Rules for handing in projects

CIS 220 Spring 2001

You will be put into a group to do team projects. You may form your own team with other members of the class. The first project will be due about the end of the third week. If you have a member of a team at that time, I will assign you to a team. Teams should have 3 or 4 members. I will not approve of a team with more than 4 members.

1.  Projects should be well documented. See your text for examples of good Java documentation. The documentation at the beginning of the program should contain


The title of the project

A description of the program

The names of the people on the team (this is very important – this is how the grade gets recorded.

The date the project is to be handed in.


2.  A hard copy of the program must be submitted, that is hand in a paper copy of the program. The hard copy must have a cover sheet indicating the title of the project, the names of the members of the team, and the date the program was due. LATE PROJECTS MUST HAVE A LETTER ATTACHED DETAILING WHY THE PROJECT WAS LATE AND WHEN IT WAS HANDED IN. LATE PROJECTS WILL BE PENALIZED 10 POINTS PER WORKING DAY. This letter should be in front of the cover sheet. In order

  1. Letter detailing why the project is late as described above (if necessary).
  2. Cover sheet
  3. Hard copy of project.

3. The program must also be submitted on a floppy disk. For full credit the program must compile, run, and produce output following specified directions. Again the program must be carefully documented. Make sure you use new floppy disks. These things do not last forever. Best you spend a dollar on a new floppy disk than have several hours work go down the drain.

4. Put everything, including the floppy disk into a 1 gallon unused plastic baggie.

A project should have this basic structure. The symbol \\ indicates the beginning of a comment. Programs should be liberally commented. Points will be deducted for inadequately commented programs.

//Title: Title of the project
//Author: Team number and names of team members. For example:
// Team 1: Max Jerrell, Billy Gates, Grace Hopper members
// Use first name and last name.
//Company: NAU
//Description: This program writes a message to the standard output
package hello;
public class Hello
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println() ; //Print blank line
System.out.println("hello world") ; //Print message
} //end main
} //end hello