SpeechGroup ProjectMs. Radlinger

Purpose: To form a company that sells a product invented by your group members. The rest of the class will play the role of investors who have lots of money to give away to new, progressive and confident companies. You are competing for this money.

1. COMPANY PROPOSAL Letter(group grade)50 points Due ____

Use the following format:

Your Company Logo

Your Company Name & Address


Ms. Ren Rad, CEO

Phoenix Corporation

333 Sunshine Drive

Aspen, CO 30945

Dear Ms. Rad,

1st paragraph………Explain why you are writing – to request investors to invest in your company.

2nd paragraph………Company Profile – describe your company, size, location, history, staff,

job titles, etc.

3rd paragraph………Product Profile – describe your product, what it is or does, costs, features and why you think people will buy it. Establish product need.

4th paragraph……….Restate request and say thank you.


Type your name

2. PRESENTATION (individual grade)50 points

Each person will give a 2-3 minute presentation on their assigned section. This is not a group effort; each person is responsible for their own section! Make sure to clearly state who is doing what and include a powerpoint presentation. So there will be 3-4 separate, 2-3 minute speeches for a total presentation time of 6-9 minutes. If the entire speech does not meet the time frame ALL groups members will be penalized.

  1. Introduce company, staff, origins...
  2. Introduce and explain how the product works.
  3. Sell / Market the product. Special features, add ons, pricing, etc.

(If there are four people in the group, two people will share this job.) Obviously a video commercial would work best for this segment.

Presentation Rubric

10 pts. ___ powerpoint

10 pts. ___content

10 pts. ___ eye contact

10 pts. ___ voice

10 pts. ___ time

Each person in the group must contribute their own portion of the powerpoint.

3. INVESTMENTS(group grade)50 points

After all the presentations the investors will vote for the company they think will most likely succeed. The top two companies will receive an “A”, the next two a “B” and the rest of the companies a “C.”

4. PEER EVALUATION (individual grade)50 points

Peer Evaluation

This project was designed as a self-directed activity, which means the parameters were loosely set and each individual within the scope of a group was responsible for structuring his/her learning activity. How did you do?

You have had several class periods to work with your group. Have you used your time effectively? Have your contributions to your group been positive or negative?

How well did each member contribute to the overall function of the group in terms of:

Helped with planningMade suggestions

Solved logistical problemsCame up with ideas

Contributed specific workStayed on task

Used time wiselyThoroughly prepared materials

Met deadlines set by group Attempted to find answers on own

Please complete the following evaluation. Your responses are private, so be brutally honest.

List the people in your group, including yourself, and then list the contributions (positive & negative) each person made to the group and the grade you would assign them.

25 points = A18 points = C

23 points = B15 points = D-

20 points = B-14 below = F


Name:______PRESENTATION (individual grade)25 points

Assign the jobs below. Each person will give a 2-3 minute presentation on their topic including some type of visual aid:

  1. Company introduction.
  2. Establish product need and explain product.
  3. Sell / Market the product. (If there are four people in the group, two people will share this job.) Obviously a video commercial or magazine ad would work best for this segment.

Presentation Rubric

5 pts. ___ visual aid (powerpoint, poster, 3D, brochure)

5 pts. ___ content

5 pts. ___ eye contact

5 pts. ___ voice

5 pts. ___ time

Name:______PRESENTATION (individual grade)25 points

Assign the jobs below. Each person will give a 2-3 minute presentation on their topic including some type of visual aid:

  1. Company introduction.
  2. Establish product need and explain product.
  3. Sell / Market the product. (If there are four people in the group, two people will share this job.) Obviously a video commercial or magazine ad would work best for this segment.

Presentation Rubric

5 pts. ___ visual aid (powerpoint, poster, 3D, brochure)

5 pts. ___ content

5 pts. ___ eye contact

5 pts. ___ voice

5 pts. ___ time