Kendra M. Hall-Kenyon

Academic Preparation

PhD Human Development, Cognitive Studies

Teachers College, Columbia University

May 2002

MA Human Development, Cognitive Studies

Teachers College, Columbia University

May 2000

BS Family Science

Brigham Young University

December 1996

Certification Elementary and Early Childhood Education


Nancy Peery Marriott Award for Scholarship

McKay School of Education, Brigham Young University

August 2013

Young Scholar Award

Brigham Young University

August 2008

Dissertation Accepted with Distinction

Teachers College, Columbia University

May 2002

Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society

Teachers College, Columbia University


Teaching and Related Experience

Department Chair August 2016-Present

Brigham Young University

Department of Teacher Education

Professor Fall 2016-Present

Brigham Young University

Department of Teacher Education

Associate Professor Fall 2008-Fall 2016

Brigham Young University

Department of Teacher Education

Assistant Professor Fall 2002-Fall 2008

Brigham Young University

Department of Teacher Education

Research Assistant 1999-2002

Teachers College, Columbia University

Research and data collection for projects on reading comprehension

for at-risk children in elementary school, funded by the US

Department of Education, Office of Special Education, National

Center on Accelerating Student Learning (CASL)

Teaching Assistant 2000-2001

Teachers College, Columbia University

Psychology of Reading and Language

Assisted in grading papers, writing exams and other general course


Reading Partner 1999-2001

Brooklyn Public Library, Carnegie Grant

Planned and implemented reading instruction for Grades 1-6 for

weekly classes that included remedial reading and other scholastic

assistance for children at risk for school failure

Staff Developer 1998

Literacy Enhancement Project, CUNY

Supervised and observed teachers participating in the Literacy

Enhancement Project; conducted monthly staff development meetings

to support for participating teachers and staff

Classroom Teacher 1998

Naylor Road Elementary School, Washington, DC

First Grade Teacher

Classroom Teacher 1997

Stansbury Elementary School, West Valley, UT

First Grade Teacher

Journal Articles

Hall-Kenyon, K.M., & Rosborough, A. A. (in press). Exploring pedagogical relationships in the

context of free play. Early Years.

Feinauer, E., Hall-Kenyon, K. M., & Everson, K. C. (in press). Rethinking the linguistic

threshold hypothesis: Modeling the linguistic threshold among young Spanish-English bilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.

Bingham, G.E., Culatta, B., & Hall-Kenyon, K.M. (2016). Examining the impacts

of systematic and engaging early literacy (SEEL): Attention to teacher practices and classroom effects across the kindergarten year. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 30(4), 494-512.

Hall-Kenyon, K.M., & Culatta B. (2016). Informational text content and structure: Intervention

ideas for young children. Perspectives, 1, 90-98. doi:10.1044/persp1.SIG1.90

Jensen, B.T., Reese, L., Hall-Kenyon, K.M., & Bennett, C. (2015). Social competencies and

oral language development for young Latino children of immigrants. Early Education and Development, 26(7), 933-955.

Bullough, R.V., & Hall-Kenyon, K.M. (2015). Chronic homelessness, Head Start, and

changing federal policies: Teaching and learning at Hawthorne House. Urban Education, 50, 631-659. DOI: 10.1177/0042085914525792

Hall-Kenyon, K.M., Bullough, R.V., MacKay, K.L., & Marshall, E. (2014). Preschool teacher

well-being: A review of the literature. Early Childhood Education Journal, 42, 153-162. DOI: 10.1007/s10643-013-0595-4.

Bullough, R.V., Hall-Kenyon, K.M., MacKay, K. L., & Marshall, E. (2014). Head Start and the

intensification of teaching in early childhood education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 37, 55-63.

Hall-Kenyon, K.M., & Smith, L.K. (2013). Negotiating a shared definition of curriculum

integration: A self-study of two teacher educators from different disciplines. Teacher Education Quarterly, 40(2), 89-108.

Feinauer, E., Hall-Kenyon, K.M., & Davison, K.C. (2013). Cross-language transfer of early

literacy skills: An examination of young learners in a two-way bilingual immersion elementary school. Reading Psychology, 34(5), 436-460.

Bingham, G.E., & Hall-Kenyon, K.M. (2013). Examining teachers' beliefs about and

implementation of a balanced literacy framework. Journal of Research in Reading, 36(1), 14-28.

Bingham, G.E., & Hall-Kenyon, K.M. (2013). Full- and half-day kindergarten programs:

Examining impacts on second language learners. Early Child Development and Care, 183(2), 185-199.

Bullough, R.V., Hall-Kenyon, K.M., & MacKay, K.L. (2012). Head Start teacher well-being:

Implications for policy and practice. Early Childhood Education Journal, 40(6), 323-331.

Bullough, R.V., & Hall-Kenyon, K.M. (2012). On teacher hope, sense of calling and commitment to teaching. Teacher Education Quarterly, 39(2), 7-27.

Watanabe, L., & Hall-Kenyon, K.M. (2011). Improving young children’s writing: The influence of story structure on kindergartners’ writing complexity. Literacy Research and Instruction, 50(4), 272-293.

Bullough, R.V., Jr., & Hall-Kenyon, K.M. (2011). The call to teach and teacher hopefulness.

Teacher Development, 15(2), 127-140.

Hall-Kenyon, K.M., & Black, S. (2010). Learning from expository texts: Classroom-based strategies for promoting comprehension and content knowledge in the elementary grades. Topics in Language Disorders, 30(4), 339-349.

Culatta, B., Hall-Kenyon, K. M., & Black, S. (2010). Teaching expository comprehension skills in early childhood classrooms. Topics in Language Disorders, 30(4), 323-338.

Westby, C., Culatta, B., Lawrence, B., & Hall-Kenyon, K. (2010). Summarizing expository texts. Topics in Language Disorders, 30(4), 275-287.

Bingham, G. E., Hall-Kenyon, K. M., & Culatta, B. (2010). Systematic and engaging early literacy: Examining the effects of paraeducator implemented early literacy instruction. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 32(1), 38-49.

Hall-Kenyon, K. M., Bingham, G. E., & Korth, B. B. (2009). How do linguistically diverse

students fare in full- and half-day kindergarten? Examining academic achievement, instructional quality, and attendance. Early Education and Development, 20(1), 25-52.

Williams, J. P., Stafford, K. B., Lauer, K. D., Hall, K. M., & Pollini, S. (2009). Embedding reading comprehension training in content-area instruction. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101(1), 1-20.

Korth, B. B., Erickson, L., & Hall, K. M. (2009). Defining teacher educator through the eyes of

classroom teachers. The Professional Educator, 33(1), 1-12.

Bullough, R. V., Young, J., Hall, K. M., Draper, R. J., & Smith, L. K. (2008). Cognitive complexity, mentoring, and the first year of teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24, 1846-1858.

Hall, K. M., Draper, R. J., Smith, L. K., & Bullough, R. V. (2008). More than a place to teach: Exploring the perceptions of the roles and responsibilities of mentor teachers. Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 16(3), 328-345.

Hall, K. M., & Sabey, B. L. (2007). Focus on the facts: Using informational texts effectively in early elementary classrooms. Early Childhood Education Journal, 35(3), 261-268.

Culatta, B., Hall, K. M., Kovarsky, D., & Theodore, G. (2007). Contextualized approach to language and literacy (Project CALL): Capitalizing on varied activities and contexts to teach early literacy skills. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 28(4), 216-235.

Hall, K. M., Culatta, B., & Black, S. (2007). Curriculum-based emergent literacy assessment in early childhood. Seminars in Speech and Language, 28(1), 3-13.

Draper, R. J., Hall, K. M., & Smith, L. K. (2006, Summer). The possibility of democratic educational research to nurture democratic educators. Action in Teacher Education, 28, 66-72.

Hall, K. M., Markham, J. C., & Culatta, B. (2005). The development of the early expository comprehension assessment (EECA): A look at reliability. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 26(4), 195-206.

Hall, K. M., Smith, L. K., Draper, R. J., Bullough, R. V., & Sudweeks, R. (2005). Measuring the self-efficacy of mentor teachers. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 9(4), 188-192.

Williams, J. P., Hall, K. M., Lauer, K. D., Stafford, K. B., DeSisto, L. A., & deCani, J. S. (2005). Expository text comprehension in the primary grade classroom. Journal of Educational Psychology, 97(4), 538-550.

Draper, R. J., Smith, L. K., Hall, K. M., & Siebert, D. (2005, Summer). What's more important—

literacy or content? Confronting the literacy-content dualism. Action in Teacher Education, 27(2), 12-21.

Hall, K. M., Sabey, B. L., & McClellan, M. (2005). Expository text comprehension: Helping primary grade teachers use expository texts to their full advantage. Reading Psychology, 26(3), 211-234.

Bullough, R. V., Draper, R. J., Hall, K. M., Smith, L. K., Young, J., Sabey, B. L., & Brooks, S. (2005). Participatory action research and the quest for teacher educator community and solidarity. Teacher Development, 9(1), 79-95.

Williams, J. P., Hall, K. M., & Lauer, K. D. (2004). Teaching expository text structure to young at-risk learners: Building the basics of comprehension instruction. Exceptionality, 12(3), 129-144.

Williams, J. P., Lauer, K. D., Hall, K. M., Lord, K. M., Gugga, S. S., Bak, S. J., . . . deCani, J. S. (2002). Teaching elementary school students to identify story themes. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94(2), 235-248.

Williams, J. P., Hall, K. M., Lauer, K. D., & Lord, K. M. (2001). Helping elementary school children understand story themes. Teaching Exceptional Children, 33(6), 75-77.

Book Chapters

Bullough, R.V., & Hall-Kenyon, K.M. (in press). Teacher education in the early years. In J.

Clandinin & J. Husu (Eds.), The SAGE handbook on research in teacher education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Hall-Kenyon, K.M., Culatta, B., & Duke, N. (2015). Building emergent comprehension

through the use of informational texts. In A. DeBruin-Parecki, S. Gear, & A. van Kleeck (Eds.), Pre-Reader comprehension: One of the essential building blocks to becoming a successful reader (pp. 93-114). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.

Westby, C., Culatta, B., & Hall-Kenyon, K.M. (2014). Informational discourse: Teaching the

main course of schooling. In T. Ukraintz (Ed.), School-age language intervention: Evidence-based practice (pp. 379-410). Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.

Culatta, B., & Hall, K. M. (2006). Phonological awareness instruction in early childhood settings. In L. M. Justice (Ed.), Clinical approaches to emergent literacy intervention (pp. 170-224). San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.


Culatta, B., Hall-Kenyon K. M., & Black, S. (2013). Systematic and engaging early literacy: Instruction and intervention. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.

Other Publications

Culatta, B., Hall, K., & Bingham, G. (2005). Systematic and engaging early literacy instruction:

An instructional manual. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University. (US Office of Education, Model Demonstration Project Grant Award Number: H32M990066)

Williams, J., & Hall, K. (2003, Summer). Helping children learn to read texts that

compare or contrast. National Center on Accelerating Student Learning (CASL) News, 8, 1.

Hall, K. (2001, Summer). From the teacher’s desk. National Center on Accelerating

Student Learning (CASL) News, 4, 3.

National/International Presentations

Hall-Kenyon, K.M., Rosborough, A., & Bullough, R. V. (2016, April). Building social and

emotional competencies in preschool: Exploring teacher-child relationships in free play. Roundtable at the annual meeting on the American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC.

MacKay, K.L., & Hall-Kenyon, K.M. (2015, November). Parent-child interactions during a

read-aloud: A comparison between tablet and traditional texts. Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Association for the Education of Young Children, Orlando, FL.

MacKay, K.L., & Hall-Kenyon, K.M. (2015, December). Parent/child book readings: A

comparison of traditional and digital texts. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Carlsbad, CA.

Bullough, R.V., & Hall-Kenyon, K.M. (2015, April). Teaming and teaching: Teacher

metaphors and identity in Head Start. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Marshall, E., & Hall-Kenyon, K.M. (2015, April). Issues of teaming in early childhood

classrooms. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Harding, T., Hall-Kenyon, K.M., & Culatta, B. (2014, December). Testing the reliability of an

early expository comprehension assessment. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Marco Island, FL.

Bullough, R.V., & Hall-Kenyon, K.M (2014, April). Chronic homelessness, Head Start, and

changing federal policies: Teaching and learning at Hawthorne House. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Philadelphia, PA.

MacKay, K.L., & Hall-Kenyon, K.M. (2013, December). Does an iPad change the experience? A look at parent-child book reading interactions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Dallas, TX.

Feinauer, E., Hall-Kenyon, K.M., & Davidson, K. (2013, November). Rethinking the linguistic

threshhold hypothesis. Paper presented at the annual Boston University Language Conference, Boston, MA.

MacKay, K.L., & Hall-Kenyon, K.M. (2012, November). Parent-child interactions during a

read-aloud: A comparison between tablet and traditional texts. Roundtable presented at the annual meting of the Literacy Research Association, San Diego, CA.

Culatta, B., & Hall-Kenyon, K.M. (2012, June). Facilitating comprehension of informational

texts and concepts in young children. Poster session presented at the 11th National Head

Start Conference. Washington, D.C.

Hall-Kenyon, K.M., Hill, J., & Culatta, B. (2011, November). Playful practice in early literacy:

Putting the FUN in the FUNdamentals. Presentation at the annual meeting for the National Association for the Education of Young Children, Orlando, FL.

Hall-Kenyon, K.M., Smith, L.K., & Borup, B. A. (2010, December). Coming to a shared

definition of curriculum integration. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference/Literacy Research Association, Fort Worth, TX.

Feinauer, E., Hall-Kenyon, K.M., & Davison, K. (2010, December). Cross-language transfer of early literacy skills: An examination of young learners in a two-way bilingual immersion elementary school. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference/Literacy Research Association, Fort Worth, TX.

Hall-Kenyon, K.M., Hill, J., & Marshall, E. (2010, November). Arts Alive! Creating meaningful learning in early literacy through music, art, dance and drama. Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Association for the Education of Young Children, Anaheim, CA.

Hall-Kenyon, K.M., Culatta, B., & Hill, J. (2009, November). Creative connections in early

literacy: Using playful, developmentally appropriate practice to engage young learners. Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Association for the Education of Young Children, Washington, DC.

Hall-Kenyon, K.M., & Smith, L.K. (2009, April). Coming to a shared definition of curriculum

integration: A self-study of two teacher educators from different disciplines. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

Bingham, G., & Hall, K. (2008, December). Examining teachers’ implementation of a balanced

literacy framework. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Orlando, FL.

Hall, K., Bingham, G., & Culatta, B. (2008, December). Systematic and engaging early literacy