Chanda Hansen 274-3366 ext. 119 (school)

Course Description:In the Child Development course, the student will address the practical problems related to understanding the types and stages of human growth and development, recognizing effects of heredity and environment on human growth and development, meeting the needs of exceptional children, promoting optimum growth and development in toddlers and preschoolers. Careers in Child/human development are explored. Students will operate a preschool within the class planning and initiating activities with 3-5 year olds.

Length: 18 weeks (1semester) ½ credit

Room: 119

Class Rules/Expectations

  • Be in class everyday and on time. Turn in assignments on time.
  • Be prepared to work, learn and enjoy class. Participate in class assignments.
  • Respect yourself and others.
  • No GUM, food or drink allowed in classroom except at designated times.
  • All code of conduct in the handbook will be followed.
  • Interact in a positive way with other classmates as group work is essential to Child Dev. class.

Class requirements

Students are expected to have the following for class:

*Paper, Pen or pencil

*Travel Drive

*3 ring binder to keep handouts and other documents for class/turn in later for grade

Writing requirements

Writing will be an important component of this class. Examples of writing assignments will include writing for portfolio (writing folder)-even though portfolio may be complete, open-response questions, on-demand writing, observations, evaluations of preschool lab, etc. Students will be encouraged to use webbing and/or four-column method for writing assignments. Grades will be assigned for prewriting, draft, and final copy on some prompts. Class notes will be taken during class time.


Attendance is very important in order to do well in this class. Make-up work should be turned in within one week of absence. (Late assignments will result in deduction of points).

Grade is determined with points on the following assignments:


Projects--100Homework--25Portfolio Writing--100

Preschool Operation--50/day Class Assignments--25

*Other evaluation measures and assignments may be given at the discretion of the teacher.

A=90-100%B=80-89%C=70-79%D=60-69%F=59% and below

All students will take comprehensive mid-terms and finals.


Types of growth and development

Effects of heredity and environment on growth and development

Stages of growth and development


Toddler development

Preschooler development

Nutrition for children

Guidance techniques for dealing with misbehavior

Dealing with children's fears

Evaluating children's books

Play activities for the pre-school child


Fill out form below, tear on this line and return to Mrs. Hansen--homework assignment worth 50 points

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Your child and his/her education are very important to me. I hope the information concerning this course will be helpful in understanding its intent and purpose.

I have read the above guidelines for the Child Development class and discussed them with my child. I will support these and encourage my child ______to abide by the guidelines. If at any time you have questions or comments concerning your child's progress, please contact me at school any time with concerns about your child. I am looking forward to a rewarding educational year at OCHS.

Chanda Hansen

I have read the requirements and objectives for this course.

______(Student Name)

______(Student Signature)

______(Parent/Guardian's Signature)

Student Email Address: ______

Parent Email Address: ______