Gender / □ Male
□ Female
Age / □ 16-25
□ 26-35
□ 36-45
□ 46-55
□ 56-65
□ Over 65
What is the main purpose of your visit to the town centre today? (Please choose one option only) / □ Work
□ Convenience Shopping- e.g. food
□ Comparison Shopping- e.g. clothes
□ Access Services- e.g. Bank, Library,
□ Leisure- e.g. eat, drink, go to the gym
□Other (please specify)……………………………
How often do you visit the town centre? (Please choose one option only) / □ Daily
□ More than once a week
□ Weekly
□ Fortnightly
□ More than once a Month
□ Once a Month or less
□ First Visit
How did you travel into the town centre today? (Please choose one option only) / □ On Foot
□ Bicycle
□ Motorbike
□ Car
□ Bus
□ Train
□ Other (please specify)……………………………
On average, on a normal visit to the town centre how much money would you spend? / □ Nothing
□ £0.01-£5.00
□ £5.01-£10.00
□ £10.01-£20.00
□ £20.01-£50.00
□ More than £50.00
What are the positive and negative aspects of the town centre? (Please state ‘P’ for a all the Positive aspects and ‘N’ for all the Negative aspects) / □ Physical Appearance
□ Cleanliness
□ Retail Offer
□ Customer Service
□ Cafes/Restaurants
□ Access to Services
□ Leisure Facilities
□ Cultural Activities/ Events
□ Pubs/ Bars/ Nightclubs
□ Public Toilets
□ Transport Links
□ Ease of walking around the town centre
□ Convenience- e.g. near to where you live
□ Safety
□ Car Parking
□ Market(s)
□ Other (please specify)……………………………
How long do you intend to stay on this visit to the town centre? / □ Less than an hour
□ 1-2 hours
□ 2-4 hours
□ 4-6 hours
□ All day
□ Other (please specify)……………………………
Would you recommend a visit to the town centre? / □ Yes
□ No
What TWO suggestions would you make to improve the town centre?
Please could you provide the first five digits of your Post Code? e.g. MK10 9

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your views and opinions are appreciated.