Ms. Gulitti Name______

English I Period______

Figurative Language/Poetic Devices

Directions: Using the poetry glossary that contains definitions of various figures of speech and poetic devices, complete the following questions.

1)  Define figurative language in your own words.

2)  List the various figures of speech used when writing poetry (at least five)

3)  Identify the figure of speech OR the poetic device utilized in each example. Note that some examples may include more than one answer. Strive for all answers.

a.  “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.” ______

b.  “A wise fool chooses love over money.” ______

c.  “Pop! Goes the weasel!” ______

d.  “The trees waved their arms in the wind.” ______

e.  “Lend me your hand, will you?” ______

f.  “Little drops of rain whisper of the pain…” ______

g.  “Memories like fingerprints are slowly raising…” ______

h.  “He’s such a pig when he eats.” ______

i.  “Hello, darkness my old friend.” ______

j.  “Everybody loves coming to school Monday morning!” ______

k.  “A winter’s day in a deep and dark December” ______

l.  “Aye,” said Popeye. “I almost poked my eye!” ______

m.  “I know you’ll be the sun in someone else’s ______

sky, but why can’t it be mine?”

n.  “Sixteen springs and sixteen summers gone now.” ______

o. “And I feel like I'm just being born ______

Like a shiny light breaking in a storm”

p. “He stood looking thru the lace ______

At the face on the conquered moon”

q.  “And the sun poured in like butterscotch and ______

stuck to all my senses.”

r.  “Stepping stones or sinking sand.” ______

4)  Now you are ready to try creating some examples of figurative language yourself. You will now pair up with a partner to create examples of the following terms on index cards. On the index cards you have already completed, neatly list a new example on the back side of the card. Be creative but reasonable. We will share these for review.

a. metaphor b. simile c. personification d. hyperbole

e. oxymoron f. alliteration g. synecdoche h. pun

i. verbal irony j. onomatopoeia

5)  Lastly, it’s time to review the important terms, denotation and connotation. In the space below, list the denotation and connotation for the word, “heart.”

