Summary of Responses
Blueprint Houston Survey of Registered Voters in the City of Houston:
May 2003
This telephone survey of 1002 registered voters in the City of Houston was completed between May 9 and May 23, 2003. The survey instrument was developed by a team headed by Stephen Klineberg, Professor of Sociology at RiceUniversity. The field research was supervised by Richard Murray, Director of the University of Houston Center for Public Policy. For a sample of this size, the error margin is +/- 3.5 percent.
1. To begin with, what would you say is the most serious problem or issue facing people in the City of Houston today? (RECORD COMMENTS VERBATIM)
Traffic, transportation…………………………….30.6%
The economy, lack of jobs………………………..15.9%
Crime, public safety……………………………….10.8%
Condition of streets, roads………………………… 8.0%
The mayor, city government………………………. 5.7%
City budget, spending……………………………… 5.1%
Taxes………………………………………………. 4.3%
The environment, pollution………………………… 3.5%
Education, the schools……………………………… 2.9%
Healthcare………………………………………….. 1.6%
Infrastructure, city services………………………… .9%
Growth, overcrowding……………………………... .7%
Housing, homeless…………………………………. .5%
Insurance rates……………………………………… .4%
Flooding, drainage…………………………………. .3%
OTHER…………………………………………….. 5.4%
NOT SURE/NO ANSWER………………………… 3.5%
2. Next, I’m going to list some items about living in the City of Houston, and ask you to tell me if you think this is an excellent, good, fair or poor. What about (READ LIST, ROTATE)
Job opportunities in the local economy…… 3% 30%40% 22% 6%
The quality of public schools……………… 3% 27%40% 21% 8%
The arts and cultural opportunities………… 25% 44%19% 6% 6%
Air quality………………………………….. 1% 11%33% 54% 1%
Public safety and crime control……………. 1% 28%46% 24% 2%
Racial and ethnic relations in the city……… 3% 37%42% 14% 4%
Local greenspace and parks………………… 4% 41%37% 16% 3%
Recreational opportunities…………………. 9% 48%30% 9% 4%
Access to health care for low income
residents………………………………… 3% 19%28% 32% 16%
Drainage and flood control………………… 0% 15%34% 48% 4%
Mobility, or the ability to get around the city 3% 23%32% 40% 2%
The City of Houston as a place to live……...14% 55%25% 5% 1%
3. On the whole, over the last ten years do you think things in Houston have gotten better, gotten worse, or stayed about the same?
Gotten better……………39%
Gotten worse……………28%
Stayed about the same…..29%
NOT SURE/NA………….. 4%
4. Looking ahead, and assuming things continue pretty much as they are now, do you think Houston will be a better place to live in ten years, a worse place, or will it be about the same as a place to live?
Better place…………….43%
Worse place……………22%
About the same………...28%
NOT SURE/NA……….. 6%
5. Here is a list of things some people in Houston say they are concerned about. As I read each one, could you please tell me if this is something that is of very great concern to you personally, of great concern to you, only somewhat of a concern, or not at all a concern. First, (ROTATE)…
It’s getting more difficult to get around
the city………………………………….23% 35% 27%13% 1%
Many neighborhoods in the city of
Houston are deteriorating………………16% 36% 30%14% 4%
Too many city residents are living below
the poverty line…………………………19% 38% 24%10% 9%
There is not enough affordable housing
in the city……………………………….16% 30% 23%19% 11%
Many public schools are failing our
children…………………………………25% 36% 19%12% 9%
Parking places are getting harder to find in
Houston…………………………………23% 31% 23%19% 3%
We are losing too much open space
to development………………………….21% 35% 21%18% 5%
There is not enough good public
transportation……………………………20% 29% 23%21% 6%
There isn’t enough park space near me……..12% 19% 24%42% 4%
There isn’t enough cooperation between the
city and suburbs in addressing problems..18% 30% 25%17% 11%
Houston’s neighborhoods are not racially or
economically diverse…………………… 7% 19% 27%39% 9%
There is not enough vision or planning in
dealing with local problems…………….23% 39% 24%10% 5%
The city needs more and better sidewalks
in many areas…………………………...26% 34% 22%14% 5%
6. Some cities have a general or comprehensive plan for future growth. Houston does not. Would you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose creating a General Plan to guide future growth for the City of Houston?
Strongly favor………………….59%
Somewhat favor………………..23%
Somewhat oppose……………… 6%
Strongly oppose……………….. 6%
NOT SURE/NA………………. 6%
7. If a candidate for public office in Houston proposed strong regulations to guide development in the city would you be: (READ OPTIONS)
Less likely to vote for that candidate……………… …10%
More likely to vote for that candidate…………………57%
Or, would the candidate’s position on regulating
growth make no difference in how you would vote….23%
NOT SURE/NA…………………………………………11%
8. I am going to list some propositions regarding development and land use policies in Houston. For each one, please tell me if you are strongly in favor, somewhat in favor, somewhat opposed, or strongly opposed. What about (READ LIST)
Building more bicycle paths and lanes………. 32% 37% 13%14% 3%
Imposing stronger restrictions on development
in the flood plain…………………………. 60% 23% 7% 6% 4%
Providing tax incentives for businesses to
locate in depressed areas…………………. 41% 35% 10% 8% 7%
Spending more public funds to restore
historic buildings…………………………. 31% 38% 15%12% 4%
Spending more public funds to improve and
add city parks……………………………….. 41% 39% 10% 6% 3%
Establishing zones for green space and wetlands
that would be off-limits to development……. 48% 33% 8% 6% 6%
Adding more express bus service……………… 40% 35% 11% 7% 8%
Adding additional rail transit………………….. 42% 26% 11%14% 7%
Widening major streets and freeways to
carry more traffic……………………………39% 30% 13%14% 4%
Providing more curbside recycling services……49% 33% 8% 5% 6%
Imposing new regulations on companies and
individuals to reduce air pollution…………..61% 24% 6% 6% 2%
Expanding bus service with more frequent
buses and more routes……………………… 44% 31% 9% 7% 8%
Stronger land use controls to control
urban sprawl…………………………………39% 31% 10% 7% 13%
Making it easier to walk in the city……………. 57% 30% 4% 3% 6%
9. Would it better if the City’s future population growth occurs in developed areas where services, schools, streets, and sewer lines already exist, or would it be better if most of the growth took place in the remaining open spaces of the city?
Already developed areas………………53%
Remaining open spaces……………….30%
NOT SURE/NA………………………17%
10. Would you personally prefer to live in a suburban setting with larger lots and houses and a longer drive to work and most other places, or in a more central urban setting with smaller homes on smaller lots, and be able to take transit or walk to work and other places?
Suburban setting………………………37%
Central urban setting………………….55%
NOT SURE/NA………………………. 7%
11. How important is it to you personally to have schools and other services within walking distance of your home? (READ OPTIONS)
Very important………..46%
Somewhat important….25%
Not very important……13%
Or not important at all…14%
NOT SURE/NA………. 2%
12. Which do you think would be better – to spend more taxpayer money on improving public transportation such as rail transit and buses even if that means less money for streets, or to spend more taxpayer money on building new roads and highways leaving less money available for rail transit and buses?
Spend on improving public transportation………..45%
Spend on building new roads and highways………38%
BOTH (volunteered)………………………………. 8%
NOT SURE/NA…………………………………… 9%
13. In general, how important to you are the following environmental issues when voting in city elections? Very important, somewhat important, not very important, or not important at all?
Cleaning up waterways and bayous in
the city…………………………….. 68% 25% 6%1% 0%
Having a safe water supply……………… 95% 4% 1%0% 0%
Improving air quality……………………. 85% 13% 2%0% 0%
Improving flood controls……………….. 84% 15% 1%0% 0%
Reducing industrial pollution…………….86% 12% 2%1% 0%
14. The Houston area has large refining and petrochemical industries. Looking ahead, would you like to see these industries expand, which could bring more jobs to the area but also more air and water pollution, or reduced in size, which could mean fewer jobs, but less air and water pollution?
Expand, more jobs…………………36%
Reduced, less pollution…………….37%
NOT SURE/NA…………………….. 9%
15. Would you agree or disagree with the following statement: City officials put too much emphasis on the problems facing Houston today and not enough time focusing on future problems?
NOT SURE/NA………..13%
16. Would you agree or disagree with the following statement: Houston’s citizens have too few opportunities to influence governmental decisions about the city’s future growth and development.
17. Would you favor or oppose spending more public money to prepare for future growth?
NOT SURE/NA…………. 8%
18. Next, I’d like to read you a short list of things the City of Houston might focus on and ask if you think this should be a very high priority for the city, a high priority, somewhat of a priority, or not a priority. First, (READ LIST):
Dealing with homelessness in the city……. 25% 35% 29%10% 2%
Ensuring fair application of laws and
policies to all ethnic, racial, and religious
groups in the city……………………….. 34% 38% 19% 8% 2%
Supporting opportunities for lifelong learning 33% 39% 18% 8% 3%
Making sure that lower income residents in
inner city neighborhoods are not forced
out by rising rents and property taxes…. 40% 32% 17% 8% 2%
Supporting policies to keep neighborhoods
mixed in terms of both racial and economic
makeup…………………………………. 21% 28% 23%23% 5%
Providing subsidies to help lower income
residents become home owners ……….. 32% 32% 23%11% 3%
19. What is the single best thing for you about living in Houston?
Job opportunities……………….20.2%
Convenience to work, family 8.3%
The quality of life……………… 8.0%
Diversity of city……………….. 7.0%
It’s home, grew up here……….. 6.8%
Like the climate here………….. 6.6%
Arts, cultural opportunities……. 6.1%
Near family…………………….. 5.3%
Like the people here……………. 5.2%
Affordability, cost of living……. 3.9%
Quality of medical care………… 3.8%
Housing, neighborhood………… 3.5%
Parks, recreational opportunities... 3.2%
Educational opportunities……….. 1.1%
Good retirement area……………. .4%
OTHER REASONS……………... 3.5%
NOTHING/NA…………………… 2.8%
20. What is the single worst thing for you about living in Houston?
Traffic, streets, congestion……….34.8%
Pollution, environment…………..13.8%
The climate……………………….12.0%
Crime, lack of public safety……… 7.8%
Local government, politicians…… 3.8%
Growth, overcrowding…………… 3.2%
Cost of living/economy………….. 3.0%
Flooding, drainage………………… 2.1%
Taxes………………………………. 1.9%
Public transportation………………. 0.9%
City is ugly………………………… 0.9%
Education, poor schools……………. 0.8%
Racism, intolerance………………… 0.7%
Lack of parks, greenspace………….. 0.6%
Immigrants, minorities……………… 0.5%
Mosquitos…………………………… 0.3%
OTHER……………………………… 5.6%
21. We have just a few background questions to finish up. How many years have you lived in Houston?
MEAN: 34.9 years
22. What is your year of birth?
23. What is the highest level of formal education you completed?
Did not attend high school……… 2.0%
Some high school………………. 4.3%
High school graduate……………14.3%
Trade school graduate………….. 2.3%
Some college…………………….25.3%
College graduate…………………29.0%
REFUSED……………………….. .7%
24. Is the place you live a single-family detached home, an attached home such as a condo or townhouse, an apartment, or another type of dwelling?
Detached single-family……79.1%
Apartment………………… 7.4%
Something else……………. 2.0%
NA/REFUSED…………… .9%
25. Do you own or rent your home?
Rent………………. 14%
NA……………….. 2%
26. Were you born in the United States?
No……………….. 6.9%
NA…………………. .3%
26A. (IF NOT) How long have you lived in the United States?
MEAN:31.3 years
STANDARD DEV.:13.3 years
27. In which of the following racial or ethnic groups would you place yourself? (READ)
Anglo or white…………………51.4%
Black or African American……..27.9%
Hispanic or Mexican American…14.0%
Asian American…………………. 1.6%
Other…………………………….. 3.8%
REFUSED/NA…………………… 1.3%
28. Are you presently working full-time, part-time, going to school, managing the house, retired, or something else?
Working full-time…………….46%
Working part-time……………. 9%
Going to school………………. 5%
Managing the house………….. 7%
Something else…………………. 6%
REFUSED/NA…………………. 2%
29. On an average day, how long does it usually take you to get to work or school?
Less than 10 minutes………………..23%
11 to 20 minutes…………………….33%
21 to 30 minutes…………………….20%
31 to 40 minutes……………………. 9%
41 to 50 minutes…………………….. 6%
51 to 60 minutes…………………… 2%
More than an hour………………….. 1%
NA…………………………………. 2%
30. Has your commute time in the last 3 years increased, decreased, or stayed the same?
Stayed same………….55%
NOT SURE/NA……….. 2%
31. How do you usually get to work or school? (READ OPTIONS)
Drive alone………………………………………..84%
Drive or ride with a household member………….. 4%
Drive or ride with someone else………………….. 2%
Take METRO…………………………………….. 3%
Walk………………………………………………. 3%
Bicycle…………………………………………….. 1%
Some other way……………………………………. .4%
NA…………………………………………………. 2%
32. Counting yourself, how many people live in your household?
Five……………………. 7%
Six……………………… 3%
Seven Plus……………… 1%
NA………………………. 2%
33. Are you married, in a domestic partnership, separated, divorced, widowed, or have you never been married?
Married………………………. 50%
Domestic Partnership……….. 2%
Never married……………….17%
NA………………………….. 2%
34. Is you spouse (domestic partner) working fulltime, part-time, going to school, managing the house, retired, or something else?
Working fulltime……………..51%
Working part-time…………….. 7%
Going to school……………….. 2%
Managing the house………….. 9%
Something else…………………. 4%
NA……………………………… 1%
35. Do you have children?
NA………. 1%
36. Generally speaking, would you call yourself a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or something else when it comes to politics?
Something else………. 8%
NA…………………… 2%
37. And would you say you were a conservative, a moderate, or a liberal?
38. One final question. Please stop me when I reach the income category that includes your total household income in 2002. That is, the income for all members of the household during the past year.
Under $12,500…………… 5%
$12,500 – 25,000………… 7%
$25,000 – 37,500…………11%
$37,500 – 50,000………… 9%
$50,000 – 62,500………… 9%
$62,500 – 75,000………… 9%
$75,000 – 100,000………. 8%
Over $100,000…………..13%
Thank you for taking time to talk with us today/tonight. In case my supervisor needs to verify that I have spoken with you, can I confirm that your first name is ______, and that I reached you at (AREA CODE_____, ______-______.)