Village of South Bloomfield Council Meeting


October 21, 2014

Council members present: Matt Pettibone, Rick Sowers, Jill Roese, Doug Burke and Tom Ramsay.

Excused: Roger Hopkins

Pledge to the flag

Approval of Minutes October 6, 2014 Council Meeting: Motion was made by Jill to suspend reading of minutes, Rick seconded the motion. Matt called for vote: Tom yes, and Doug yes, motion carried. Matt asked for any corrections or additions?

Jill made motion to approve October 6, 2014 minutes, and motion second by Tom. Matt called for vote: Rick yes, and Doug yes, motion carried.



Vacant Council Position Review 2 Candidates:

Debbie Jones born and raised here in Pickaway County, two boys who work in Pickaway County and will stay in the community for the rest of their lives. I want to help the community to grow and learn more about the community to continue to call this place home. Jill asked what reason want to be on council, She responded that would like to work on the Park, maybe develop a rec center and work with United Methodist church to get involved with more of the community kids and programs to benefit them, sharing ideas. Worked at Ashville Grain and now at Time Warner. Sewer rates are another issue that I would like to become more educated about the rates and help educate other residents. Lived here 1 ½ years. Tom asked if not on council, would you want to serve on other committees and opportunities. Yes would be interested.

Donna Schaffer recognize some of Council members from the housing issue meetings from last year. She has lived here for 2 ½ years now, and wants to get involved in community. She is concerned about the sewer plant issue, and is aware that the water tower needs repair/maintenance. She wants to be a part of the community to address resident issues.

Jill asked why did you not run when election seat was available last fall. Donna had just started new job and didn’t feel she had the time, but did check into the board of elections on the requirements.

Matt asked what amount of time you think would be required for council work. Donna said 80 hrs. per week and she would seek other committee members.

Jill suggested that we do executive session at end of meeting for decision on position.

Ordinance 2014-51 Cost of Living Increases (Second Reading)

Ordinance to adjust employee pay scale for year ending 2015 was submitted by Ordinance committee as recommended by the Finance Committee.

CFO to make the changes on the Ordinance to cover Rays’ step increase prior to next council meeting for the Third reading.

Jill made a motion to pass Ordinance 2014-51 for second reading, Rick second, Matt called for a vote, Doug yes, and Tom yes motion carried.

Open Bids for Vehicles Accept/Reject

Matt opened 20 bids and read them off to the council. Rick asked if any contingencies in any of the bids and there were not any listed.

1988 “Old Blue” Chevy Truck with plow: Joe Allen bid $1550. Tom made motion to accept the bid and Doug Second. Matt called for a vote: Jill yes, and Rick yes, motion carried.

1988 Big Blue Box Chevy Truck: Franks Used Cars bid $678. Rick made motion to accept the bid and Doug second. Matt called for a vote: Jill yes, and Tom yes, motion carried.

1998 Ford Old Mayor’s Car: Franks Used Cars bid $489. Doug made motion to accept the bid, and Rick second. Matt called for a vote: Jill yes, and Tom yes, motion carried.

2007 Ford Car 55 K9: Ed Roseberry bid $500. Tom made motion to accept the bid and Jill second. Matt called for a vote: Doug yes and Rick yes, motion carried.

2007 Dodge Charger: Franks Used Cars bid $859. Doug made motion to accept the bid and Jill second. Matt called for a vote: Rick yes and Tom yes, motion carried.

CFO to contact Winning bidders and inform them that the vehicles need to be picked up within one calendar week. Also need to inform buyer that the Old Mayor Car is a 1998 not a 2003 as listed in the Herald.

Mayors Village Update

Update Council and Residents as needed.

Paving is complete – paying the bill tonight

Concession stand roof complete – finish up some loose ends and then will pay the bill.

Trick or treat and party at the park on 10/31/14

Water connection update with Ashville – did get agreement signed and has been sent over to Ashville for their Mayor to sign. Kudos to John, Joe, Dan and everyone involved in that process.

Looking into getting office back to 5 days from 4 days, meeting with office staff on 11/5/14 to review options for coverage on Fridays.

First week of November, taking pictures for id badges, will be linked to a time tracking system and for council meeting attendance tracking.

Server issues, still need replaced, Gary has internet issues at times, and he has an old pc that needs replaced.

New Snow truck is here, getting bed lining installed (Linex) and running boards.

Street Crew will start leaf pick up next week.

New Cruiser has been ordered and will be here in January.

Howard Steins here as new Auxiliary Police introduced by Chief McCoy.

Mayor Matt swore in Officer Steins with the Oath of Village of South Bloomfield Police Officer.

BPA update, backflow summons went out today for seven residents to appear at Mayor’s Court on 10/29/14.

Council Committees (Matt) (Combine some committees)

Finance: Doug Burke (c), Rick Sowers, Jill Roese

Ordinance: Rick Sowers (c), Jill Roese, Tom Ramsay

Streets/Building and Grounds: Roger Hopkins (c), Doug Burke, Jill Roese

Human Resources: Doug Burke (c), Jill Roese, Kelly Neal

Technology/Communication: Tom Ramsay ©, Doug Burke, Jill Roese

Parks: (c) Rick Sowers, Jill Roese, Roger Hopkins


Planning and Zoning:

Records Retention: Iris Darst (c), Rob Rishel, Matt Pettibone, Tom Ramsay, Kelly Neal

Board of Public Affairs: Dan Gwinn (c), John Serio

Standard Reports submitted

1. Bills need reviewed and approved

2. Appropriation Status

3. Revenue Status

4. Fund Ledger

Board and Committee Dates

Finance: October 23rd, 6:00 pm


Streets/Building and Grounds:

Human Resources: October 23rd, 7:00 pm

Technology/Communication: October 28th 6:00 pm

Planning and Zoning: October 27th 7:00 pm

Records Retention:

Board of Public Affairs: October 28th 1:00 pm

Motion to pay bills:

Motion to pay bills by Doug, and Rick second, Matt called for a vote: Jill yes, Tom yes and motion carried.

Executive Session

Tom made motion to break out into Executive Session to discuss applications for open Council seat, and Doug second. Matt called for a vote: Jill yes and Rick yes, motion carried.

Tom made motion to end Executive Session and rejoin Council meeting and Rick second. Matt called for a vote: Jill yes and Doug yes, motion carried.

Council decided to offer Donna the Technology Committee member seat, as a non-voting position, but to help the process. Donna accepted this recommendation.

Debbie offered a voting position for Records Retentions committee. Debbie accepted this recommendation.

Open council position will be addressed and filled at first meeting in January, 2015. This will give them time to learn about the council processes and committees. Any new applications could be considered, but opening will not be filled until January 2015. Rick made motion, Jill second to fill position for council in January 2015. Matt called for a vote: Doug yes and Tome yes, motion carried

Motion to Adjourn

Doug made motion to adjourn and Jill second, Matt called for a vote: Tom yes, Rick yes, and motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm Next Meeting: November 3, 2014@ 7:00 pm

Next Meeting: Rumpke Contract

Submitted by: ______Approved by: ______

Iris Darst, CFO Matt Pettibone, Mayor