Question Pool

"Grandmother" –

  1. Who are the characters in the poem?
  2. What does the narrator say to her grandmother?
  3. What does she expect to do after saying this?
  4. What does her grandmother tell her? Name 2 things that she mentions doing during her day.
  5. Why does the narrator want to cry? What almost happened?
  6. What does the narrator understand about her grandmother?
  7. What do you think the message of the poem is?
  8. Bridging Text and Context: We know that SameenahShirazie grew up in Pakistan, a Moslem country. Her grandmother lived with her family. In her society, the elderly are loved, respected and well taken care of by members of their family. Make a connection between this information and the poem "Grandmother."

"The Road Not Taken" –

  1. Where is the narrator?
  2. What season of the year is it? How do we know?
  3. What is the narrator's dilemma? (problem)
  4. He compares the two roads. What qualities does each one have?
  5. What regret does the narrator have when choosing the road?
  6. What can we infer about the narrator based on the choice he made?
  7. What two possible meanings might the title "The Road Not Taken" have?
  8. Why does the narrator "sigh" in his future speech?
  9. In question 3 (what is the narrator's dilemma?), which HOTS did you use in answering? Explain.

"Thank You, Ma'am" –

  1. What is the setting of the story?
  2. Who are the characters in the story?
  3. Why does Roger try to snatch Mrs. Jones' purse?
  4. What possible courses of action can Mrs. Jones take? Which course does she choose?
  5. What do we know about Mrs. Jones' life? Name 2 things.
  6. A. What do "blue suede shoes" symbolize?

B. Mrs. Jones left her door open while Roger was sitting in the room. What does the "open door" symbolize?

  1. Do you think that Roger will change his behavior? Why? / Why not?
  2. Why do you think that Mrs. Jones treated Roger the way she did? Use one of the HOTS to answer this question. Explain.
  3. Bridging Text and Context:

Langston was a black writer who was part of the Harlem Renaissance. This movement gave a cultural voice to many young and talented black artists in all fields. They supported each other and, thus succeeded.

Make a connection between the above information and the story "Thank You, Ma'am."

"Count That Day Lost" –

  1. According to the poem, what constitutes a good day?
  2. Why did the poet use a male pen name? What does this tell you about the society in which she lived?
  3. What should you do at the end of the day, according to the poem?
  4. How is a day "well spent" different from a day "worse than lost" – according to the poem? Which HOTS did you use to answer this question? Explain.
  5. What do you think the message of this poem is?
  6. What is a metaphor? "Sunshine" is a metaphor for what?
  7. Bridging Text and Context:

The poet lived in England during the Victorian Era. This period was marked by male domination שליטה , discrimination הפלייה and hypocrisyצביעות. The poet wrote in protest to what was happening in her time. Make a connection between the above statement and the poem "Count That Day Lost."