Meadow Park Middle School – Community Service FAQ

Red Binder: Each advisory is receiving a binder with Community Service Logs for each student. Please keep this in a visible place.

Expectations of Community Service

  • 10 Hours over the Year (5 by Jan 15 and 5 by May 15 recommended).
  • 2 Reflections – 1 per semester (due Jan 15 and May 15).
  • Keep the Log Sheet in your advisory. Each advisory has a red binder for service. Leadership students will periodically check to see how classes are doing.

What counts as community service?

When you do work for someone else when it is not normally expected from you. Cleaning your own room doesn’t count! If you get paid, it doesn’t count. Fundraising for an organization that you are part of does not count. For example, if you raise money for new uniforms for your own baseball team, that doesn’t count. However, if your baseball team raises money to support another group in need, it counts. Activities that you do that are required for a class that you take (besides Advisory) do not count.

What is verification?

The teacher, parent, coach, or sponsor of your activity should sign the paper to show that you completed the work. They can send a note for your advisory teacher.

Can you get all 10 hours done in 1 semester?

Yes….but no reason to stop, right?

What happens if I meet the goal?

Students will receive certificates of achievement for meeting the goal.

Can I do more that 10 total hours?

Absolutely! In fact, students who log 100 hours by May 15 are eligible for a special certificate and prize.

If I am in a class like leadership, can I could leadership hours towards this?

No…leadership students have additional responsibilities because of the type of class leadership is. However, leadership hours can count toward the 100-hour challenge!

Can work I do as part of advisory count?

Absolutely. If your advisory decides to work on a Design Cycle Project that helps out the community, count the hours! If you advisory works on posters, cards, projects, litter clean-up, bulletin board design, etc. – count the hours! The advisory teacher will decide the number of hours.

Why would I write a reflection?

Part of MYP is contributing to Local and Global Communities and reflecting on the practice. Taking time to reflect will help you make plans for future volunteer goals.