Section 1: Details of nominee (dictionary editorial team)
Names(Indicate head of team)
Section 2: Details of nominator
Relationship to nominee
Section 3: Details of dictionary
TitlePrint and/or electronic
Target audience
Languages contained
Publisher and date of
Please attach the following:
1. Biographical background on the members of the editorial team.
2. A general report on the work of the editorial team, including other titles they have worked on, any awards that they or their work may have received and any articles or reviews written about their work.
3. A detailed analysis of the merits of the dictionary under consideration under the heading “Why does this dictionary deserve to win the prize?”, giving attention to the following:
· The relative significance of the work for the language communities concerned and the nation as a whole
· The quality of the work (with examples)
· The reception of the work by the public
· The way in which the publication fulfils the aims of the prize
4. Any supporting documentation, such as reviews.
5. If the dictionary does not overtly carry the names of the editorial team (e.g. an electronic dictionary), a statement certified by the publisher that the dictionary is the product of this team.
Nominations may be submitted in any of the official languages of South Africa. The general report and detailed analysis (2 and 3 above) should not exceed 4 000 words in total.
Please forward one electronic copy and five print copies of the full nomination (i.e. this form and the associated documentation) together with six copies of the dictionary to Marion Boers, SATI, PO Box 1710, Rivonia, 2128, by 27 February 2015. Electronic files can be sent to .
For further information, contact Marion Boers on 011803 2681 or