You are invited to the
‘Energy Matters’
Presented in partnership by:
Concordia Language Villages, Bemidji, MN
Intep LLC, Minneapolis, MN
The Ecological Construction Laboratory, Urbana, IL
October 23 - 24, 2006
Hosted at Waldsee BioHaus Environmental Living Center, Concordia Language Villages, Bemidji, MN: First certified PassivHaus in North America!
Ecological and energy matters are often spoken of as constraints.
What is not often spoken about are the real possibilities of ecological and energy efficient construction during a time of historically high energy prices.
To strengthen public and professional awareness, the 1st North American Passive House Symposium is initiating a forum to present groundbreaking energy-efficient design initiatives, technologies and integrated planning solutions as demonstrated by the exciting new Waldsee BioHaus Passive House in Bemidji, Minnesota (our host) and other Passive House projects in the U.S. and initiatives which have yet to be realized.
This is a unique opportunity to debate, refine and promote innovative approaches to energy conservation, passive architecture and its potential for the U.S. commercial and residential construction industry. Research, measurements and analyses of successful Passive Houses in Europe have shown astounding results in energy performance, indoor air quality and overall building comfort while saving 90% of all energy used.
For example, Waldsee BioHaus uses less then 14,250 Btu/sfyear of total primary energy (less then 4,350 Btu/sfyear of heating energy!) and passed an official Blower Door Test with 0.18 (n-50) – all that in Bemidji, Minnesota – located in Climate Zone 7 with over 10,000 heating degree days.
These existing energy-efficiency technologies offer outstanding savings for building owners and ecological benefits as well as business opportunities for the North American construction industry.
The goal of our gathering is to present, share and discuss project experiences as well as creating new ways of effective realization. We want to inspire and formulate modifications and tools required to make the construction of similar Waldsee BioHaus’ a reality throughout every state and province in North America!
A secondary goal of this symposium is to unite building owners, policy-makers, architects, developers, contractors and the building materials industries in the ecological design discussion from the outset – to insure effective implementation, systems design and the overall emergence of ecological human communities.
As someone passionate and active about these issues,
you are invited to join our forum in October at Waldsee BioHaus.
Our three main sessions are titled:
1. “Energy Matters.” An intimate, hands-on tour of Waldsee BioHaus.
2. “Open Forum.” A frank discussion about making the Passive House concept viable for the North American market.
3. “Passivhaus Projects in the U.S.” How The Smith House, Waldsee BioHaus and others provide a wealth of ideas and opportunities in which to advance ecological construction practices.
Presenters and projects will include:
Waldsee BioHaus, Environmental Living Center
Our host site at Concordia Language Villages in Bemidji, Minnesota, U.S.A.
Host/Presenters: Martin Graefe, Director of Year Round Programs
Edwin Dehler-Setter, Environmental Education and Natural Resource Management Specialist
Warren Schulze, Assistant Director for Facilities
Learn more at …
Intep, LLC
Integrated Planning and architecture firm with offices in Minneapolis, Minnesota/USA, Munich, Germany and Zurich, Switzerland.
Presenter: Stephan Tanner, AIA, Architect of Waldsee BioHaus, first certified PassivHaus in North America
Learn more at …
Ecological Construction Laboratory
Non-profit Community Housing Development Organization promoting and implementing innovative Passive Housing for Urbana, Illinois.
Presenters: Katrin Klingenberg, dipl.-ing. M-Arch. Executive Director
Dave Stecher, BS-M.E. Assistant Director, designer and builder of the Passive House prototype Smith House and The Fairview Houses No.1+2.
E-co lab is currently collaborating with IBACOS, a building science and engineering firm in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to monitor the actual energy performance of the Fairview House during the course of its first year in operation.
IBACOS is a one of the lead teams in the U.S. Department of Energy's “Building America Program,” conducting research towards zero-energy houses and communities in the US.
Learn more at …
October 23 /24, 2006
Waldsee BioHaus, Environmental Living Center, Concordia Language Villages, Bemidji, MN
Registration for:
Name of Participant Profession or Area of Interest
Institute, Firm, other Mailing Address
Phone with personal voice mail Email / Fax Number
Payment Information:
By Check: Amount paid Check enclosed - Please check
By Credit Card: MC or Visa / Amount paid, Name on Card, Card Number
Expiration date, 3-digit CVV# from back of credit card, Signature
Lodging: (see ‘Registration fee’ and ‘Facility Description’ for details)
I will lodge at Waldsee (please check) I would like to be housed together with:
To Register for this Symposium:
Fill out this form.
Please make check payable to: Concordia Language Villages
Send form and payment to: Concordia Language Villages
Workshop Programs -
‘Passive House Symposium’
8659 Thorsonveien NE
Bemidji, MN 56601
Or fax it to: 218-586-8601
Symposium duration:
The Symposium begins 11 am on Monday, October 23, 2006 with registration and conversation. The Symposium sessions will begin at 12 Noon on Monday with a lunch and will end on Tuesday, October 24 at 12 Noon with lunch and plenty of inspiration and new friends!
Registration fee:
The registration fee is $490 with Lodging at Waldsee; this covers the cost of events, materials, meals and one night lodging from Monday at Noon through Tuesday at 12 Noon.
The registration fee is $450 with Lodging on your own; this covers the cost of events, materials and meals from Monday at Noon through Tuesday at 12 Noon.
Space limitation:
This Symposium is limited to a maximum of 40 people. A confirmation of registration will be send to you by email.
Facility description:
Waldsee (the German Language Village) facilities include housing bunk beds in five separate dorm-style buildings: BioHaus, Bosch Haus, Max Kade Haus, Erich Markel Haus and Schwarzwald Haus. Participants should expect to share a room with 2-3 other individuals. Each of the buildings has comfortable sleeping areas, a common living area, and common semi-private bathrooms on the main level. The administrative building, Bahnhof, serves as classroom, meeting areas, and some housing for staff. The dining hall, or Gasthof, seats 100 comfortably and the upper level of the Gasthof has a large group meeting area with smaller meeting/break-out rooms for about 15 people each. Waldsee also features an indoor sauna/shower building.
In your free time, you can shop from everything from chocolates to souvenirs at the Waldsee Laden. Waldsee is also surrounded by numerous walking/hiking trails, some with interpretive signs. All facilities of Concordia Language Villages are an alcohol-free environment; smoking is permitted in designated areas only.
Waldsee BioHaus is an environmental living center and demonstration project showcasing the latest in integrated sustainable architecture, design and construction. In addition to comfortable housing, the environmental living center offers a large group meeting space for up to 40 people as well as an environmental studies studio.
Please contact the Workshop Programs Coordinator at Concordia Language Villages:
Phone: 800-450-2214 Email:
Monday, October 23, 2006
Arrival and Sign in 11:30 am – 12 Noon
Lunch - Welcome 12 Noon – 1 pm
Martin Graefe, Concordia Language Villages
Energy Matters 1 pm – 3 pm
Climate Change and the 2000-Watt Society - US and European Perspectives
Speaker: Stephan Tanner, Intep, LLC
What is a Passive House - Energy
savings of Factor 10
David Stecher, e-co lab
Coffee Break 3 pm – 3:15 pm
Tour of Waldsee BioHaus 3:15 pm - 5.30 pm
Tour Guide: Stephan Tanner, Intep, LLC - Architect
Dinner 5:30 pm – 7 pm: Buffet in Waldsee BioHaus
Open Forum 7 pm – 8:30 pm
Roundtable discussion: A frank discussion about making the Passive House concept viable for the North American market.
Moderator: To be announced
Agenda continued …
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Breakfast 7:30 am – 8:30 am
Passivhaus Projects 8:30 am – 12 Noon
in the USA
The Fairview House 10:15 am – 11:45 am
The Fairview House,
design, building components and details
Katrin Klingenberg, e-co lab
Coffee Break 10 am – 10:15 am
Waldsee BioHaus 10:15 am – 11:45 am
Waldsee BioHaus and the Environmental Living Center - A dialog between the Architect (Architecture, Building Envelope, Mechanical System) and the student/resident.
Stephan Tanner, Intep
Edwin Dehler-Seter, Concordia Language Villages
Lunch & Conclusions 11:45 am – 1 pm