Create a blog

1.Go to

2.Click ‘Log in’ on the top of the homepage.

3.Enter your login details and click ‘Log in’.

4.Click ‘Blog’ in the footer.

5.Click ‘Create new blog entry’.

6.Enter a blog’s title and message.

Uploading images

7.Click the ‘Add media’ icon.

8.The ‘Upload a new file’ window will be displayed.

9.Click ‘Choose file’.

10.Select an image and click ‘Open’.

11.Click ‘Upload’ and then ‘Next’.

12.You will be asked about the destination. Select ‘Public local files served by the webserver’ and click ‘Next’.

13.Enter an alternative text,a title text and a copyright, and click ‘Save’.

An alternative text is for people with visual impaired who use screen-reader to view the site. It should be a short description, or a photo credit

A title text is the image’s name. When a mouse hovers over the image, the name will appear.

A copyright text is for giving credit to the image’s owner.

14.Click ‘Submit’. The ‘Upload a new file’ window will be closed.

15.To edit the image’s size and border, double click on the image.

16.The ‘Image Properties’ window will be displayed.

17.Enter width, height and other details.

Note that the scale is pixel.

HSpace is a space between the image and itssurrounding horizontally.

VSpace is a space between the image and its surrounding vertically.

Alignmentis for setting the position of the image and text. If the alignment is left, the image will align with the left margin.

18.Click ‘Ok’.

Uploading documents

19.Click the ‘Add media’ icon.

20.The ‘Upload a new file’ window will be displayed.

21.Click ‘Choose file’.

22.Select a file and click ‘Open’.

23.Click ‘Upload’ and then ‘Next’.

24.Select ‘Public local files served by the webserver’ and click ‘Next’.

25.Click ‘Save’ and ‘Submit’.

Adding and removing links

26.Highlight word(s) or phrase(s) that should be made a hyperlink. Click the ‘Link’ icon.

27.The ‘Link’ window will be displayed. Enter a website address in the URL field.

28.For links to other websites, change Target to ‘New Window (_blank)’ and click ‘Ok’.

29.The ‘Link’ window will be closed and a hyperlink text will turn into purple.

30.To remove the link, select word(s) or phrase(s) that should be unlinked and click the ‘Unlink’ icon.

31.When having finished writing a blog, click ‘Save’.

32.Your blog has been created. Click ‘Edit’ if you would like to update the blog.

If you need any further assistance, please send
an email to .