Burton Center for Arts & Technology / 2018/2019

Teacher Internship Program

Application Packet

Application Deadline: February 09, 2018

The Teaching Internship Program gives you an opportunity to explore your goal of becoming a classroom teacher. This program provides students with a unique experience in the field of education. As a teacher intern you will be working with a mentor teacher at a local elementary school. You will spend approximately three and a half hours twice a week at your internship site for a total of approximately 350 hours for the school year. During this time you will act as a teacher’s assistant and help develop and teach lessons and activities.

The Teaching Internship Program includes a dual enrollment opportunity with Virginia Western Community College. Participants can earn up to 6 college credits. Dual enrollment courses are a wonderful way to give you a head start on your college plans, but you should consider that the course work and requirements are more challenging than regular high school courses. Blackboard will be used for much of the course which requires you to be self-motivated, organized and disciplined.

Burton Center for Arts and Technology requires that you submit the following information to help assess if this program will meet your needs and goals for the future. Please complete the following requirements and submit all forms and essays to Mrs. G Harmon at Burton Center for Arts and Technology by February 09, 2018. Application forms may be downloaded from the Burton Teaching Internship website and emailed to Mrs. Harmon at , or placed in a sealed envelope and mailed to Mrs. Harmon’s attention at Burton Center for Arts and Technology 1760 Roanoke Boulevard Salem, VA 24153

Requirements for the program (Submitted by February 09, 2018):

□  Completed Teaching Internship application form

□  Required Burton registration form which may be picked up from your school’s guidance counselor

□  Self-evaluation essay

□  Two recommendation forms

□  Transportation to and from the elementary school you are placed in

□  At least a 2.5 GPA

□  Good attendance record

□  The desire to complete a college degree program majoring in education.

If you have any questions about the program please feel free to contact me at or 857-5000 ext. 29206

Thank you,

Gloria L Harmon

Early Childhood/Teaching Internship Instructor

ISAEP/GED Workplace Coordinator

Burton Center for Arts and Technology

Roanoke County Public Schools

Teacher Internship Program

Application Form

Personal Information Date ______

High school: Counselor’s Name:
Phone number:
Current GPA:
Email address:
Total days absent (this school year):
Total days tardy (this school year):

References: Please list the name, address, and relationship of the two people whom you have asked to complete the reference forms.

Name: / Relationship:
Name: / Relationship:

Self-evaluation Essay:

Please complete the questions on a separate sheet of paper in an essay (paragraph) format.

1.  What has inspired you to become a teacher?

2.  Do you enjoy working with children? Why?

3.  What are your strengths and weaknesses?

4.  How would you describe yourself? Use three adjectives.

5.  How would this class benefit you in reaching your personal goals?

Teacher Internship Program

Reference Form

______has applied for Roanoke County’s Teacher Internship Program. It is his/her goal or desire to attend college and pursue a career in education. The internship will place him/her with one of our elementary schools working with the classroom teachers. It will also allow him/her the opportunity to earn fifteen college credits by completing the course. He/She has listed you as a character reference. You are asked to complete the following assessment and return it in a sealed envelope to the ECE Department at Burton Center for Arts and Technology. Thank you for your assistance in this process.

Name: / Relationship to the student:
Years you have known the student:
Phone number where you can be reached:

Part 1: Interpersonal Competency Assessment

4 = Exceptional/Always; 3 = Usually Successful; 2 = Half of the time successful; 1 – Seldom/Avoids;

0 = Not observed.

Please check the appropriate column / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Confidence – Believes in self and respects self
Perseverance – Continues difficult tasks until completed
Comprehension – Pays attention and catches on to ideas and situations
Initiative – Finds work to do without being told; is self-motivated
Reliability – Does tasks assigned without constant supervision
Tact – Is careful not to hurt other’s feelings or cause anger
Loyalty – Stands up for personal values and fully supports leaders
Enthusiasm – Demonstrates desire to learn and please, eager, earnest, zealous worker.
Cooperation – Demonstrates willingness to work as a team member and assist both internal and external customers
Adaptability – Adjusts to changes in schedules, job assignments, supervisors
Oral expression – States information in a clear, logical order
Sociable – Makes friends easily and is open-minded
Leadership – Gets others to cooperate and channel their efforts toward a common goal
Poise – Maintains self control.

Part 2: How would you evaluate the student in the following areas.

4 = Exceptional/Always; 3 = Usually Successful; 2 = Half of the time successful; 1 – Seldom/Avoids;

0 = Not observed.

Please check the appropriate column / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Genuinely likes children
Seems to enjoy spending time with children
Could be accepting of all children, regardless of their personalities, abilities, appearance and backgrounds
Has the energy it takes to keep up with an active group of children
Could accept the less than glamorous parts of working with children such as wiping noses, cleaning work areas, etc.
Could be patient with a child’s needs and abilities
Is creative and could plan creative activities for children
Is resourceful and has the ability to seek out resources if needed
Cares about the well-being of children
Would be a leader and a help to a mentor teacher in the classroom
Is someone you could envision as a classroom teacher

Part 3:

Other comments or thoughts that you would like to share to help determine if this program would be a good placement for this student.