May 19, 2014 – Middle School/High School Building – Executive Session 5:30 p.m.

Board Meeting 6:30 p.m.

A.Pledge of Allegiance -Mr. Wolfe

B.Moment of Silence -Mr. Wolfe


Roll Call

Dr. TharpAbsent______

Mr. WolfePresent______

Ms. GrossPresent______

Mrs. CataniaPresent______

Mr. MascioliPresent______

D.Executive Session

Recommend that the Board move to Executive Session to discuss:

  1. Employment of Personnel pursuant to ORC 121.22(G) (1)

Motion by _____Mr. Mascioli______

Seconded by ___Mr. Wolfe______

Tharp, absent; Wolfe, yes; Gross, yes; Catania, yes; Mascioli, yes

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

E.Return to Public Session

F.Roll Call

Dr. TharpAbsent______

Mr. WolfePresent______

Ms. GrossPresent______

Mrs. CataniaPresent______

Mr. MascioliPresent______


Review and approval of the May 23, 2014,Regular Meeting Minutes of the Board of Education.

Motion by ______Mrs. Cantania____

Seconded by ____Mr. Mascioli _____

Wolfe, yes; Gross, yes;Catania, yes; Mascioli, yes

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______


  1. Mr. Joseph DiLoreto
  2. Mr. David Vega
  3. Ohio High School Volleyball Coaches Association Scholar Athletes

must have maintained a 3.5 or higher GPA to receive this honor and

be a member of the varsity team:

Erica Hughes, Senior

Gabby Tharp, Senior

Taylor Tharp, Senior

Madison Tomaino, Senior

Jamie Baker, Junior

Kori Edwards, Junior

Lydia Fabry, Junior

Sammie Oblinger, Junior

Sierra Huff, Freshman

Julissa Tomaino, Freshman

Ashley Totani, Freshman

Katilyn Totani, Freshman

I.Roundtable Discussion

J.Administrative Report

  1. Superintendent’s Report
  1. Graduation – June 6th – Senior Slide Show at 6:00 p.m. – Ceremony at 7:00 p.m.
  2. Canfield Fair Band Show – August 28th at 11:00 a.m.
  3. Canfield Fair Cheerleading Demo – August 27th at 11:00 a.m.
  4. Race to the Top
  5. Ohio High School Athletic Association
  6. Kindergarten Numbers
  7. Class Numbers by Grade and Sections
  8. JMES Gym Floor
  9. Track Update
  10. Student Rock
  11. Policies
  12. Teacher of the Year
  13. Kindergarten Numbers
  14. High School Awards – June 2nd – Retirees/Teachers of the Year

June 3rd – Board Scholarship

  1. Earth Day
  2. High School O.G.T. Results
  3. Retiring of the Flag
  4. Asher the Therapy Dog
  5. Spring Concerts – High School May 20th at 7:00 p.m.

Middle School

Elementary – May 22nd (grades 4-6) 10:00 a.m./6:00 p.m.

  1. Spring Sports Banquet – June 1stat 6:00 p.m. – Date change due to Boys Baseball

District Tournament

  1. Jr. High All Sports Awards Program – May 29that 6:00 p.m.
  2. Bluejay Expo – Tuesday, May 27th from 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
  1. Treasurer’s Report
  1. Legislative Report

K.Public Presentation

The Board Meeting will now be open for Public Discussion under the direction of the

Board President, Mr. Wolfe.

L.Adoption of Consent Calendar

Motion by ______Mr. Mascioli______

Seconded by ____Mr. Wolfe______

Wolfe, yes;Gross, yes;Catania, yes Mascioli, yes

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

  1. Old Business
  1. Superintendent’s Business
  1. New Business

Remove (*)1.Treasurer’s Business

_____a.Review and approval of the monthly Chekp, Audits, Financ and Reconciliation

Reports for the month of April 2014.

_____b.Review of bills for the month of April, 2014

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N WolfeY/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____c.Treasurer recommends that the Board approve Student Accident Insurance for the

2014 – 2015 school year through K-K Insurance Company (McKinstry Insurance


Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N CataniaY/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____d.Treasurer recommends that the Board approve FY 15 dues for John Zinger,

BarbCarte, and Karen Jakubec.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____e.Treasurer recommends that the Board approve the purchase of lunch not to exceed

$900 from the board account for Staff Appreciation Day on May 14, 2014.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____f.Treasurer recommends that Board approve a regular board meeting date for

June26, 2014, beginning at 5:30 p.m. for Executive Session in the High School.

The meetingforJune 19, 2014, is cancelled.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____g.Treasurer recommends that the Board approve liability insurance coverage through

Ohio School Plan from July 1, 2014, to June 30, 2015, in the amount of $7,543.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____h.Treasurer recommends that the Board approve the following donations as indicated below:

  1. $100.00 from Mrs. Catania towards Board Scholarship
  2. $100.00 from Ms. Gross towards Board Scholarship
  3. $100.00 from Mr. Mascioli towards Board Scholarship
  4. $100.00 from Mr. Wolfe towards Board Scholarship

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____i.Treasurer recommends that the Board approve the expenditure of $90,807.35 from the

Sports Complex Fund 007 9009 for the new track sports facility.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____j.Treasurer recommends that the Board approve the revised FY14 Five-Year Forecast

as found in Attachment #1.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____k.Treasurer recommends that the Board approve the bids for new bleachers and flooring

in the elementary gym by Farnham Equipment - $34,900 for new seating and Dynamic

Sports Construction - $45,580 for new gym floor.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____l.Treasurer recommends that the Board approve the three-year Medicaid Service

Agreement with Healthcare Process Consulting. This is a continuation of a current

service to receive Medicaid reimbursement. The cost is $5,500 per year.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____m.Treasurer recommends that the Board approve the payment of $650 for the OSBA

policy review service. Service is needed to keep board policies updated.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____n.Treasurer recommends that the Board approve the payment of $990 to

Mrs. RochelleMorelli for the production of the Middle School Yearbook for the

2013-2014 schoolyear for 66 hours at $15.00 per hour.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____o.Treasurer recommends that the Board approve the Resolution Declaring It Necessary

to Submit to the Electors of this School District the Question of Renewing a Tax levy to

Avoid an Operating Deficit as found in Attachment #2

Motion by ______
Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____p.Treasurer recommends that the Board approve the scrapping of old bleachers in the


Motion by ______
Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____q.Treasurer recommends that the Board approve the following Resolution be:

WHEREAS, Ohio Revised Code Section 3313.17 and 3313.36 empower a Board of

Education to accept gifts or endowments from any person or corporation; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Delmar Stanley has graciously donated to the Jackson-Milton Local

School District forty-five (45) DRS Book-Entry shares of stock in Computershare to be

used for the Jackson-Milton High School; and

WHEREAS, the Board desires to accept this generous gift and recognize Mr. Stanley

for this donation.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that in accordance with and pursuant to

Ohio Revised Code sections 3313.17 and 3313.36 the Board accepts the donation of

forty-five (45) DRS Book-Entry shares of stock from Mr. Delmar Stanley.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Superintendent and Treasurer are hereby

authorized on behalf of this Board to execute any and all documents to complete the

transfer of the shares of stock to the District.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education publicly thanks

Mr.Delmar Stanley for his generosity.

BE IT FURTEHR RESOLVED, that it is hereby found and determined that all formal

actions of this Board concerning and relating to the adoption of this resolution were

adopted in an open meeting of this Board, and that all deliberations of this Board and

any of its committees that resulted in such formal action were in meetings open to the

public in compliance with all legal requirements, including Section 121.22 of the

Ohio Revised Code.

Motion by ______
Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____r.Treasurer recommends that the Board approve the redemption of 45 shares of stock

(Computershare donation). Funds will be used for the new track.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____s.Treasurer recommends that the Board approve paying the higher hourly rate for

overtime blending purposes for non-certificated employees working two jobs with

different pay rates in excess of 40 hours. This has occurred in very limited circumstances

during FY14.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____t.Treasurer recommends that the Board approve the following change order #1 from

R.T. Vernal:

Additional under drains inside track - $6,300

Additional 2 inches of topsoil needed for seeding - $14,000

Total $20,300

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

  1. Superintendent’s Business

_____a.Recommend that the Board approve the following request for building/grounds use

as indicated:

  1. JM Township Citizens Association to use the stadium grounds and football field for the Township Yard Sale from July 31 – August 2, 2014. No rental charge for use.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____b.Recommend that the Board approve the following request for professional days

as indicated:

  1. Mr. Kirk Baker to attend the OHSAA Meeting on April 28, 2014, in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.
  2. Mr. Kirk Baker to attend the Race to the Top Meeting on May 15, 2014, in Niles, Ohio.
  3. Mr. Kirk Baker to attend the Ohio Teacher Principal System Meeting from

June 19 – 20, 2014, in Youngstown, Ohio.

  1. Mr. Kirk Baker and Mr. John Zinger to attend a meeting with Board Attorney on

May 16, 2014, in Cleveland, Ohio.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____c.Recommend that the Board approve all Board Members to have the honor of

presenting diplomas to the graduates on June 6, 2014, at 7:00 p.m.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____d.Recommend that the Board approve the list of seniors as the Class of 2014 for

graduation contingent upon completion of all state and local requirements as found

in Attachment #3.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____e.Recommend that the Board approve the membership in the Ohio High School Athletic

Association for the 2014 – 2015 school year.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____f.Recommends that the Board approve the written request of Ms. Richelle Laughner to

resign her position as Lunch/Recess Aide effective April 21, 2014.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____g.Recommend that the Board approve the written request of Ms. Heather Kilbourne

to resign as a Bus Driver effective May 9, 2014.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____h.Recommend that the Board approve the two-year Administrative Principal Contract for

Mrs. Kim Fisk beginning August 1, 2014, for 223 days each year. The salary will be

$68,000 and $72,000, respectively, 100% retirement pick-up, 100% FICA pick-up,

$100 monthly mileage, $50,000 life insurance, attendance/sick leave opt/out,

10% co-pay for insurance.

Motion by ______
Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____i.Recommend that the Board approve up to ten (10) days at $304.93 per day for

Mrs.Kim Fisk to work between June 12, 2014, and July 31, 2014. New contract starting

August 1, 2014.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____j.Recommend that the Board approve the non-renewal of the following contracts as per

Article 31.4 of the Master Agreement between OAPSE Chapter #424 and the

Jackson-Milton Board of Education effective for the 2014 – 2015 school year:

  1. Mrs. Gloria Nauman – Lunch/Recess Aide and Bus Aide

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____k.Recommends that the Board approvethe non-renewal of the limited contracts of the

following Title Tutors for the 2014 – 2015 school year:

  1. Kristen Moyer
  2. Sarah Stamp
  3. Nancy Smith
  4. Rebecca Streb
  5. Chris Twaddle

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____l.Recommend that the Board approve the following named licensed personnel as

indicated effective July 1, 2014, pending valid credentials from Ohio Department of


Three Year Contract

Mrs. Charlene Baker

Mrs. Tina Basile

Mr. Nathan Brode

Mrs. Amanda Clementi

Mr. Jason Crist

Ms. Kathryn Haynes

Mrs. Melanie Hulett

Ms. Amanda Silvidi

Mrs. Angeline Theis

Mrs. Cara Vernal

Ms. Janet Umbel

Mr. Brain Weidenthal

One Year Contract

Miss Christie Baker

Mrs. Meganne Braddock

Miss Mellissa Gapsky

Miss Katie Gettman

Mrs. Kristie Rotuna

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____m.Recommend that the Board approve the contracts for the following named personnel as

indicated effective July 1, 2014, pending appropriate background checks:

Continuing Contracts

Mrs. Karlene Adams – Cashier

Mrs. Nicole Dubos – 1st contract – Cook

Mrs. Susan Kalasky – Cook

Two Year Contracts

Mrs. Nicole Dubos – 2nd contract – Cook (pending ratification of MOU)

Mrs. Toni Jenkins – 2nd Contract – Part-time Secretary (pending ratification of MOU)

Mrs. Rebecca Pallotta – Cashier

Mrs. Cindy Smith – 2nd Contract – Part-time Secretary (pending ratification of MOU)

Mrs. Colleen Vega – 2nd Contract – Paraprofessional (pending ratifications of MOU)

One Year Contracts

Mr. Bill Chambers – Lunch/Recess Aide

Ms. Christine Graham – Ala-Carte Cook

Ms. Ashley Johnson – Paraprofessional

Mrs. Betty Matasy - Cashier

Ms. Gia Pepey – Cleaning

Ms. Kelly Rowbotham – Lunch/Recess Aide

Mr. Robert Scheetz – Cleaning

Ms. Phyllis Smail – Cleaning

Mr. Jim Snyder – Bus Driver

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____n.Recommend that the Board approve the appointment of the following personnel to

extra-curricular contracts for the 2014 – 2015 school year pending valid CPR, Pupil

Activity Certification, National Federation Coaching Course and clear BCI and FBI

background checks:

High School

Head Football – Mr. Mark Assion

Volleyball – Mrs. Sue Prozy

Assistant Volleyball – Miss Linda Craig

Boys Golf – Mr. Kevin Hogue

Girls Golf – Miss Kelly Snowden

Soccer – Mr. Paul Voland

Assistant Soccer – Mr. Todd Jones

Boys Basketball – Mr. Gary Nagy

Assistant Basketball – Mr. Guy Costello

Wrestling – Mr. Dave Tomaino

Assistant Wrestling – Mr. Brian Weidenthal

Band Director – Mr. Derrick Kittle

Marching Band – Mr. Derrick Kittle

Assistant Band Director – Miss Mellissa Gapsky

Yearbook Advisor – Mrs. Rochelle Morelli

Play Director (1 play) – Mrs. Janet Yantes

Speech Advisor – Mrs. Janet Yantes

Key Club Advisor – Miss Katelyn Amendolora

National Honor Society – Mrs. Jeanne Reyes

Quiz Bowl Advisor – Mr. Greg Domino

SADD Advisor – split contract – Mrs. Jeannie Reyes

Mrs. Rochelle Morelli

Class Advisor - 9th Grade – Mrs. Rochelle Morelli

10th Grade – Mr. Kevin Hogue

11th Grade – Mrs. Jeannie Reyes

12th Grade - split contract – Mrs. Kim Wiery and Mrs. Janet Yantes

Head Girls Basketball – Mr. Pat Keney

Assistant Girls Basketball – Mr. David Crismon

Middle School

Football – Mr. Brian Weidenthal

Assistant Football – Mr. Nate Brode

Head Girls Basketball – Mrs. Kim Clark

Assistant Girls Basketball – Miss Linda Craig

Student Council Advisor – Ms. Amy Gerhardstein

Math Club Advisor – Mrs. Amy Gerhardstein

STAND Advisor – Miss Anne Downs

Elementary School

Student Council Advisor – Miss Brenda McDougal

Math Club Advisor – Mrs. Heather Eisenbraun

Science Club Advisor – Miss Trista Houck

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____o.Recommend that the Board approve the following as Board Policies as found in

Attachment #4.

  1. Computer/Online Services (Acceptable Use and Internet Safety) File EDE
  2. Tobacco Use by Students (Version 2) File JFCG
  3. Computer/Online Services (Acceptable Use and Internet Safety) File EDE-R
  4. Computer Network Agreement Form File EDE-E
  5. No Tobacco Use On District Property By Staff Members (Version 2) File GBK
  6. Reading Skills Assessments and Intervention (Third Grade Reading Guarantee)


  1. Promotion and Retention of Students File IKE
  2. No Tobacco Use on District Property (Version 2) File KGC

Motion by ______
Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____p.Recommend that the Board approve the following named personnel as substitute

classified employees:

  1. Mrs. Jessica Hahn – Bus Driver – Bus Aide

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____q.Recommend that the Board approve the resignation of Mr. Taylor Sowers

effective August 31, 2014.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____r.Recommend that the Board approve resignation of Mrs. Cyndi Cline

effective August 31, 2014.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____s.Recommend that the Board approve the non-renewal of Ms. Valerie Sullivan,

probationary teacher, as per Article 6.04A of the Masters Agreement between

Jackson-Milton Educators’ Association and the Jackson-Milton Board of Education.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____t.Recommend that the Board approve the written request of Mrs. Kendra Wirtz,

to resign her position as a member of the certificated staff effective

August 31, 2014.

Motion by ______

Seconded by ______

Tharp Y/N Wolfe Y/N Gross Y/N Catania Y/N Mascioli Y/N

Approved _____X______Not Approved ______

_____ u.Recommend that the Board approve the non-renewal of the following contract as per

Article 31.4 of the Master Agreement between OAPSE Chapter #424 and the

Jackson-Milton Board of Education effective for the 2014-2015 school year:

Mrs. Bridget Harker – Cook

Motion by ______Mr. Mascioli______

Seconded by _____Mrs. Catania______

Wolfe, yes; Gross, no; Catania, yes; Mascioli, yes

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

_____ v.Recommend that the Board approve the non-renewal of the following contact as per

Article 31.4 of the Master Agreement between OAPSE Chapter #424 and the

Jackson-Milton Board of Education effective for the 2014-2015 school year:

Mrs. Karen Rosko – Cleaning

Motion by ______Mr. Mascioli______

Seconded by ____Mrs. Catania______

Wolf, yes; Gross, no; Catania, yes; Mascioli, yes

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

M.Motion to Adjourn

Motion by ______Mr. Mascioli_____

Seconded by ____Mr. Wolfe______

Wolfe, yes; Gross, yes; Catania, yes;Mascioli, yes

Approved ______X______Not Approved ______

The meeting adjourned at 7:16 P.M.


Board PresidentTreasurer