Luscious Bites

Food safety plan

Product: Lettuce salad mix

Table of contents

1 Introduction

2 Standard operating procedures

3 Hazard analysis

4 HACCP audit tables

5 Work instructions

6 Standard monitoring forms and documentation

7 References


1.1 Policy amendment register

Amendments register
No. / Date / Subject / Page no. / Approval / Comments

1.2 Food safety plan

The management at Luscious Bites are responsible for establishing a documented Food safety plan which shall:

  • identify any hazards that could jeopardise product wholesomeness during production
  • implement good manufacturing practices (GMPs) to control the identified hazards
  • minimise any risks to product wholesomeness
  • monitor the effectiveness of the GMPs in protecting wholesomeness
  • implement corrective actions when GMPs are ineffective
  • keep records of monitoring and corrective actions.

Management will ensure that all staff are adequately trained in safe and hygienic work practices.

Management will ensure that all operations effectively prevent physical, chemical and microbiological contamination of product and risks to health and safety of personnel, by ensuring that:

  • Each day's operation will not commence unless all premises, vehicles, appliances, protective clothing and equipment are clean.
  • All personnel, whilst engaged in processing the product, shall:

– be knowingly free from any infectious disease or skin condition that may be transmitted through handling the product

– be free of any exposed wound or sore─any dressing or bandage worn shall be clean, waterproof, detectable and secure

– only commence work if all clothing and all exposed parts of the body are clean

– thoroughly clean hands immediately before commencing work or whenever they become contaminated

– where necessary, wear clean protective clothing to prevent meat or product contact surfaces from coming into contact with any portion of his/her ordinary clothing, body or hair

– not wear protective clothing, headwear and gloves used in the food handling areas outside the premises except for protective clothing worn during delivery of supplies

– not wear to the toilet protective clothing, headwear or gloves used in the food handling

– not engage in activities which may be deleterious to the product or any food product within those premises

– ensure that ready-to-eat product, except during the process of production or when in wrapped or packaged form, handled only with appliances or gloves used exclusively for that purpose.

  • No person, other than a person authorised by management, shall enter the area of the premises used for product processing unless wearing protective clothing.
  • Contamination of product by cosmetics, jewellery, chemicals, sweat and such accidental acts of coughing and sneezing is prevented.

Authorised by:______Date: 01/01/2006

1.3 Business details

Trading name: Luscious Bites
Business address: 18 Railway Parade,Geelong 3220, Vic.
Postal address: PO Box 25X Geelong 3220 Vic.

Contact person: Francesca Caterinni
Quality assurance manager: Francesca Caterinni
Phone number: (03) 5555 6789
Fax number: (03) 5555 6799
Email address:

1.3.1 Organisation structure

General manager/Owner: Rolf Lorenzini


  • ensure that the business complies with regulatory requirements
  • ensure ‘day-to-day’ implementation and control of food safety
  • ensure that all records and systems in relation to food safety are maintained
  • ensure that staff will follow all personal hygiene rules
  • ensure that all work areas are kept clean and free from pests
  • ensure that all staff are trained in the food handling techniques and the requirements of the Food safety plan
  • be qualified to implement and review the food handling techniques and the requirements of the Food safety plan.

Quality assurance manager (Food safety supervisor): Francesca Caterinni


  • recognise, prevent and alleviate the hazards associated with the handling of food
  • train new staff in safe food handling practices and relevant aspects of the Food safety plan
  • direct and supervise staff with respect to safe food handling practices
  • ensure all food handlers have relevant skills and knowledge with respect to food safety, commensurate with their work activities.

Factory staff (15 persons)


  • be responsible for food safety in the factory, preparation and storage areas
  • be qualified to implement the food handling techniques and the requirements of the Food safety plan
  • complete all records and systems in relation to food safety in the factory, preparation, receiving and storage areas as directed
  • abide by all personal hygiene rules
  • report incidences that impact on the quality of food, to the manager or food safety supervisor (eg sightings of pests, malfunctioning or defective appliances, etc)
  • ensure all work areas are kept clean and free of pests
  • be trained in food handling techniques and the requirements of the Food safety plan
  • report to the manager if they are suffering from any communicable disease
  • uphold prerequisite programs as required.

Shop assistant/cleaner (1 person)


  • be responsible for food safety during service
  • abide by the Food safety plan regulations and practices
  • abide by all personal hygiene rules
  • keep work areas and equipment clean, according to the requirements of the documented cleaning schedule
  • report to the manager any incidents that impact on the quality of the food (eg sightings of pests, malfunctioning or defective appliances, etc)
  • report to their supervisor if they are suffering from any communicable disease.

Maintenance officer: Bob Honey


  • maintain the preventative maintenance program instituted for the Luscious Bites premises and equipment
  • periodic calibration of scales and temperature gauges on refrigeration equipment
  • facilitate contract maintenance works.

1.4 The HACCP team

The following staff members are responsible for the implementation of the HACCP-based Food safety plan at this establishment:

Rolf Lorenzini—owner for two years. Prior to being the owner of Luscious Bites, Mr Lorenzini was employed in the hospitality industry for eight years. Qualified in HACCP and food safety, Rolf is head of the HACCP team for Luscious Bites.

Francesca Caterinni is also a qualified HACCP team member.

Bob Honey has 15 years experience maintaining equipment in food handling environments.

As the food establishment is small, the proprietor will undertake all of the below roles and be solely responsible for the coordination and implementation of HACCP.

Mr Lorenziniand Francescawill combine their skills and undertake training to:

  • play an important role in the team by advising on issues related to the Food safety plan
  • identify potential hazards associated with all aspects of food preparation
  • assign levels of severity of risk to food processes undertaken at Luscious Bites from documented known food safety hazards and industry experience
  • recommend controls, specifications and procedures for monitoring and verification in line with the Australian standards and government regulations
  • recommend appropriate corrective actions when internal audits reveal deviations from the HACCP plan, authorise changes to the HACCP plan and documentation and coordinate training for all staff
  • be familiar with, or be able to research, all relevant legislation/technical information related to the Food safety plan.

1.5 Product description

Product description and intended use
Product description /
  • mixed leaf salad (5 varieties)—washed, trimmed, sanitised and ready to eat
  • 300 gram net.

Composition / A selection of iceberg lettuce, red cabbage, cos lettuce, Chinese cabbage and coral lettuce in the following proportions:
  • iceberg lettuce, 20%
  • cos lettuce, 20%
  • Chinese lettuce, 20%
  • coral lettuce, 20%
  • red cabbage leaf, 20%.

Method of preservation / Refrigerated < 5°C.
Target market / For general consumption.
Method of processing / Pallets of 10 kg crates of loose boutique lettuce leaves are brought into Luscious Bitesfrom the grower. These crates are pre-stacked in a special configuration of alternating product types to facilitate ease of mixing of leaves on the line. Pallets of 15 kg whole cabbages and iceberg lettuces are also brought in.
Iceberg lettuces and cabbages are trimmed cleaned and cut and then re-stacked into 15 kg crates prior to mixing with even quantities of cos, Chinese and coral lettuce on the line. The product is then double washed and sanitised, before undergoing a final wash prior to packing in modified atmosphere pillow packs. The packs are then placed in outer cartons coded ready for distribution to customers.
Packing—secondary / 200gm Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) gas permeable bags (< 1% O2 and > 10% CO2)
Cardboard outer cartons—12 packets per carton
Packaging—shipping /
  • pillow pack—low density polyethylene (LDPE) 45–55µm Film heat sealed at each end
  • cardboard boxes, 12 bags per box
  • pallet configuration 3 x 3 x 6 high.

Storage conditions / Keep refrigerated at < 5oC.
Distribution method /
  • via refrigerated semi-trailer
  • 1 pallet high.

Shelf life / The shelf life of the product is 12 days.
Labelling instructions /
  • name of food
  • name and address of supplier
  • batch code
  • ‘use-by’ date
  • directions for use and storage
  • nutritional information
  • net weight.

Customer preparation / Ready to eat.
Special customer requirements /
  • keep refrigerated
  • store at or 4oC
  • not suitable for freezing.

Sensitive population / None.
Microbiological specifications / Free from pathogenic bacteria.
Quality specifications / Free from extraneous matter.

2 Standard operating procedures

2.1 Purchasing and receipts

2.1.1 Selection of suppliers

All approved suppliers to Luscious Bites must comply with the minimum requirements as set out in the Luscious Bites HACCP Standard for potential suppliers.

Potential suppliers to Luscious Bites must fill out the HACCP Standard questionnaire.

Upon completion of the questionnaire, the Quality manager will evaluate the information and approve/not approve suppliers based on their ability to guarantee the supply of safe food.

Note: once approved, suppliers may enter supply agreements with Luscious Bites as determined by the purchasing department.

Products are purchased from approved suppliers that meet the following criteria:

  • ability to provide goods at competitive prices
  • ability to consistently supply high quality products in full, on time and within specification
  • evidence of compliance with a suitable Food safety plan
  • ability to supply an after hours and emergency service
  • references from other food premises
  • ability to meet the following delivery specifications:

– perishable food must be delivered at 5ºC or less

– foods must be packed in material that protects it from contamination

– packages must be labelled in English with: the name of the food, the name and business of the supplier and a batch code or ‘use-by’ date and date and time of harvest (to be no more than 24 hours upon receipt at Luscious Bites)

– food must be delivered in a clean vehicle that is designed and approved by the relevant authority for transporting the food delivery.

2.1.2 Ordering

The manager is responsible for placing daily orders with suppliers by fax or phone. Unless otherwise arranged, orders are to be placed by 2.00 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (for following Monday) for delivery by 6.00am the next working day.

2.1.3 Receivals

Receivals must be processed in accordance with the following guidelines. The initial goods-in check sheet should act as a checklist for the procedure.

  • All deliveries must be checked by the receipt dock staff at the point of delivery for compliance with delivery specifications. The receiver will visually inspect the incoming produce for colour, texture, general appearance, insects, foreign matter and smell of ingredients. They will also check for broken and damaged tubs, containers and hygiene or any other signs of damage or deterioration. All labels will be checked to ensure that they are correct and conform to the specifications for product, specifically: description, date and time of harvest and lot code.
  • The date of harvest is to be no older than 24 hours.
  • Food that does not meet delivery specifications, or shows signs of visible contamination will be rejected and returned to the supplier and a credit for the amount of rejected goods raised.
  • A ‘Control of Non-conforming Goods—Supplier Notification Form’ will be filled out and faxed to the supplier in the event that incoming goods do not meet specification.
  • Depending on the nature of the quality problem, the shipment may be accepted by concession.
  • Deliveries must be verified against the delivery docket by checking and counting the delivered containers of goods. When the goods supplied are not as ordered an adjustment is to be made on the delivery docket or invoice to accurately describe the goods received.
  • A signature on the delivery docket acknowledges receipt of all or part of the goods assignment.
  • All food deliveries must be placed in the designated storage area as soon as possible, unless required for immediate preparation.
  • If not already hygienically packaged in plastic, vegetable products and/or produce must be hygienically packaged and/or wrapped in plastic and stored in covered plastic tubs or original cardboard containers/boxes.
2.1.4 Documentation

The following forms and documents referred to in this plan have been listed in section 6 of this Food safety plan:

  • 6.9.1) Goods-in check sheet
  • 6.9.2) Control of non-conforming goods—supplier notification form
  • 6.13) Potential supplier HACCP questionnaire.


2.2.1 Storage requirements
  • All food, processing aids and packaging material must be covered and stored so that cross-contamination from physical, chemical and biological contaminants does not occur.
  • Each food group must be stored under appropriate refrigerated conditions < than 5°C.
  • Stock must be labelled with a date of receipt or date of harvest to aid rotation and to prevent perishable, frozen and dry goods exceeding their ‘use-by’ date.
  • A first in first out (FIFO) systems is to be used to ensure adequate stock rotation. Stock is used within the ‘use-by’ date.
  • Goods must be stored off the floor in a manner that protects it from contamination.
  • Containers must be securely covered with lids or plastic coverings to protect against contamination and to minimise dehydration of food surface.
  • All outer packaging is to be removed before placing items in the storeroom to prevent possible contamination or infestation by pests.
  • The manager will ensure that all food items are received, stored and handled in a manner that will prevent temperature variations and contamination.
2.2.2 Storage temperatures

Perishable incoming goods must be stored in a coldroom maintained at < than 5º C.

2.2.3 Documentation

The following forms and documents referred to in this plan have been listed in section 6 of this Food safety plan:

  • 6.9.1) Goods-in check sheet
  • 6.10) Cold storage check sheet
  • 6.11) Dry storage check sheet.

2.3 Pre-operational hygiene check

The pre-operational hygiene checklist is to be completed each day prior to the start of food production.

Items to be checked will be listed and examined for cleanliness and state of repair. Some equipment may need to be dismantled to determine if it is satisfactory. The check will involve contact surfaces as well as all other surfaces, eg under benches and overhead structures.

Where equipment is found to be unclean, it must be cleaned before use. Where evidence of vermin contamination occurs, appropriate action will be taken.

Items such as rust will be reported to the maintenance department and rectified as soon as possible.

A selected staff member will conduct the pre-operational hygiene check prior to line start-up and report any unsanitary equipment to the food safety supervisor.

2.3.1 Documentation

The following forms and documents referred to in this plan have been listed in section 6 of this Food safety plan:

  • 6.7) Pre-operational check sheet.

2.4 Personal health and hygiene

  • Staff members who are suffering from, or are carriers of, a food-borne disease will not handle food, food packages, food handling utensils and appliances. Staff members will report such illness to the manager.
  • Staff suffering from the following will be excluded from working with food and food related items as described in 6.3 and will report these symptoms:

– jaundice

– hepatitis A

– diarrhoea

– vomiting

– fever

– sore throat with fever

– any infection or illness that can be transmitted via food.

  • Staff who have infected skin lesions (boils, abscesses or other lesions containing pus) will not handle food if there is a reasonable likelihood that food can become contaminated. In such cases the manager may assign alternative duties to staff where the medical condition will not pose a threat of contamination to product or equipment (eg office duties, book work etc).
  • Staff who have discharges from the ear, eye or nose will report the condition to the manager.
  • Staff who have been excluded from food handling because they are carriers of a food-borne disease can resume food handling after receiving a medical certificate stating that they do not suffer from, nor are they a carrier of, the disease.
  • A clean uniform is to be worn when handling food. Uniforms that are designed to protect the food from contamination must not be worn to work. If the uniform becomes contaminated to an extent that it could contaminate food then the uniform must be replaced.
  • All persons handling food must wear a complete hair covering that restrains hair. Beards and moustaches will be contained within a beard net.
  • No watches or jewellery will be worn during food production except a plain wedding band.
  • Staff, visitors and contractors will observe personal hygiene requirements at all times.
  • Fingernails will be kept short, clean and free of polish. No artificial fingernails will be worn.
  • There will to be no spitting or smoking in food preparation areas.
  • There will be no sneezing, blowing or coughing over food or food contact surfaces.
  • Food will be tasted in a way that prevents contamination from the food handler. Except for food tasting, no other food will be eaten in the food preparation areas.
  • Staff will avoid touching their mouth, eyes, ears, nose or scalp while handling food. In such instances where this occurs hands must be thoroughly washed prior to commencing food preparation activities.
  • Staff will only use a clean disposable hand towel to wipe hands.
  • No eating utensils will be placed in a pocket.
  • All practical measures will be followed to prevent human contact with ready-to-eat foods. Whenever possible tongs, forks or gloves will be used.
  • Staff must wash hands:

– immediately before or recommencing work