a;
PCO8 57b, 62a.
PCI 86/140, 87/130, 87/137, 88/183, 90/74, 90/329, 91/179, 92/355, 95/68, 97/303,
Boord, Milang PCO5 302; PCO6 195b.
PCI 90/318.
Boord, Emily [Munyur Campbell], Goolwa PCO7 50b.
PCI 91/307, ?93/169.
: child, Pt McLeay PCI 93/169.
Boord, Jeffrey, Lower Lakes PCO6 984b.
PCI 92/301.
Boord, John, Mt Barker/Lakes PCI 87/71.
Boord, Kitty, Pt McLeay PCI 68/63.
Bootha, ?? PCI 82/42.
Boothby, Lower Lakes PCO6 638a.
PCI 89/327, 00/253, 00/260.
Boothby, Crofton,Lower Lakes PCO6 901.
PCI 91/337.
Boothby, John, Lower Lakes/Coorong PCO6 473.
Boothby, Mary, Point Macleay/Lake Alexandrina PCO5 597.
PCI 88/89, 88/106, 88/331.
Boothby, William, E. Lake Alexandrina/Coorong PCO6 202b, 204a, ?495b.
Borroway/Burroway, Mid-Murray? PCI 83/90, 83/118.
Bot Bell, Robe PCI 92/269.
Bowes [Bewes?], Edward, Yorke’s Peninsula PCI 77/225.
Boy, Mount Barker tribe PCO1 12.
Bridges, Stockport/Mid-North PCI 76/380.
Brooks, E., Port Germein PCO7 589a.
Brooks, Henry, Wellington PCO414a-14b, 27.
PCI 71/24, 71/49.
Brooksy Bob, Yorketown PCI 95/242.
Brown, Eliza, Border Town PCO6 205b.
Brown, Fanny, ?? PCI 74/94.
Brown, Lawson, Upper Murray PCO2 100.
Buccomolo, mid-North PCO1 104.
Buckskin, Mrs J., Point Pierce PCO8 160.
Buckskin family, Streaky Bay PCI 88/69.
Budlaroo, Jenny, Clare PCO1 454.
Buffalo, Wellington [from Upper Murray?] PCO5 14.
Buffalo, Elizabeth, Lower Murray PCI 81/75.
Buffalo, Grace, River Murray/Point Macleay PCO6 743b.
PCI 89/34, 92/83.
Bull, Arthur, Meningie PCI 89/265.
Bull, John, Millicent PCI 74/336.
Bull, Richard, Lower Murray/Lakes PCO6 195b.
Bullocky Bill, Streaky Bay PCO6 897b, 904b
Bumbanda, Milang PCO5 5.
Bungaree, Victor Harbor PCO6 597a, 600a.
PCI 89/50, 92/24.
Bungaree, Maggie, Wellington PCI 88/211.
Bungeroo Charlie, Blinman/Flinders Ranges PCI 69/131.
Burle, Bob, Alice Springs PCO7 701b.
Burns, John, ?/Poonindie PCI 91/302.
Burr, Janet, Mount Gambier PCO7 417, 420a.
PCI 84/2, 84/322, 98/397.
: child, Mt Gambier PCI 84/322.
Burton, Yorke’s Peninsula? PCO5 429b, 433; PCO7 374a.
Busby, Denis, Mid-North? 85/25.
Bushby [Boothby?], Crofton, Lake Alexandrina PCO8 20a.
Butcher, Wellington/ Point Macleay PCO5 12-13, 262.
Butcher, Willie, Murray Bridge
PCI 95/84.
Butcher Jack, Lower Lakes PCO6 473.
Butler, ? , Balaklava PCI 99/275.
Butler, F., Balaklava PCO7 461b, 464a.
Butler, Fred, Pt McLeay?/Meningie PCI 84/67, 84/336, 84/353.
: wife, ? PCI 84/353.
Butler, Jessie, Point Pierce PCO6 102a.
PCI 85/259.
Button, Billy, Fowlers’ Bay PCO6 501a, 502b.
Cameron, ? Point Macleay/Coorong PCO6 945b.
Cameron, Alfred, Point Macleay/Coorong PCO7 60a, 358b, 427b, 496a, 581a, 591a, 601a-602a,
627a, 693a, 709a, 811b, 881b, 889b, 909, 911b, 918, 944.
PCI 95/136, 96/253, 97/448, 97/457, 98/89, 99/128, 00/51.
Cameron, Charlie, Millicent/ Yallum, Penola PCO6 561a; PCO7 350b.
Campbell, Point Macleay PCO7 6b.
Campbell, ?, Pt McLeay/Milang PCI 94/267, 98/87, 99/45, 00/42.
Campbell, ? , Victor Harbor PCI 97/309.
Campbell, Mrs, Point McLeay PCO8 79b.
Campbell, J., Goolwa/Lower Lakes PCI 88/76.
Campbell, Peter, W. Narrung Peninsula/Mundoo PCO6 195b; PCO8 66a.
PCI 97/452, 98/223, 99/38.
Peter & Leonard Campbell, Coorong [Pelican Point?] PCO7 352b, ?358b, 387b, 487b, 591a,
604b, 909.
PCI 97/452, 98/223.
Campbell, Susan, Point Macleay PCO6 918a; PCO7 484a; PCO8 152b.
Campbell, William Point Macleay PCO6 918a; PCO7 50b, ?60a.
PCI 83/102, 91/368.
: wife [Susan Koolmatrie], Lakes/Pt McLeay PCI [91/368], 99/25.
Candelmah, ?? PCI 91/263.
Carbine, Hergott/Kopperamanna/Pt McLeay? PCO7 342b, 344a.
PCI 95/101, 97/383, 97/445,
Carey, Jane, VictoriaPCO4246.
Carmichael, ?, Meningie PCI 88/271.
Carmichael, Carry ?Meningie?/Milang? PCI 88/260, 88/291.
Caroline [Lartelare?]¸ Murray Bridge/[Pt Adelaide?] PCO6 398b, 453b.
PCI 87/123.
: child PCI 78/356.
Carpeny, George & Louisa, Brinkley PCO6 860b, 993a; PCO7 17b, 19b, 21b. See: Karpany.
Carr, John, ?Gladstone/Mid-North? PCI 95/358.
Carranda, ? PCI 69/293.
Carpeny/Karpany, Louisa, Wellington PCO7 278.
Carter, Coorong? PCO6 639b.
Carter, ?, Pt McLeay/W. Victoria PCI 89/30, 89/212, ?00/315.
Carter, Bill, Point Macleay/Lake Condah, Vic. PCO7 847a.
Carter, Cissy, Coorong/Point Macleay PCO7 216b.
Carter, Emily, Pt McLeay PCI 97/89.
Carter, Eva, Coorong PCO5 314.
PCI 85/338.
Carter, Harry, Coorong PCO5 314.
Carter, Jeffrey, Pt Macleay/Kingston PCO7 249b.
Carter, Langham [Langan], Point Macleay PCO6 945a; PCO7 512b, 516a.
Carter, Lotty, Pt McLeay PCI 96/278, 96/346.
Carter, Rosey, Pt Macleay/Kingston PCO7 249b.
Carter, Wm, Coorong/Goolwa/ Wellington/Lake Condah, Vic. PCO6 473, 504; PCO7 538a, 847a. PCI 00/328.
Cassidy, South-East PCI 83/353.
Cattaro/Cottaro [Cotterell?], W.H., Hartley, Adelaide Hills PCO5 625b, 657.; PCO6 571b, 643b, 673a-673b, 677b, 688a, 688b, 712a, 725.
PCI 68/70, 82/146, 82/196, 82/262, 82/296, 88/342, 89/232, 89/351, 89/353, 89/373, 90/33, 90/59, 90/86, 94/281.
Caudalamati, N.T. PCO6 879b.
Chain?, Harry, Beltana? PCO6 987a.
Chapinchana, ?? PCI 94/361, 94/378.
Charlie, ?? PCI 83/40.
Charlie [Peake], See Peake, Charlie.
Charley, Anna Creek PCO6 539b, 544.
PCI 88/315.
Charley, Port Lincoln PCI 73/235, 88/310, 89/15.
Charley, Streaky Bay PCO6 897b, 904b.
Charley, Rivoli BayPCO1 221, 228.
Charley, Mrs A. H., Border Town PCO7 840a.
Charlotte, Pt McLeay/GoolwaPCO3 179, 182-186, PCO5 260, 277.
Charlotte Penton, Mid-North? PCO3 647.
Charlton, Caroline, Mrs, nr Kingston, PCI 67/149, 67/518.
Charly, Penola PCI 98/35, 98/44.
Charly, Port LincolnPCO4280.
CharlyPCO1 7, 178.
Cherry, Jim, southern Yorke’s Peninsula PCO6 726b-727a.
Cherry, Polly, Edithburgh/Coobowie PCI 86/199.
Chester, Edward, bootmaker, & family, Point Macleay/Poonindie/Point Pierce PCO7 918-919a,
920-921a, 951, 952b, 953a, 973b.
: child [Edith?], Pt McLeay PCI 99/86.
Chewings, Tommy, Jamestown PCI 84/342.
Chillabong, ?? PCI 93/219.
Chillybung, William, H. M. Gaol, Adelaide/Port Lincoln? PCO7 59a.
Chops, Streaky Bay PCI 69/318.
Chowilla Beales, Upper Murray PCO6 903b.
Chowilla George, Upper Murray PCO6 653b.
PCI 89/266, 94/286, 94/323, 94/386.
: wife, Murray Bridge? PCI 94/286.
Chowilla Mary, Upper Murray PCI 84/170, 89/360. See also Old Mary.
Christina, Point Macleay/Lower Lakes PCO6 494b.
PCI 88/10.
Clark, Joe, North? PCI 93/125.
Clarke, Joe, Ararat, Victoria PCO7 42a, 43a.
PCI 93/157.
Clayton, Aggie, Canowie?/Pt McLeay PCI 83/305.
Close, James W., Goolwa PCO7821a, 826b; PCO8 38b, 59b..
Cockatoo Jack, Raukkan PCO3 734.
PCI 69/43.
Cocky, Jacky, Yorketown PCI 00/164.
Coffin, F., ? PCI 71/87.
Coleman, Milang PCO5 734.
Comical, Goolwa? PCI 85/342.
Cook, ? , Mannum PCI 00/49, 00/186.
Cook, Annie, Mid-Murray/Meningie PCI 89/115.
Cooke, Archie, Mannum PCI 99/115.
Cook, Beatrice, Manunka PCO8 150b.
Cook, Jas, Murray Bridge PCO6 751b.
Cook, Joe, Mannum/ Murray Bridge PCO5 258; PCO6 84a, 94b, 114b, 137b; PCO7 30a, 34a,
171, 290a, 299b, 512b.
PCI 82/9, 82/244, 92/27, 93/95, ?95/109, 97/45, ?97/443.
Cooke, Fanny ?, Mid-North?/Pt McLeay PCI 67/376, 68/190, 68/290, 68/307, 68/316, 68/346,
68/372, 68/373, 68/399.
Cooke, Mary, Lower Murray? PCI 78/311, 78/314.
Cook, Percy, Mannum PCO7 637a.
Cooke, Willie, Wellington/Upper Murray/Mannum PCO7 285b-286a, 758a; PCO8 98b, 150b,
PCI 96/277, 96/289, 96/333, 96/340, 96/352.
: child, Mannum PCI 98/59.
: family, Wellington PCI 96/289.
Cooke, Mrs, Lower Murray/Wellington PCI 96/264.
Cooney, Fowler’s Bay PCI 94/247.
Coongarry, Streaky Bay PCO2 366.
Coorong Crofton, Coorong PCO7 760b.
Copran?, Elliston PCO6 827. PCI 91/28.
Coppering, John, Franklin Harbor PCO5 802, 828; PCO6 538b, 666b, 735, 864b. PCI 83/106,
88/258, 89/329, 91/226.
Coppin, Wiliam PCO444.
Coquetta, Robe Town PCO1 634, 636.
Corie Busby, Saddleworth PCO6 12a.
Cotray, [Cottaro?] Henry, Strathalbyn PCO1 656-657, (661), 665, 670.
Cottaro, W.H., Woodchester/Strathalbyn, Adelaide Hills PCO6 571b, 643b, 673a-673b, 677b,
688a, 688b, 712a, 725.
PCI 68/70, 82/146, 82/196, 82/262, 82/296, 88/342, 89/232, 89/351, 89/353, 89/373, 90/33, 90/59, 90/86, 94/281.
See also: Cattaro, W. H.
Coyappa, Milang PCO4233a.
CrackingoonerPCO1 620.
Crankie Johnny, Fowler’s Bay PCI 88/83.
?Cramby/Cromby/Crosby, Victor Harbor PCO7 332a.
PCI 76/392.
Crow, Jim, [Gulidjan, Lake Colac, Vic.?]/Upper Murray?/Lower Lakes? PCO6 473.
PCI 76/134.
Crow, Jim, Port Wakefield PCO1 533.
Crowe, James, Penola PCO4580.
Crozier, Goolwa PCO5 30, 260, 277; PCO6 472b-473.
PCI 79/334.
Crummy, Jack, Goolwa PCO5 300; PCO6 472b-473.
: wife, ?Goolwa? PCI 80/356.
Cudmore, ?Lakes?/Wellington PCO7 476b.
PCI 99/333, 99/383.
Cumbo, Mr E., Point Macleay PCO7 227b, 645b.
PCI 95/296.
Cumbo, Stephen, Murray Bridge?/Strathalbyn/Pt McLeay PCI 95/173, 95/249, 95/253, ?98/342.
Cyclops, Tommy, Barrow’s Creek, N.T. PCO7 184a, 186a.
PCI 95/99.
Daniels, Harry, Cockburn PCO6 706b.
PCI 88/293, 90/40.
Dare, Harry, N-E Plains PCO6 460b.
Darwin, Jack, ?NT?/Pt McLeay PCI 96/182.
Davy [Hunter?], [Near Shanty Creek, Upper Murray] PCO2 411-412.
Davis, Mount Gambier PCO5 149. PCI 80/65.
Davis, Jimmy, or Jumbo, Riverton PCO6 141b.
PCI 85/355.
Davison/Davidson, John , Swanport/Point Macleay PCO5 598, 621b, 663a, 671b, 680a;
PCO6 195b; PCO7 60a, 487a, 749a.
PCI 80/280, 82/54, 85/80, 99/109, 00/6.
Deadman, Tommy, ?? PCI 91/267.
Deaf Joey, Lacepede Bay PCI 77/183, 77/192.
Deaf Tommy, Poonindie/Kingston PCO6 229a.
PCI 86/175.
[Deconcey or Cram, [Mauritian/West Indian], Moonta PCO7 77b, 249a, 635, 664a, 671b,
698b, 729a, 766a.]
: wife, Point Pierce/Moonta PCO7 77b, 249a, 635, 664a, 671b, 698b, 729a, 766a.
PCI 88/61, 89/28, 89/215, 91/84, 93/317.
Denchie, ?? PCI 76/204.
Denniker, Poonindie PCI 75/419.
Denniker, Duncan, Eyre Peninsula? PCI 83/219.
Dermody, Mary, Orroroo PCI 91/193.
Dick, Crystal Brook PCO3 456.
PCI 68/95.
Dick, Moonta PCI 92/200.
Dick, Pt Augusta PCI 89/169.
Dick, Streaky Bay PCI 95/51, 99/263.
Dick, Warinna, Far North PCO6 630b.
Dick, Crystal Brook PCO3 456.
PCI 68/95.
Dickson, M., ?Narracoorte? PCI 81/349, 85/58.
Dinah, Mid-North ? PCO3 502.
PCI 66/14.
Disher, [Near Shanty Creek, Upper Murray]/Wellington/Pt McLeay PCO2 411-412; PCO6 153b,
158a, 346b, 797b, 925a.
PCI 85/373, 87/125, 90/298, 92/27, 92/97,92/213, 95/33, 98/347, 98/347, 99/362, 00/131, 00/396.
Disher, Annie, Mannum PCO7 875a.
Disher (?George?), Point Macleay/Upper Murray PCO7 411a; PCO8 33a-33b.
Disher, Richard, Mid-Murray PCI 85/22.
Disher, Sam, Upper Murray/ Mannum/?Border Town PCO6 934b;PCO7 104b, 171, 369, 543b,
553b, 799a, ?967b.
PCI 92/88, 94/116, 95/219, 97/92.
Disher, child, Mid-Murray PCI 85/54, ?98/36.
Disher, Mrs, Mid-Murray/Pt McLeay PCI 92/308.
Dixon, Harry, Blackford, Kingston PCO5 404-405.
PCI 81/61.
‘Doctor’, WellingtonPCO3 317b, 318b, 339; PCO7 903.
Dodd, Warringer Point PCO7 354a.
Dodd, Point Macleay PCO7 604a.
Dodd, Fred, Coorong PCO6 195b, 504.
Dodd, Jessie, Victor Harbor PCI 00/247.
Dodd [Deah], Sam, Goolwa PCO6 472b-473, 504.
Dodd, Tommy, Chowilla/ Renmark PCO6 537a, 547b, 556a, 569b, 581a; PCO7 145b.
PCI 88/236, 89/22, 92/57, 94/341.
Dodd, child [Bessie?], Meningie PCI 92/354.
Dodie, ??/Pt McLeay PCI 97/346, 97/347.
Dogdell, Pt Augusta? PCI 79/288.
Donald, Kingston/Poonindie/Pt Pierce PCI 84/201, 85/264, 89/6.
Donnelly/Donelly, Elsie [Felix], Murray Bridge/Border Town/Lower Lakes/Pt McLeay/Kingston
PCO7 469b, 476a.
PCI 99/378.
Donnelly, Emma, West Coast?/Poonindie PCO5 727a, 728.
PCI82/341, 82/343.
Donnelly, George, S.-E.?/Yorke’s Peninsula/Mid-North/ Murray Bridge/Point McLeay/Pt Augusta/ Pt Pierce/Poonindie/Lakes/Gaol/Gladstone PCO6 872a, 874a; PCO7 360b, 469b, 476a, 599a,
638b; PCO8 152b, 159.
PCI 89/340, 89/390, 91/249, 96/333, 96/334, 97/469, 99/341.
Donnelly, Richard, Yorke’s Peninsula? PCO6 696b.
Drummy, Victor Harbor PCO7 332a, 440b.
Dryman, Mr P.? R?., Olary Well, OutalpaStation/NSW? PCO7 237a.
PCI 95/386.
Ducks, See Jimmy Ducks.
Dungar, Ann, alias Lush?, Goolwa PCO4424.
Dunn, Manunka PCO8 50a.
Dunn, Emily, Kingston PCO6 699.
PCI 00/371.
Dunn, Jimmy, Clare PCO7 35a. PCI 93/117.
Dunn, John, Kingston PCO6 699; PCO7 204b, 757b, 775b, 861b-862a.
Dutton, Christina, Meningie PCI 67/220.
Dynam, Peter, New Luxemburgh PCI 95/229.
Edwards, Edith, Mid-North?/Yorke’s Peninsula?/ North of Burra PCO6 557a; PCO7 40b, [54a].
[PCI 93/131].
Edwards, James, Penola PCO6 908b, 910a.
Edwards, James, Yorke’s Peninsula? PCI 91/357, ?96/51, ?96/70.
Egan, Tommy, Robe PCI 91/141.
Eliza?, [Near Shanty Creek, Upper Murray] PCO2 411-412.
Ellen, Guichen Bay (Robe) PCI 75/411.
Ellen, Lower Murray PCI 79/341.
Ellen, Wellington PCO5 36.
Ellen [Bookmark?], Cournamont/upper Murray PCO4892.
Emily (old widow), [Near Shanty Creek, Upper Murray] PCO2 411-412.
Emily, Goolwa PCO5 119.
Emily, Fowlers’ Bay PCO6 897a.
PCI 88/162.
Esther, Port Augusta PCO6 614a.
PCI 89/91.
Eva, Victor Harbor PCO6 63a, 421b.
Ewart, Timmy, ?? PCI 81/91.
Fanny, Kingston PCO6 103b, 105a.
PCI 84/201, 85/264.
Fanny, ?/NSW??Pt McLeay PCI 94/110.
Fanny, Orroroo PCI 96/191.
Fanny, Port Augusta PCO6 614a.
PCI 82/188.
Fanny, Riverton PCO5 757a.
Fanny, Wilmington PCI 82/101.
Fanny Barlow, Poonindie PCO5 776b.
Fanny, Kulchillia, Fanny Brown, NSW ? Port Lincoln ? PCO4334, 335. PCI 74/89.
Fanny CookePCO3 493, 516, 522, 524, 563, 583-584, 590, 594, 619-620, 626-627, 647, 648, 651-
652, 653, 659, 660-661.
PCI 74/89.
Fanny Forrest, South-East/Point Macleay PCO5 504.
Farmer, Fowler’s Bay PCI 93/44.
Felix, Tauwitcherie Island PCO5 629; PCO6 323a, 472b-473, 504, 642a; PCO7 332a.
PCI 82/115, 86/320, 87/68, ?95/419.
: baby, PCI 82/115.
: daughter PCI 87/68.
Finke, Jack, Finke/Point Macleay PCO7 184b, 357b, 831a.
PCI 89/199, 89/207, 91/247, 92/91, 92/120, 92/165, 95/105, 00/111, 00/170.
Fisherman Jack, Mundoo Island/ Goolwa/Point Macleay/Poltalloch PCO3 182-184, 185; PCO6 789b, 797a-797b, 898b; PCO7 821a, 826b.
PCI 67/32, 90/260, 90/299, 94/59, 00/129.
Fisherman Tommy, Blanchetown PCO5 733a.
Fletcher, Murray Bridge PCO7 338a, 524a.
PCI 00/225.
: daughter, Murray Bridge PCO7 338a.
: wife, Murray Bridge PCO7 593a.
Fletcher, Gussie, ?Murray Bridge/Pt McLeay PCI 97/179.
Fletcher, child, Murray Bridge PCI 97/179, 97/183.
Florrie, Pt Germein PCI 92/124.
Forbes, Maria, Quorn PCI 99/96.
Foreman, Mr Charles, Port Germein PCO8 58b.
Forrest, Adelaide Hills? PCO6 98.
Forrest, Fanny, South-East/Pt McLeay PCI 77/25, 78/304, 78/335, 81/159, 81/337.
Forrest, Jessie, ?Lower Murray PCI 77/56, 77/57, 85/148, 85/235?.
Foster, Harry, Clare PCI 93/288.
Foster, girl, Wilmington PCI 00/269.
Fowler Jack & wife Polly, Port Vincent PCO6 263a-263b, 321a, 326a.
Fowler, Polly, Stansbury PCI 87/350.
Fowler, Willie, Point Pierce/Pine Point PCO6 77, 82b-83a.
PCI 85/185, 85/223, 85/266.
Fox, Sam D., Victoria/Wellington/Morgan PCO6 640b; PCO7 111a, 141a, 144b, 230b, 261a,
330a-330b, 369.
PCI 88/367, 90/105, 93/156, 93/254, 94/168, 95/341, 95/357, 97/311.
: wife of (formerly wife of Charles Runga) PCO7 141a, 144b, 261a, 330a-330b, 369.
: child of 158b.
: children of PCO7 330a-330b, 369.
Frank, Lake Hope, FNE PCI 66/169.
Frank, Millicent PCO6 445a.
Frank [Wassa?], Meningie PCO5 202.
Freddy, Lake Hope, FNE PCI 66/169.
Freddy, Pt Pierce PCO3 577, 742.
Free, Mickey, Fowlers’ Bay/Yardea PCO7 292b, 472a, 881a, 993a.
Freeland, Kingston PCI 76/406, 76/413.
Friday, John, Guichen Bay PCO5 384-385, 391.
PCI 81/57.
Fuller, Point Macleay/Wellington PCO6 153a, 203a, 206b.
PCI 85/372.
Gall, David, Kingston PCO7 74b.
Gall, John, Kingston/Pt McLeay PCO7 541b.
PCI 99/32, 00/359.
Garney, George, Lakes? PCI 92/68.
Gawler, Susan, Goolwa? PCI 75/78.
George, ? PCI 70/184.
George, Koonibba PCO7 658b.
George, Fowler’s Bay PCO7 895b, 896b, 899b, [977a], 981b.
George, Coorong PCO5 234.
George, Eastern Plains [Outalpa] PCO6 720a.
George, [Near Shanty Creek, Upper Murray] PCO2 411-412.
George, tracker, Darwin/?? PCI 83/55
Georgy, Chowilla PCO3 821, 834.
Gibson, Goolwa PCO5 279.
Gibson, ? Point Macleay/Kingston PCO6 945b.
PCI 95/77, 97/178, 98/349, 98/441, 00/61.
Gibson, Blackford, Mt Benson or Evangelina PCO6 425b.
Gibson, Amy, Kingston PCO6 699.
Gibson, Annie, Kingston PCO5 251.
PCI 80/229.
Gibson, Bessie, South-East/Poonindie PCI 85/243.
Gibson, Catherine, Kingston PCO6 699.
Gibson, F., Kingston PCI 96/28.
Gibson, Flossie, Point Macleay/Point Pierce PCO7 942a.
Gibson, James, Kingston PCO6 699; PCO7 534b, 618a.
PCI 98/263, ?00/299.
: widow, Point Macleay/Kingston PCO7 618a, 632a, 775b.
Gibson, John, Handy’s Station: Sandy’s Hub, Kingston PCO7 217b, 229b, 242b, 255b, 793b.