Children, Youth & Families Committee – 2017

The ministry offered to and with children, young people and their families in the Diocese has continued to report to a smaller committee over the past year. There have been three key areas of focus – Youth, Children & Families and SafeHere. The following is a summary of the ministry of the last year including recent changes to this ministry.

Diocesan-wide survey of Children, Youth & Families Ministry:

In November 2016 it was decided that a reassessment of this ministry throughout the Diocese needed to be undertaken. Jocelyn Czerwonka, in her role as Diocesan Youth Ministry Facilitator put in a sterling effort to conduct a survey, visiting every ministry unit in Waiapu, to seek information on their ministry to children, youth and families. The survey confirmed that most parishes are struggling in this area and the most commonly voiced barrier to this was aging congregations and lack of energy. The one area that shone out as ‘life-giving’ was Messy Church which is beginning to grow new congregations where this is operating.

This survey has resulted in a restructuring of this area of the life of the Diocese. In July 2017 both the Diocesan Youth Ministry Facilitator role and the Regional Youth Ministry Facilitator roles were disestablished and a new ministry born. Both Jocelyn Czerwonka and Sandi Hall were formally thanked for their ministry as this era of youth ministry was drawn to a close.

Jocelyn Czerwonka has been appointed as the Waiapu Koru Ministry Leader for this new ministry which will focus largely on Messy Church and LT4Youth. This role will also oversee the training and facilitation of SafeHere as our diocesan commitment to provide care when working with children and vulnerable people. Jocelyn will report to the Diocesan Ministry Educator, highlighting the educational and mentoring core of this new role.

For events such as Top Parish an events co-ordinator will be contracted to bear the bulk of the organisation required for this other important aspect of our diocesan life.

Hawkes Bay Region:

Sandi Hall has been the Regional Youth Ministry Facilitator in Hawkes Bay for the last seven years as well working for a short period in Eastland. We thank Sandi for her commitment to youth ministry over these years.

In the last year Sandi has been instrumental in encouraging another 5 young people to engage with LT4Youth and has helped resource mentors to support them. She has also been involved with Hard Hats at St Matthew’s School until the end of 2016 and been very much part of the Waiapu Youth Team and involved in the running of Top Parish, camps and other youth activities.

Leadership Training for Youth - LT4Youth:

A presentation of LT4Youth Awards was held at St Luke’s Rotorua on Saturday 26 November. Bishop Andrew presented Teriaki Williams, Emma Handley and Tessa Guest with Bishop of Waiapu awards after completing 2 years of LT4Youth. Sandra Dondi received her 1st year certificate.

There was also a special prayer and blessing for Teriaki and Emma as they prepared to leave for Fiji to attend the Three Tikanga Youth Exchange from 28 November – 5 December.

New LT4Youth members in both Hawkes Bay and Bay of Plenty have enrolled this year.

LT4Youth Big Day Out was held.

There has been interest in LT4Youth from other Dioceses. Jocelyn was invited to give a presentation on LT4Youth to a group of Waikato Youth Leaders.

A meeting is planned for July with Jocelyn and the National Youth Advisor Phil Trotter and other Diocesan Youth staff to look at updating the LT4Youth manual in preparation for offering LT4Youth as a resource in other Diocese’s throughout NZ. The committee has asked that Jocelyn’s intellectual property in devising this entire programme be acknowledged.

Top Parish March 2017 Keswick, Rotorua:

Our theme ‘What Would Jesus Do?’ (WWJD) provided a lot of variety for thoughtful games and activities and worship over another successful Top Parish weekend. Te Aute student, Leyton Waugh was Bishop for the Day. Once again it was a joy to share the weekend with Te Tairawhiti and Te Manawa Te Wheke. Close to 150 people attended.

Messy Church:

Messy Church has been identified as a new emerging ministry in Waiapu that is effective, energising and life-giving. It is currently operating in 9 parishes and one school. Ongoing support and training will continue to develop under the oversight of the Koru Ministry Leader role.

A successful Waiapu Messy Church Resourcing Day held in Taradale with 45 people attending including some from Te Tairawhiti and Te Manawa O Te Wheke. National Messy Church Advisor Debbie Smith and Carrolle Lewis from Kapiti were guest speakers. A similar training was hosted by Holy Trinity Tauranga in July.

Messy Church Cluster Groups have been set up in the Bay of Plenty and Hawkes Bay to offer support, training, resource sharing and opportunity to share and review what is happening.

Advent Workshops:

Diana Langdon visited Waiapu in October and presented Advent workshops in all 3 regions. Diana is the StraNdZ National Children and Families Enabler. The workshops were well attended and the ideas and resources were much appreciated as we prepared for Advent.

Three Tikanga Youth Exchange Fiji:

Opotiki LT4Youth members Emma Handley and Teriaki Williams attended the Three Tikanga Youth Exchange in February for 1 week from 28 November-5 December.


Sandie Speeden resigned from her position as SafeHere Co-ordinator in April, and was farewelled and thanked for all she has contributed to Waiapu in this role. Sandie has led many SafeHere Trainings around Waiapu and been a valuable resource person to us all as we work towards keeping everyone safe in our ministries with Children, Youth and Families and events such as Top Parish. SafeHere will continue as part of the Koru Ministry Leader role and with administration assistance from the Diocesan Office.

To everyone who has encouraged ministry amongst our children, youth and families in our local communities we want to say thank you, and encourage you to continue with this significant area of ministry, using Jocelyn in her new role to resource your parishes in building new dynamic congregations for all ages.

The Reverend Adrienne Bruce (Chairperson, for the Committee)

This report prepared with assistance from Jocelyn Czerwonka.