Form of Tender

Royal Holloway

University of London

& Bedford New College

Client Environment

WORKS: Car Park 14 – Turn Key Contract

LOCATION: Egham Hill Campus

I/We agree that the undersigned having examined the Conditions of the contract and Schedule of Works and having inspected the Site do offer to execute and complete the whole of the Works referred to above in accordance with the tender and Contract Documents for the sum of:

£...... ………...... exclusive of VAT (in words...... )

£...... ………...... VAT @ 20%

£...... ………...... TOTAL

I/We agree to enter into a formal contract prepared by R.H.U.L., Client Environment Division for the due execution of the works, if so required, and to execute and return such contract (and any supporting documentation) to them within 14 days of receipt by me/us. I/We further agree that unless and until a Formal Contract is prepared and executed, this Tender complete with a written acceptance thereof by R.H.U.L., shall comprise the whole of the terms of the contract between us.

I/We agree to leave this Tender open for consideration for twelve calendar months from the date fixed for the receipt of tenders.

I/We agree to complete this contract within ___ weeks from the start date on site (which will be within 90 days of the date of acceptance of the Tender).

I/We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender that you may receive.

Declaration by Contractor

I/We certify that the amount of the Tender has not been calculated by agreement or arrangement with any other person, firm or company and that the amount of the Tender has not been communicated to any person and will not be communicated to any person until after the closing date for submission of the Tenders.


For and on behalf of:______

In the capacity of:______




Signature of Witness:______



Fraudulent claims as to the above statement will result in immediate and permanent removal from our select list of contractors.

The contractor must return one complete set of documents to include:

1. Fully priced out Part 1 Preliminaries Section

2. Fully priced out Part 3 Schedule of Work – Site Clearance

3. Fully priced out Part 4 Schedule of Work – Design Inclusions

4. Fully priced out Part 5 – Provisional Sums

5. Fully priced out Part 6 OH & P

6. Fully priced out General Summary

7. Fully completed Form of Tender and Declaration of Interest

8. Detailed Programme for Contract Period to include details of Lead-in Activities

9. Fully completed questionnaire with all requested information

Tenders must be returned via InTend online not later than 12 noon on 6 June 2014. Any Tender not fully priced will be considered void and tenders received after this time will not be opened or considered.




Policy Statement

Pursuant to R.H.U.L.'s Financial Regulations and Procedures S12 as amended, and in line with the universities core values of fairness and equality, it is a requirement that no-one should gain undue benefit or advantage through working for the college or its approved contractors or consultants. Neither staff, contractors or consultants are permitted to use their position to bring benefit or advantage to their relatives, associates or businesses in which they have an interest. In order to achieve this goal;

§  We ask applicants to declare any connection they may have with College employees or Board/Committee members.

§  We ask current and new members of staff to update their declarations of interest and to tell their Head of Department about any change in their circumstances.

§  We ask contractors and consultants to declare whether any member of their staff are related to, or have relationship with any current member of College staff. We also ask if any member of their staff is directly associated in any way whatsoever with Royal Holloway & Bedford New College - University of London.

1. / Have you or any member of your staff been directly employed by R.H.U.L. in the last twelve months (do not include employment via works orders or other approved works)? / Yes/No
2. / Are you or any member of your staff related* to any employee of the university? / Yes/No
3. / Do you or any member of your staff have any managerial or financial interests in any other commercial business which is associated directly or indirectly with the university? / Yes/No
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, please provide details on the reverse of this sheet. Failure to disclose information or inform the College of any change in these details will result in immediate suspension from our select list of contractors.

Form of Undertaking

I confirm that the answers and details above are correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I further agree to write to the Assistant Director of Estate Services Division if my circumstances change and or if my declaration of interest needs amending.

Company Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………

University Contractor Ref. No. (If Known):……………………………………………………………….

Signed: ……………………………………….... Name:………………………………..…………….


Date: …………………………………………………..


*‘Related’, is classed as being someone who is related by blood or marriage or, who is so close to a member of staff employed by RHUL that there is a real risk that a decision to grant them payment could be influenced by that relationship. It will normally include a person’s spouse, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, (including a child or grandchild born outside of marriage), and brother and sister. A cohabiting relationship should be treated as marriage for the purpose of this declaration.