The Thorndale Revue is scheduled for Thursday June 20th, 2013. The event will be held at 7:00pm in the TISD cafeteria. Rehearsal will be held Wednesday, June 19h at 7:00pm in the cafeteria. Rehearsal attendance is mandatory.

Miss Thorndale contestants must reside in Thorndale or attend Thorndale High School. The contestant must be a Freshman thru Senior as of September 1, 2013. Miss Thorndale will receive a $500.00 scholarship. The scholarship will be paid in full upon proof of full time enrollment at an accredited institution, after the last drop date at that institution, provided that Miss Thorndale has fulfilled her obligations to the Thorndale Area Chamber of Commerce (TACC). If the obligations are not fulfilled, the scholarship will be forfeited. As of September 1st of 2011, A winner of the Miss Thorndale title will not be allowed to enter the Revue again.

Obligations are as follows:

1) Miss Thorndale must ride the TACC Float in all required parades as designated by the TACC directors. Required parades are: any Thorndale Parades, Rockdale Fair and Christmas Parades, and the McDade Watermelon Festival Parade. All other parades are optional. Miss Thorndale is responsible for obtaining someone to pull the float in the parades. The Runner-up for Miss Thorndale and the winner of Junior Miss Thorndale may be asked, but are not required, to participate in the parades with Miss Thorndale.

2) Miss Thorndale is required to attend all TACC functions ,excluding regular monthly meetings, when given at least 14 days notice. Unless she is excused prior to the event by the TACC President. She must notify the TACC President of any scheduling conflicts in writing as soon as they are discovered.

3) Miss Thorndale must hold her personal standards to the highest level. Miss Thorndale is accountable for any content/media pertaining to her that is open to public view, this includes, but is not limited to pictures, written statements, email messages, text messages and social network (FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter and the like) posts/uploads. She must remember that she represents The Thorndale Area Chamber of Commerce and the city of Thorndale at all times. If Miss Thorndale’s character or actions come in to question, the TACC Board of Directors will meet with her and her parents or guardians to discuss her continuation or removal. If Miss Thorndale is removed, the First Runner-up shall assume her position to fulfill the remainder of the term and be eligible for the scholarship. In the event that the First Runner-up assumes the position of Miss Thorndale in mid-term, she shall be eligible to participate in the next Revue, but will only be entitled to one scholarship award. The decision is at the sole discretion of the TACC Directors, will be final, and without means of appeal.

4) Miss Thorndale will be required to submit 4 articles, of 250 words or more, on topics concerning her school and community. The articles may be submitted for publication in The Thorndale Champion Newspaper. The article topics are subject to TACC approval and must be submitted prior to the TACC regular monthly meetings in August, November, January and April.

This year’s theme will reflect a 20’s era Vintage Circus. Participants are welcome to dress with the theme! Current spring and summer styles such as Chevron Print, Chiffon and Lace will go along very nice with this theme. For more inspiration check out the movie “Water For Elephants” or look on Pinterest! J

Let the judges see your creative side in Theme Inspired Casual Wear and then dazzle them in your Formal Wear.

(No shorts of any kind, mini skirts, or swim wear will be allowed for the Revue. No “short shorts”, miniskirts or other inappropriate attire will be permitted at the rehearsal.)

For the question portion of the Revue; each contestant is asked to provide specific and unique information about themselves, which will allow the judges to experience the contestants individuality. Each contestant will be asked a question based on the information they provide. Please provide a separate page with your information and return with entry form. It must be legible, typed is preferred. Please limit it to no more than 2 paragraphs.

Winners will be selected in the listed Categories:

Miss Photogenic – This title is selected by the panel of Judges. The recipients award will be announced during the Revue.

Miss Congeniality – This title is selected by the contestants. If after the 1st vote, there is a tie then those working with the contestants will vote in the second round. The recipient will receive a trophy and sash.

1st Runner up (add’l runner ups my be selected depending on number of entries) – This title is selected by the panel of Judges. The recipient will be awarded a trophy, sash and crown.

Miss Thorndale – This title is selected by the panel of Judges. The recipient will be awarded a trophy, sash and crown, along with a $500.00 scholarship (receipt subject to the guidelines set out above).

Additional awards may be provided.

The entry fee for Miss Thorndale is $50.00 if turned in before the deadline; or $75.00 if received after the deadline. Area merchants may be asked to sponsor Miss Thorndale Contestants. It is the Contestants responsibility to find a sponsor. If the contestant is unable to find a sponsor, the TACC will assist her in finding one or she may pay her own entry fee. The purpose of the sponsor is to take some of the cost off the contestant and to give area merchants more publicity. If sponsored, the sponsor’s name will appear in the program and will be mentioned at the Revue.

Miss Thorndale Contestants must submit a photo with the entry form. This photo will be published in the Thorndale Champion and will also be used by the judges when selecting Miss Photogenic. A 5x7 photo is required for this purpose. Although we will make every effort, please understand that we cannot guarantee the return of the photos to the contestants.

The deadline for entries is June 14th, 2013.

Entry Fee after the deadline is $75.00 and the contestants name may not appear in the program or paper depending on entry date.

Entry forms may be turned in, with a 5x7 photo and applicable fee, to:

TACC Revue Committee

P.O. Box 668 118 S. Main St.


Drop the entry form, fee & photo in the mail slot at the TACC Building

at 116 S. Main St (next to the Downtown Café).

For additional information, please contact:

Audrey Gamble

(512) 269-6404

2013 Miss Thorndale Entry Form

Sponsored by the Thorndale Area Chamber of Commerce

The Thorndale Revue will be June 20th 7:00pm in the TISD Cafeteria

Rehearsal will be at 7:00pm June 19th in the TISD Cafeteria.


Age______Date of Birth______Grade in School______

Parents Name______

Contact phone numbers______

Color of Hair______Color of Eyes______

If sponsored, please list Sponsor’s name______


I will not hold the Thorndale Area Chamber of Commerce or the Thorndale Independent School District responsible for any accidents.



**Remember: Photo & fee required with entry form**