Operations & Management CMT Administrator Self-Assessment (Form 1)Puyallup School District

Administrator School/s

Evaluator Date

U = Unsatisfactory B = Basic P = Proficient D = Distinguished

U / B / P / D
Criterion 1
Creating a Culture:Central office O & M leaders create and foster a culture throughout the district that promotes the ongoing improvement of instruction and learning for students and staff.
1.1Develops and sustains focus on a shared mission and clear vision
1.2Encourages staff members to focus on a shared mission and clear vision
1.3Engages in essential conversations for ongoing improvement
1.4Facilitates collaborative processes leading toward continuous improvement
1.5 Creates opportunities for shared leadership
Criterion 2
Ensuring Compliance and Safety:Central office O & M leaders ensure the sustained implementation of the district instructional framework which focuses on all students achieving high standards.
2.1 Provides for physical safety
2.2 Establishes an ongoing program of compliance maintenance, professional development, and monitoring
Criterion 3
Planning with Data:Central office O & M leaders foster development, implementation, and evaluation of data-driven plans for adapting work to support increasing student achievement.
3.1 Recognizes and seeks out multiple data sources to align priorities with supporting student achievement
3.2 Analyzes and interprets multiple data sources to influence departmental improvement efforts
3.3 Implements data driven plan for improved departmental performance
3.4 Assists staff to use data to guide, modify, and improve departmental work
Criterion 4
Aligning the Work:Central office O & M leaders assist staff with alignment of annual departmental goals and work practices with district strategic directions, regulatory requirements, and best professional practices.
4.1 Alignment of departmental work plan with district strategic directions, regulatory requirements, and best professional practices
4.2 Assessment of department progress ensures alignment of current work plans with district strategic directions
4.3 Collaborative development and implementation of work plans aligned with district strategic directions
Criterion 5
Improving Departmental Performance:Central office O & M leaders monitor, assist, and evaluate effective practices to improve staff performance.
5.1 Monitors departmental practices
5.2 Assists staff in determining and improving effective departmental practices
5.3 Assists staff in implementing effective departmental practices
5.4 Reliably and validly evaluates staff in effective departmental practices
Criterion 6
Managing Staff and Fiscal Resources:Central office O & M leaders support instruction and student achievement by providing undisrupted services in a safe, compliant, and effective manner.
6.1 Managing human resources (assignment, hiring)
6.2 Managing human resources (productivity and professional development)
6.3 Managing fiscal resources
Criterion 7
Engaging Internal and External Stakeholders: Central office O & M leaders foster community engagement promoting and supporting student learning.
7.1 Communicates with relevant external stakeholders to promote understanding of district needs in support of learning
7.2 Partners with the district and community stakeholders
Criterion 8
Overcoming Systemic Barriers to Success: Central office O & M leaders foster and promote a vision focused on student learning outcomes and implemented through dynamic leadership across the organization, which results in sustained student improvement efforts.
8.1 Identifies barriers to departmental success and knows how to overcome them
8.2 Demonstrates commitment to overcoming systemic barriers to success
8.3 Provides evidence of overcoming systemic barriers to departmental success