Health in General

What does health mean to you?

Health: is the absence of all illnesses.




Where are you on the continuum in all phases of your health?

Four components of total health: The first four are most basic.

  1. Physical
  2. Emotional
  3. Mental
  4. Social
  5. Fiscal
  6. Spiritual
  7. Intellectual

Risk Factors: Age, Heredity, Gender, & Congenital defects are all uncontrollable by the individual person.

Inactivity, Stress, Diet, High Blood Pressure, Smoking, and Drug abuse/ misuse are all factors that can be controlled.

A Risk Behavior is any behavior that increases the chances of a negative outcome.

What are some common teen risk behaviors?

“Life is all about choices, and the consequences of those choices.”

D. E. C. I. D.E. The decision making process

D. Define the problem

E.Explore the alternatives ( number of choices)

C. Consider the Consequences (what could happen)

I. Identify your values (what is important to you)

D. Decide and act (make your decision and move on it)

E. Evaluate the outcome (this may take a while)

PERSONALITY: Those things about you that make you uniquely who you are.

These little oddities are often referred to as Idiosyncrasies






Respectful DisrespectfulUnreliablePleasant

Theories of personality development:

B.F.Skinner- Behaviorist: Nurture All things are learned?

Sigmund Freud: Three levels:

Id- Basic needs for survival

Ego- Other things start to become important

*Super Ego- Others gain importance

Erik Erikson: multiple levels (8) stages1. Feeding

2. Toilet Training

3. Independence

4. School

5. Adolescence

6. Love relationships

7. Parenting

* 8. Reflections on life

Abraham Maslow: 1. Basic Physical needs

2. Safety Needs

3. Social Needs

` 4. Esteem Needs

* 5. Self-actualization

All of the top levels of development deal somewhat in the


What is abstract thought?

Classical Conditioning- Stimulus +Response+ Positive Reinforcement= Learning / Training a facet of Behaviorism


Stress is the body’s nonspecific response to emotional or physical stimuli.

Stress may be positive or negative.

Distress is the negative form of stress. This type of stress causes harmful effects to the body.

Heart attack, high blood pressure, ulcers, headaches , are just some of the physical effects of uncontrolled stress.

Eustress is the positive form of stress. The body’s responses are generally positive.

Only negative stress( distress) must be dealt with.

The behaviors that help deal with distress are called coping strategies. There are an almost infinite number of ways that we as humans deal with stressful situations.

Anything that causes stress is called a stressor.

Common Coping Strategies

Denial-Refusing to recognize the stressor

Displacement- Take out the anger or other emotion on another object or person.

Rationalization-making excuses for actions or feelings

Regression-Showing behaviors of a much younger person

( childlike)

Compensation-making up for weakness in one area by concentrating on an area of strength

Projection- putting your faults on another person

General Adaptation Syndrome

G. A.S.

Alarm stage is the first stage when the fear stimulus is presented. Body readies for fight or flight- heart rate increases, increased adrenalin flow, pupils dilate, stomach acid produced, and many other physical changes.

Resistance-body starts to recover, reaching homeostasis, a state of equilibrium.

Exhaustion stage- you may become tired even though you neither fought nor flew.


1.Spoken 2. Written 3. Body Language 4. Symbols

  1. Small Talk- speech of little substance
  2. Sharing Ideas- I.E. Group work, work place discussions
  3. Sharing Feelings- emotionally intimate.

Passive- weak with little authority

Aggressive- loud and usually rude speech

Assertive- firm usually includes consequences

Mental Disorders: A person with mental disorders is unable to carry out normal activities.

The major causes are: congenital (born with) not the same as heredity.

Chemical: organic in nature, may be caused by exposure to chemicals such as lead in paint, or a reaction to some medication or illegal drug.

Functional: could be due to physical trauma such as a blow to the head in an accident.

Environmental: could be an allergic reaction to things in nature, such as plants or dust or something similar.