Shared Governance Structure Constitutional Amendment

Whereas: The current structure of student shared governance has been splintered into different factions, and,

Whereas: Those factions and organizations are split into five organizations of students, and,

Whereas: The shared governance organizations within the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point are the Student Government Association, the Residence Hall Association, the Dining Advisory Board, the University Centers Advisory and Policy Board, and the Student Health Advisory Committee, and,

Whereas: Student involvement in shared governance relies upon input in segregated fees, both allocable and non-allocable, and,

Whereas: Student involvement in the process of budgets is granted to students by Wisconsin State Statute 36.09(5), and,

Whereas: Student involvement in the current process is hindered because of the treatment of the budgets of these organizations, and,

Whereas: Students have the right to go about the process knowing that they are being given their full rights in the process,

Therefore be it resolved: That the Student Government Association create a new Student Health Advisory Committee by adding the following to the SGA Constitution:

Section 17 – The Student Health Advisory Committee shall consist of ten students to be confirmed by SGA, an SGA Representative, and other students from the UWSP Student Body, and shall be chaired by a member of the committee, selected by the members of the committee, and,

Therefore be it further resolved: That the Student Government Association create a new University Centers Advisory and Policy Board by adding the following to the SGA Constitution:

Section 18 – The University Centers Advisory and Policy Board Committee shall consist of fifteen students to be confirmed by the Student Government Association, an SGA Representative, and shall be chaired by a member of the committee, selected by the members of the committee, and,

Therefore be it further resolved: That the Student Government Association will only accept budgets dealing with these organizations and their goals from the SGA Committees rather than the current standing UCAPB and SHAC, and,

Therefore be it finally resolved: That this legislation will be forwarded to the current UCAPB and SHAC in an effort to recruit members for these new committees.

Author(s): Dustin Klein, Senator CPS

Sponsor(s): Libby Olbrantz, Senator COFAC

Committee: Student Life Issues Committee