

Instructor's Name:Mr. Alfred Torres Jr


Work Phone: (808)305 - 8500

Classroom Location:R5

Course Description: Health, Grades 10 (1 semester)

Required for graduation, this course utilizes a holistic approach, which emphasizes the many facets related to optimum health; i.e., mental, social and physical. Students learn to improve and maintain their own personal health and take responsibility for their health status.

Individual and group activities are used to help students develop a greater appreciation for good health habits. Topics covered are drug prevention, positive decision making, mental health, nutrition, hereditary/reproduction, infectious diseases AIDS/STD, CPR and emergency care.

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Assess risks to self and others. Demonstrate and articulate healthy habits and injury prevention.
  • Prevent, respond and treat health related emergencies.
  • Evaluate information sources and where to get valid health information, products, and services.
  • Understand the role of genetics in all areas of health – Mental & Physical
  • Demonstrate knowledge of causes, symptoms, prevention and treatments for disease. .
  • Apply responsible decision making process and problem solving skills.
  • Analyze internal and external influences on their personal health.

Health Content & Sequence:

  • Text Glencoe Health (Provided in class)
  • Order of content may change depending on class size, activities, and projects.
  1. Emergency Care & First Aid

Personal risk awareness and prevention of injuries

First Aid and Emergency Care

  1. Alcohol & Drug Prevention: Misuse and Abuse

Facts and consequences of Alcohol misuse and abuse

Facts and consequences of Illegal Drugs

Refusal Skills and Problem Solving Skills

  1. Heredity and Reproduction

Endocrine System function and problems

Role of genes and Genetic Disorders

Reproductive System function and problems


Facts and consequences of STD’s

Facts and consequences of AIDS

Prevention and Refusal Skills

  1. Infectious Diseases

Facts and consequences of Infectious Disease

Prevention and treatment of Infectious Disease

Health Care

  1. Mental Health

Stress Facts and consequences

Suicide Awareness and Prevention

Stress Management


Letter GradePercentage












Assessment will include:

  • Written: Essay, Research Reports, Quiz and Test
  • Group and Individual Projects (Written, Oral, Visual, Kinesthetic)
  • Class work and Homework Assignments

*Total points earned out of the total possible will determine final grade

Course Materials

  • Text Glencoe Health (provided in class)
  • Individual File Folderstore (homework, class work, handouts, etc.)
  • Pen and Folder Paper

Grading Rubrics:

  • All assignments must be complete, correct, legible,and turned in on time to get the maximum points(Written and Project Rubics)
  • Quizzes and tests must be correct, following instructor’sdirections to earn maximum points.
  • Assignments not up to minimum standards may have to be resubmitted. See instructor for help as needed.
  • Decision Making and Accessing Information Rubics used across curriculum

Make Up Work

  • Unexcused missed homework and other assignments must be made up ASAP 20% deduction for each day late (after 5 days = 0)
  • All missed quizzes and tests need to be made up ASAP and it is the responsibility of the student to arrange make up testswith the instructor.

Written Assessment

90% - 100% 80% - 89% 70% - 79% 60% - 69% 0 – 59%

Paragraph Construction / All paragraphs include introductory sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence. / Most paragraphs include introductory sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence. / Paragraphs included related information but were typically not constructed well. / Paragraphing structure was not clear and sentences were not typically related within the paragraphs. / Assignment not turned in or major deficient paragraph structure
Mechanics / No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. / Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors / A few grammatical spelling, or punctuation errors. / Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. / Assignment not turned in or major deficient mechanical structure
Quality of Information / Information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes several supporting details and/or examples. / Information clearly relates to the main topic. It provides 1-2 supporting details and/or examples. / Information clearly relates to the main topic. No details and/or examples are given. / Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic. / Assignment not turned in or major deficient in accuracy and quality of information

Project Assessment

Grade / ContentUse of Multiple Research Sources / Analysis and Critical Thinking Solution and Implementation / Writing Style, Grammar, Quality and Effectiveness of Presentation
% / 35% / 35% / 30%
90-100% / Response successfully answers the assignment question(s); thoroughly uses variety of reliable resources. / Response exhibits strong higher-order critical thinking and analysis (e.g., evaluation). Shows evidence of careful research to resolution. / Sentences are clear, concise, and direct; tone is appropriate. Grammatical skills are strong with almost no errors per page. Use of a variety of methods in individual or group presentation.
80-89% / Response answers the assignment question(s) with only minor digressions; sufficiently uses the variety of reliable resources. / Response generally exhibits higher-order critical thinking and analysis (e.g. true analysis). Shows evidence of good research to resolution. / Sentences are generally clear, concise, and direct; tone is appropriate. Grammatical skills are competent with very few errors per page. Use of at least two methods for individual or group presentation.
70 –
79% / Response answers the project assignment(s) with some digression; sufficiently uses a variety of reliable resources / Response exhibits limited higher-order critical thinking and analysis (e.g. application of information). / Sentences are occasionally wordy or ambiguous; tone is too informal. Grammatical skills are adequate with few errors per page. Adequate individual/group presentation.
60-69% / Response answers the assignment question(s) but digresses significantly; insufficiently uses of reliable research sources. / Response exhibits simplistic or reductive thinking and analysis but does demonstrate comprehension. Lack of adequate research for a resolution. / Sentences are generally wordy and/or ambiguous; tone is too informal. Grammatical skills are inadequate, clarity and meaning are impaired, numerous errors per page. Inadequate individual or group presentation.
0-59% / Not done or Response insufficiently answers the assignment question(s); Lack of or insufficient uses of research sources. / Not done or Response exhibits simplistic or reductive thinking and analysis and demonstrates limited knowledge on the subject matter. / Not done or Sentences unclear enough to impair meaning; tone is inappropriate and/or inconsistent. Grammatical skills are inadequate for college level. Unacceptable individual or group presentation.

Course Expectations

  • Be present in class on time and ready to learn.
  • Come to class properly prepared and complete all work.
  • Students will support a great learning environment by following instructor directions and Aiea student handbook.
  • Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
  1. Talking inappropriately, swearing, bullying, not respecting fellow

students verbally or physically, no group participation.

2. Not coming prepared to class with the proper materials.

3. Not following the instructor's directions.

4. Not following the Aiea student handbook.


1. Tardies, Absences, and Cuts –Aiea Student handbook will be followed.

2. Disruptive Behavior.

  • Minor infractions - verbal warning.
  • Persistent minor problems will be cause for extra work and/or detention.
  • Time out from class.
  • Major infractions (drugs, stealing, fighting, etc.) Vice Principal, Security, Principal and Parents notified.

Instructor Performance

  • Ensure a great learning environment and opportunity for personal growth
  • Students will receive a standards based education and assessment
  • Behavior and attitude of students reflect good citizenship
  • Fair and consistent enforcement of rules/policiesfor all students.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Print Name: ______

Parent Signature: ______