Company Profiles & Business Activities


1.  Search the Internet for six national or regional companies that has developed a web page AND traded stocks on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or MSN Money .

(Examples: Target, McDonald’s, IBM, Coca-Cola)

Hint: You can find website address once you locate the company on the NYSE website.

Note: You may not be able to find all of the above information on the home page. You may need to visit other web sites and/or incorporate your own knowledge.

If Word is used you may create a table to categorize information for each company or just type and print profile in a professional manner for each company. If PowerPoint is used, you must present your profile accompanied by a PowerPoint handout.

2.  Create a stock portfolio in an Excel spreadsheet of all 6 of your companies tracking their market value for 3 different days. An Excel template will be provided for you.

3.  Use word processing (WORD) or presentation software (PowerPoint) to prepare a 2-3 page or slide company profile/outline for ONE of the six companies that includes the following information:

a.  Company history

b.  Product(s)/service(s) offered

c.  Miscellaneous facts (i.e., stock performance, stock symbol, national headquarter location/regional office, etc.) AT LEAST 3

d.  Advertising & promotion used by the company and what it looks like (ex. graphic logo, slogan or motto company goes by in writing, or commercial you have recorded and created yourself or located online can be presented via moviemaker, PowerPoint, or an online web tool that you have an account for)

e.  Include a title/introduction page and references/website links and DO NOT FORGET “7/7” RULE if doing a PowerPoint

Evaluation Checklist/Rubric

Company Profile

Performance Indicators /
POINTS / Comments /
Company Profile
TOTAL / 100
Composed document of appropriate length (covering ALL details of chosen company) / 10
Included company history(brief on how it began to where it is now or how it ended) / 10
Included product(s)/service(s) offered / 10
Included advertising and promotion(logo, slogan, and or commercial(in appropriate format…options described in procedures) / 10
Stated miscellaneous facts (at least 3) / 10
Produced error-free and professional-looking document(w/ references/web site links and a title /introductory page/slide) / 10
3 DAY Excel stock portfolio (6 different companies/corporations) / 10
DAY 1 / 10
DAY 2 / 10
DAY 3 / 10

This will count as 20%- final performance grade. Written common assessment taken again will be the same 5% as your written final exam.