Wisconsin Great Lakes League (GLL)

Delta Tri-Level Women’s Doubles League



Local season schedule will be determined by League Coordinator. This springs’ Tri-level league will be held in April at the Marinette Civic Center. Each team will play each other 2 matches for a total of 4 matches. The fall season will be in October.


League Standing will be determined by Team Wins, which means each team match will be worth 1 point. Breaking of a tie within a level will be determined by the following order:

Individual matches

Head to head

If the top two teams are still tied, a match will be played at a site determined by the League Coordinator to determine winner.

The winner of the spring league will play the winner of the fall league for 2 matches to determine the team advancing to the State Tournament. Aplayer must play in a minimum of 2 matches to qualify for State, with one default counting.


Regular Scoring; Match Tie-Break in lieu of 3rd Set (first team to 10 points with 2 point differential) in lieu of a third set.

Only a two minute break is allowed before entering a Match Tie-Break, with NO COACHING ALLOWED.

If you wish to change your serving order or switch receiving sides, you may do so prior to the start of the Match Tie-Break.


All teams concerned share costs for the courts. There is a league fee for each player when you register on Tennis Link.


Warm-ups, including serves shall be no longer than 15 minutes. This 15-minute period also serves as the time allotted prior to a no-show or lateness forfeit. Late arrivals are limited to the remainder of the 15 minutes.


The Tri-Level Women’s Double League is a minimum of one doubles combination of each of the following levels: 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0. Players may play up but not down.


All players must have reached the age of eighteen prior or during the calendar year in which such player plays in her first local league match.


Each team captain must sign a team waiver form on behalf of their team prior to the first match.

USTA membership for a 2017 USTA/Wisconsin Great Lakes League (GLL) must be valid through the end of the local league season.Players who do not have a computer rating on file in TennisLink will need to self-rate in accordance with the National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) guidelines and complete the self-rating process on TennisLink when registering for a team.