Recording Care: Evidencing Safe and Effective Care

Steering Group Meeting

Tuesday 13 October 2015 10:00-12:00 hrs

Doffer Room, Mossley Mill


Present:Alan Corry-Finn, Executive Director of Nursing (Chair), WHSCTACF

Dr David Robinson, Co-Director of Nursing, BHSCTDR

Linda Kelly, Assistant Director of Nursing, SEHSCT LK

Anne Witherow, Assistant Director of Nursing,WHSCTAW

Dr Glynis Henry, Head HSC Clinical Education Centre GH

Fiona Wright, Assistant Director of Nursing, SHSCTFW

Deborah Oktar-Campbell, NIPEC Council MemberDOC

Susan Carlisle, Nurse Lecturer, QUBSC

Heather Finlay, Nursing Officer, DHSSPSNIHF

Angela Drury, Senior Professional Officer, NIPECAD

Observer: Michelle Burke, Professional Officer NIPEC

Apologies:Eleanor Ross,PHA

Linzi McIlroy, Senior Professional Development Officer, RCN

Maurice Devine, CEC (Glynis Henry attending OBO)

Agenda item / Action to be taken / Action by
1 / Chair’s remarks, welcome and apologies
ACF opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and in particular Michelle Burke who has taken up post as Professional Officer for Recording Care, NIPEC. Apologies noted as above.
Welcome was given to Heather Finlay, Nursing Officer, DHSSPS who is replacing Caroline Lee.
It was noted that currently the SG and project groups have no membership from NHSCT. A letter had been sent to Olive MacLeod on 14 August 2015 and response received to ACF directly 12th October. A replacement officer should be in position in November and will join the recording care work stream.
2 / Notes of the last meeting 14th May 2015
Notes of the SG meeting 14th May 2015 were agreed as a true record.
3 / Presentations: ‘You in Mind’ Project – Briege Quinn, PHA
Both Rodney Morton and Briege Quinn had been unable to attend the meeting. A discussion had been had with Rodney Morton regarding the point at which a presentation should be made to SG. It had been agreed that the current product for the ‘You in Mind’ record was not sufficiently progressed to present. It was agreed that AD will ask them to join the December SG meeting.
SG was also to have had Eileen Kennedy and Robin McIlrath from the NISAT team present but the change of date (from 30 September)had not suited either colleagues. Plan was to attend December meeting also to present the new version of e-NISAT. / AD to write to R Morton and B Quinn regarding presentation at the SG meeting in December
4 / Matters Arising:
Feedback from CNO Meeting
ACF provided an update of the feedback provided to the CNO meeting in August 2015. AD had prepared a progress paper for the Executive Nurse group (EDoNs), which was table at the meeting. ACF acknowledged that a meeting had been proposed at the last SG to take forward discussion with CNO and EDoNs particularly in relation to funding. Following debate it was agreed that a ‘pack should be constructed for January 2016 containing:
  • Information on progress of wards auditing nursing records – total numbers of audited records to be offered
  • Evidence from SAIs, inquiries and reviews which include reference to the need to improve record keeping practice in nursing
  • Recognition that for nursing and midwifery recording is a continuous activity rather than, as for other professions, episodic
  • An outline of future work and potential outcomes.
Completed Trust Templates
It was agreed that Trust templates which had been completed previously identifying what work was being taken forward in each trust in relation to improvement methods and audit should be refreshed for submission as part of the evidence for the CNO/EDoN meeting. AD to take forward. In relation to input from NHSCT – ACF to speak to OM. / AD to collate evidence in report for CNO/EDoNs for Jan 16
AD to initiate review of HSCT recording care activity template
ACF to speak to OM by way of update
5 / Working Group Strand 1 Report
AW gave an update to SG members as Chair of Strand 1 Working Group.
  • Finalisation of regional record
AW provided an update in relation to the implementation of the regional document and the progress of trusts to incorporate the new version of the document into nurse record keeping processes.
  • Care Planning
AD presented the report of the recent pilot of a new approach to care planning.ACF took discussion on the pilot and report. Members agreed that in order to roll out a change of the magnitude of a new care planning model facilitation would be required and therefore resourcing. This item should be raised at the meeting in January with CNO and EDoN. In terms of training it was agreed with GH that current SLA arrangements with each HSCT trust could be accessed to support staff development in this area. Further piloting was agreed via the three wards in each HSC trust that had run the original pilot within two documents. It was suggested that Band 5 nurses who had worked with the framework could attend theEDoN and CNO Meeting to allow direct feedback to senior staff. AD to organise teleconference call with ADNs to agree methodology for pilot. Members also discussed the opportunity for research in this area – funding to be explored via DHSSPS and contact with HEIs seeking partnership. Other methods of funding also to be explored.
  • Children`s record
Pilot of the agreed admission and frequent re-admission document was concluded. Review meeting September met and unfortunately did not conclude business – further meeting November 2015 planned therefore further delay on the final product. It was hoped the document would be completed by December 2015. Some rich learning had been gleaned from the pilots and as a result the format of the document had been changed to enhance flow.SHSCT was not in the construction of the new document – they intended to map their existing document to the new format once completed. SHSCT had been a part of the development process however. It was agreed that the development process was crucial to getting the document right and therefore important to take time to take the views of staff and make the correct amendments.
  • KPI
AD gave an update – re permissions and the tool development. Decision agreed not to send governance email and simple registration process to be used.
  • Mental Health and Learning Disability (LD)
Mental health document being taken forward by ‘You in Mind’ group. The document would be presented at a point in time when nearing completion to allow influence from SG.
Update on discussion regarding LD settings was taken. Many Trusts had made significant achievements in reviewing their LD documentation and it has been agreed at Strand 1 WG that there was a need to scope what had been achieved. Michelle Burke was currently working with LD leads across each trust. It was agreed to scope what might be required in this project stream - meeting planned for early December to reconvene the Expert reference Group was being organised.
Scoping to be completed by January 2016. MB to attend event on 23 October 2015 – as advised by GH. / Band 5 nurses to be involved in presentation to EDoN/CNO meeting Jan 2016
Telecall with ADNs and CEC representation with NIPEC to be arranged by AD to progress further pilot for care planning
Research opportunities to be explored
Scoping exercise for LD care settings to be completed by Jan 16.
MB to attend LD event 23/10/15
6 / Working Group Strand 2 Report
FW gave an update to SG members as Chair of Strand 2 Working Group.
Health Care Support Worker (HCSW) Record Keeping Practice Framework – Practice Guidance
A plan had been outlined for description of a guidance document to be drawn up with regional agreement to guide practice of HCSW. WG S2 has been waiting on the release of the regional HCSW JD and code of practice but as yet that had not been forthcoming. At the last meeting members agreed to move forward with an outline bearing in mind the indicative content of these documents. Due to report by November 2015 with brief guidance outline.
HEI collaboration
Contact with HEI staff had been initiated again to start raising awareness of the improvement methods within Pre-reg nursing and midwifery following the final production of the regional record. Master classes were being organised for November 2015 and January 2016.
Improvement Methods
Children’s champions had met representing each of the five Trusts in early October to begin the improvement methodology learning process. It was hoped to begin the improvement work in early January 2016.
There was an acknowledgement that the online audit tool was not fully fit for purpose with children’s care settings. This was also the case for other care settings leading to a proposal, that along with the short ‘KPI’ tool to measure compliance against the CNO standards at a high level, NOAT should be amended to a more generic tool.
AD stated that NIPEC may have the opportunity in the New Year to fund the review of NOAT – currently they were not in a position to fund but this may change over quarter three and four of the financial year. Following discussion it was agreed to go ahead and set up Group representative of a range of care settings to begin the work around the amendment of NOAT.
In the absence of a reviewed NOAT, children’s areas would require a guidance document to be produced to ensure correct interpretation of the indicators. NIPEC to take this forward.
Debate took place regarding when the KPI tool should be used and larger NOAT – to be clarified by ADNs.
NMC Guidance for Record Keeping
FW raised discussion regarding the removal of NMC guidance for record keeping and insertion of standards in the Code (2015), a matter which had been discussed at length during the last Strand 2 meeting. References to be checked on NIPEC mini-site regarding NMC Guidance 2009. / NOAT to be reviewed by NIPEC with ERG drawn from fields of practice and relevant care settings.
Guidance to be developed for Children’s care settings.
ADNs to prescribe algorithm for use of two tools for record keeping.
References to NMC guidance to be checked for within NIPEC mini-site
7 / HSC Trust Record Keeping Scores
Paper was tabled with the latest audit scores – AD noted NHSCT were not in the final analysis - a request had been sent but had not been responded to. BHSCT reported on 4 wards not the required 5. The ADNs requested a copy of the scores chart – AD to email. / AD to send email to ADNS re. scores
8 / HSC Trust Record Keeping Project
ACF asked members round the table about anyon-going projects outside of recording care that were going on inside HSC Trusts in relation to record keeping for nursing and midwifery. No projects were reported.
9 / Next Steps
AD outlined the actions from discussions.
10 / Any Other Business
AD raised an issue for debate in relation to raising awareness of the work which was taking place regionally connected to care planning. FW gave background to this query due to a request from SHSCT independent sector facilitators to speak at an event with care home managers. After much debate it was decided to allow PACE to be spoken of in HSC and with HEI colleagues, it was not at a stage however to be discussed with colleagues from structures outside of HSC.
11 / Dates and times of next meetings
Tuesday 1 December 2015, 2pm, NIPEC Offices, Belfast
Action / Comment / Completed/Ongoing
AD to write to R Morton and B Quinn regarding presentation at the SG meeting in December. / Completed
AD to collate evidence in report for CNO/EDoNs for Jan 16. / On-going
AD to initiate review of HSCT recording care activity template for Jan 2016. / On-going
ACF to speak to OM by way of update. / To receive update
Band 5 nurses to be involved in presentation to EDoN/CNO meeting Jan 2016. AD to coordinate. / . / Completed
Telecall with ADNs and CEC representation with NIPEC to be arranged by AD to progress further pilot for care planning. / Date unavailable – individual discussions and email to agree – / completed
Research opportunities to be explored by SG with HEIs. / Meeting set up with Heads of School HEIs. Meeting with Prof T McCance held / On-going
Scoping exercise for LD care settings to be completed by Jan 16 by MB. / On-going
MB to attend LD event 23/10/15. / Completed
NOAT to be reviewed by NIPEC with ERG drawn from fields of practice and relevant care settings. / On-going
Guidance for NOAT to be developed for Children’s care settings by MB. / On-going
ADNs to prescribe algorithm for use of two tools for record keeping. / On-going
References to NMC guidance to be checked for within NIPEC mini-site. / Completed
AD to send email to ADNS re. scores / Completed