Tournament Commitment Form

Each year the Annandale-North Springfield Little League (“ANSLL”) forms age-based teams that continue play beyond the regular season to compete in the District tournament (and potentially State and Regional tournaments).

All players in Juniors, Majors and AAA must turn in a completed formto their manager(regardless of player availability). The Tournament Committee is striving to be sure each player receives this information and has the opportunity to be considered for selection.

Tournament Schedule

League Age / League / Practices / Games
(depends on wins; could finish sooner)
8/9 and 9-11 / Minors Only / TBD / 6/15-6/28
9&10 / Majors/Minors / 6/14-6/27 / 6/28-7/7
10&11 / Majors/Minors / 6/14-6/27 / 6/28-7/5
11&12 / Majors only / 6/15-7/6 / 7/5-7/14
13&14 / Juniors / 6/15-7/6 / 7/7-7/12

District winners for the Tournament Teams will advance to the State Championships. There is no state tournament for the Post Season Minors Teams. Once games commence, the length of play will depend on team success. The district tournaments will be completed in approximately 10 days.

While players and their parents should be willing to a make a strong commitment to practices and games, we realize that 100% participation from all players is difficult to achieve. Player availability may be a factor to determine eligibility; however, unless a player will be missing everything, simply indicate the dates they are not available.

The Tournament Committee will develop the list of eligible players based on information submitted by parents on the Tournament Commitment Form. The managers select the players from the list of eligible players.

Parents must assist when ANSLL hosts tournament games. All home tournament games are played at Pine Ridge Field (except for Juniors which will be played at a local 90’ field; e.g., Woodson High School). Tournament game tasks include field preparation, score keeping, announcers, after-game field maintenance and concessions (purchasing supplies and selling during the game).

Tournament Commitment Form

Please return this form to your Manager. All Juniors, Majors and AAA managers MUST turn in a completed formFOR EACH PLAYER to the ANSLL Tournament Committee regardless of player availability.

YES I want my child to be considered for Tournament and/or Post Season Minors teams.

Please list all dates and reason your child will be unavailable for practices or games between June 15 and July 15.

NO I do not want my child to be considered for Tournament and/or Post Season Minors teams.


Player’s Name (printed/typed) League Age Division & Team Name

(As of April 30)


Parent’s Signature Date Parent’s Email Address

I make the commitments required for my child to participate on an ANSLL Tournament or Post Season Minors team. By making this commitment, other than the stated dates listed above, I will have my child present at practices and games. I will assist ANSLL when hosting Tournament games. I also understand I must have my child’s original birth certificate and other required documents available no later than June 10.