Publications HI Chair Group 2012-2014

Papers in peer-reviewed journals, 2014

Alfonso, L., E. Ridolfi, et al. (2014). Ensemble Entropy for Monitoring Network Design. Entropy 16(3): 1365-1375.

Md Ali, G. Di Baldassarre & D. P. Solomatine (2014): Testing different cross-section spacing in 1D hydraulic modelling: A case study on Johor River, Malaysia, Hydrological Sciences Journal, (doi: 10.1080/02626667.2014.889297).

van Andel S.J., Price R., Lobbrecht A., van Kruiningen F., Mureau R., Cordero W. (2014): Framework for Anticipatory Water Management. J. Water Resour. Plann. Manage., Vol. 140, p 533-542., doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000254.

Balica, S., Dinh, Q, Popescu, I.,Vo, T.Q., Pham, D.Q., (2014), Flood impact in the Mekong Delta, Journal of Maps, 10(2), 257-268, (doi:10.1080/17445647.2013.859636)

Brandimarte, L., Popescu, I., Neamah, N.K.(2014) Analysis of fresh-saline water interface at the Shatt Al-Arab estuary, International J. of River Basin Management, (Online published version available), (doi: 10.1080/15715124.2014.945092)

Castro-Gama, M.E., Popescu, I., Li, S., Mynett, A., van Dam, A. (2014), Flood inference simulation using surrogate modelling for the Yellow River multiple reservoir system, Environmental Modelling & Software, 55 (5), 250-265, (doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.02.002)

Castro Gama, M., Popescu, I., Shengyang,L., Mynett, A., (2014), Modeling the Inference between Upstream Inflow Hydrographs and Downstream Flooded Areas in a Reservoir Driven System, Social and Behavioral Sciences SBSPRO 108 (1), 207–218,(doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.12.832)

Delipetrev B. Jonoski A. and Solomatine D. (2014) Development of a web application for water resources based on open source software, Computers & Geosciences, Volume 62, January 2014, Pages 35–42, Elsevier; DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2013.09.012

Fu, C., Popescu, I., Wang, C., Mynett, A.E., Zhang, F. (2014), Challenges in modelling river flow and ice regime on the Ningxia-Inner Mongolia reach of the Yellow River, China, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18 (3), 1225-1237, (doi:10.5194/hess-18-1225-2014)

Kamel, A.M.Y., El Serafy, G.Y., Bhattacharya, B, van Kessel, T. and Solomatine, D.P. (2014) Using remote sensing to enhance modelling of fine sediment dynamics in the Dutch coastal zone. J of Hydroinformatics, 16(2), 458-476.

López López, P.; Verkade, J. S.; Weerts, A. H.; Solomatine, D. P. Alternative configurations of quantile regression for estimating predictive uncertainty in water level forecasts for the upper Severn River: a comparison. HESS, 18 (9), 3411-3428 (2014).

H.R. Maier, Z. Kapelan, J. Kasprzyk, J. Kollat, L.S. Matott, M.C. Cunha, G.C. Dandy, M.S. Gibbs, E. Keedwell, A. Marchi, A. Ostfeld, D. Savic, D.P. Solomatine, J.A. Vrugt, A.C. Zecchin, B.S. Minsker, E.J. Barbour, G. Kuczera, F. Pasha, A. Castelletti, M. Giuliani, P.M. Reed (2014). Evolutionary algorithms and other metaheuristics in water resources: Current status, research challenges and future directions, Environmental Modelling & Software, 62, 271-299, (doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.09.013).

Mukolwe, M. M., Di Baldassarre, G., Werner, M. G. F., & Solomatine, D. P. (2014). Flood modelling: parameterisation and inflow uncertainty. Proceedings of the ICE - Water Management, 167, 51-60.

Nasseri, M., Zahraie, B., Ajami, N.K., Solomatine, D.P. (2014). Monthly water balance modeling: Probabilistic, possibilistic and hybrid methods for model combination and ensemble simulation. Journal of Hydrology, 511, 675-691.

Popescu, I., Brandimarte, L., Peviani, M. (2014), Effects of climate change over energy production in La Plata Basin, International J. of River Basin Management, (Online published version available), (doi: 10.1080/15715124.2014.917317)

Ridolfi, E., L. Alfonso, et al. (2014). "An entropy approach for the optimization of cross-section spacing for river modelling." Hydrological Sciences Journal 59(1): 126-137.

Shrestha, D.L., Kayastha, N., Solomatine, D., Price, R. (2014). Encapsulation of parametric uncertainty statistics by various predictive machine learning models: MLUE method. J Hydroinformatics, 16 (1), 95-113.

Suman, A. and Bhattacharya, B. (2014). Flood characterisation of the Haor region of Bangladesh using flood index. Hydrology Research, doi:10.2166/nh.2014.065

Vélez, C., L. Alfonso, et al. (2014). Centinela: an early warning system for the water quality of the Cauca River. J. Hydroinformatics 16(6): 1409-1424.

Vojinovic, Z., Sahlu, S., Torres, A.S., Seyoum, S., Anvarifar, F., Matungulu, M., Barreto, W., Savic, D., and Kapelan, Z. (2014), “Multi-objective robust rehabilitation of urban drainage systems under uncertainties ”, J. Hydroinformatics, 16(5), 1044–1061, doi:10.2166/hydro.2014.223

Book chapters, 2014

Alfonso and Tefferi (2014) Effects of uncertain control in transport of water in a river-wetland system of the Low Magdalena River, Colombia. Accepted as chapter of book Transport of Water versus Transport over Water (Editors: C. Ocampo-Martinez and R.R. Negenborn) – (To appear early 2015)

S.F. Balica, Q. Dinh and I. Popescu, (2015), Chapter 5 - Vulnerability and Exposure in Developed and Developing Countries: Large-Scale Assessments, In Hydro-Meteorological Hazards, Risks and Disasters, edited by P. Paron, G. Di Baldassarre and J.F. Shroder, Elsevier, Boston, 125-162, ISBN 9780123948465 (doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-394846-5.00005-9)

K. Yan, J. Neal, D.P. Solomatine, G. Di Baldassarre (2014). Global and low-cost topographic data to support flood studies. Hydro-meteorological Hazards, Risks, and Disasters (Paron, Di Baldassarre & Shroder, eds.). Elsevier, 2014 (pp. 105-124).

Books, edited volumes, 2014

Popescu. I, (2014), Computational Hydraulics: Numerical Methods and Modelling, IWA Publishing, London, UK, ISBN: 9781780400440, pp 160

Hydro-meteorological Hazards, Risks, and Disasters (Paron, Di Baldassarre & Shroder, eds.), ISBN: 978-0-12-394846-5, Elsevier, 2014.

Edited special issues of journals, 2014


Conference papers, 2014

Y.A. Abebe, s. Seyoum, Z. Vojinovic, and R.K. Price (2014). “Comparison of 2D Numerical Schemes for Modelling Supercritical and Transcritical Flows Along Urban Floodplains”, 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, 2014, August 17 – 21, New York, USA.

Alfonso, L., and S. J. van Andel (2014), How to pose the question matters: Behavioural Economics concepts in decision making on the basis of ensemble forecasts, paper presented at EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.

Alfonso L, Van Andel, S.J., (2014) Exploring Behavioral Economics Concepts In Flood Forecast Decision-Making Under Uncertainty. Hydroinformatics Conference, New York

Bhattacharya, B. and Islam, M.T. (2014). On using TRMM data and rainfall forecasts from meteorological models in data-scarce transboundary catchments - an example of Bangladesh. European Geophysical Union Assembly, Vienna.

Bhattacharya, B. and Tarekegn, T.M. (2014). On merging rainfall data from diverse sources using a Bayesian approach. European Geophysical Union Assembly, Vienna.

Bhattacharya, B. and Islam, M.T. (2014). On increasing the accuracy of flood forecasting for the Haor region of Bangladesh. Proc. of 11th Int. Conf. on Hydroinformatics, New York


Castro Gama M.E., Quan P., Jonoski A. and Chiesa C. (2014) Model-based sectorization of water distribution networks for increased energy efficiency, HIC 2014 – 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics: Informatics and the Environment: Data and Model Integration in a Heterogeneous Hydro World. New York, USA. 17–21 Aug 2014

Chacon Hurtado, J. C., L. Alfonso, and D. Solomatine (2014a), Comparison of machine learning methods for data infilling in hydrological forecasting, paper presented at EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.

Chacon Hurtado, J. C., L. Alfonso, and D. Solomatine (2014b), Dynamic correlation structures for interpolation of precipitation patterns, paper presented at EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.

Chacon Hurtado, J. C., Y. Xu, L. Alfonso, and D. Solomatine (2014c), A novel approach to machine learning-based error correction for hydrological models, paper presented at EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.

Delipetrev B., Jonoski A. and Solomatine D. (2014) Development of a cloud computing application for water resources modelling and optimization based on open source software, HIC 2014 – 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics: Informatics and the Environment: Data and Model Integration in a Heterogeneous Hydro World. New York, USA. 17–21 Aug 2014

Delipetrev B., Jonoski A. and Solomatine D. (2014) A novel nested dynamic programming (NDP) algorithm for multipurpose reservoir optimization, HIC 2014 – 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics: Informatics and the Environment: Data and Model Integration in a Heterogeneous Hydro World. New York, USA. 17–21 Aug 2014

Evers M., Almoradie A. and Jonoski A. (2014) Web based collaborative decision making in flood risk management, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 16, 15614.

Evers M., Almoradie A. and Jonoski A. (2014) Web based collaborative decision making in flood risk management: Application of TOPSIS and visualisation techniques for ranking of alternatives, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 16, 15421

Hartanto I., van Andel S.J., Alexandridis T., Jonoski A. and Solomatine D. (2014)Validation of multi-input ensemble simulation with a spatially distributed hydrological model in Rijnland, the Netherlands, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 16, 14854

Fantozzi, M., Popescu, I., Farnham, T., Archetti, F., Mogre, P., Tsouchnika, E., Chiesa, C., Tsertou, A., Castro Gama, M., Bimpas, M., (2014), ICT for efficient water resources management: The ICeWater energy management and control approach, Procedia Engineering, 70, 633-640.

Mazzoleni, M., L. Alfonso, M. Ferri, M. Monego, D. Norbiato, and D. P. Solomatine (2014), Assimilation of soil moisture observations from remote sensing in operational flood forecasting, paper presented at EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.

Mazzoleni M., Alfonso Segura L. Chacon-Hurtado J. and Solomatine D.P. (2014)Reducing uncertainty in a hydrological semi-distributed model by means of assimilation of observations of discharge varying in time and space, EGU Leonardo Conference Kos

Mazzoleni M., Alfonso Segura L. and Solomatine D.P. (2014)Effect of different hydrological model structures on the assimilation of distributed uncertain observations of discharge. Hydroinformatics Conference, New York

Mazzoleni M., Alfonso Segura L. and Solomatine D.P. (2014) Assimilation of heterogeneous uncertain data, having different observational errors, in hydrological models. Hydroinformatics Conference , New York

Musa, Z., Popescu, I., Mynett, A. (2014), Modelling the effects Sea Level Rise on flooding in the Lower Niger River, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, 17-22 August, 2014, HIC 2014, New York, USA

Musa, Z., Popescu, I., Mynett, A. (2014), Uncertainty in hydrodynamic modelling of flooding in the lower Niger river with downstream sea level rise, Proocedings of SimHydro 2014:Modelling of rapid transitory flows, 11-13 June 2014, Sophia Antipolis, France

Musa, Z., Popescu, I., Mynett, A. (2014), How vulnerable is the Lower Niger Delta to inundation from Sea Level Rise, Proceedings of the geospatial World Forum, 05-09 May, 2014, Geneva, Switzerland

Pan, Q., Castro Gama, M, Popescu, I. (2014), An open visualisation tool (openVT) for mesh based water models, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, 17-22 August, 2014, HIC 2014, New York, USA

M.D.F. Paredes, A.S. Torres, Z. Vojinovic, and S. Seyoum (2014). “Multi-Objective-Rehabilitation of Urban Drainage Systems within the Flood Risk Framework”, 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, 2014, August 17 – 21, New York, USA

F. Pappenberger, M.-H. Ramos, J. Thielen, A.Wood, Qj Wang, Q. Duan, W. Collischonn, J. Verkade, N. Voisin, F. Wetterhall, J.-F. Emmanuel Vuillaume, Diana Lucatero Villasenor, H. Cloke, J. Schaake, S.-J. van Andel (2014): HEPEX-achievements and challenges!, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-15427-2

Pozos O, Basurto, I., Alfonso, L. (2014), Coeficientes De Pérdidas Locales Para Redes De Tuberías, paper presented at XII Congreso de Hidrogeología y XXVI Congreso de Hidráulica.

S. Putra, M. van der Wegen, J. Reyns, A. van Dam, D.P. Solomatine, J.A. Roelvink. (2014). Multi Station Calibration of 3D Flexible Mesh Model: A Case Study of the Columbia Estuary. Proc. 5th International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security – SUSTAIN 2014, Bali, Indonesia; 11/2014.

S. Putra, G. Corzo Perez, S. van der Pijl, A. van Dam, H. Kernkamp, D.P. Solomatine (2014). Measuring domain decomposition effect in estuary model parallelization using high performance computer Proc. 6th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), Yogyakarta, Indonesia; 10/2014.

Ridolfi, E., F. Servili, R. Magini, F. Napolitano, F. Russo, and Alfonso, L. (2014), Artificial Neural Networks and Entropy-based Methods to Determine Pressure Distribution in Water Distribution Systems, Procedia Engineering, 89, 648-655.

Tarekegn, T.M. and Bhattacharya, B. (2014). A Bayesian approach to merge rainfall from raingauges and TRMM data. Proc. of 11th Int. Conf. on Hydroinformatics, New York.

Papers in peer-reviewed journals, 2013

Abbott, M.B. and Vojinovic, Z., 2013, Towards a hydroinformatics praxis in the service of social justice, Journal of Hydroinformatics, doi:10.2166/hydro.2013.198

Alfonso, L., He, L., Lobbrecht, A., Price, R., (2013). Information theory applied to evaluate the discharge monitoring network of the Magdalena River. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 15 (1), 211–228. doi:10.2166/hydro.2012.066

Almoradie, A., Jonoski, A., Stoica, F., Solomatine, D., Popescu, I. 2013, Web-based flood information system: case study of Somesul-Mare, Romania, J. Environmental Engineering and Management, 12(5), 1065-1070

Almoradie A., Jonoski A., Popescu I. and Solomatine D. (2013) Web-based access to water-related data using OGC WaterML 2.0. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications

van Andel S.J., Weerts A., Schaake J., Bogner K. (2013). Post-processing hydrological ensemble predictions intercomparison experiment. Hydrological Processes, 27(1), p. 158–161

Arias-Hidalgo, M., Bhattacharya, B., Mynett, A. E., and van Griensven, A. (2013). Experiences in using the TMPA-3B42R satellite data to complement rain gauge measurements in the Ecuadorian coastal foothills. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 2905–2915.

Balica, S. F., Popescu, I., Beevers, L., Wright, N., G., 2013, Parametric and physically based modelling techniques for flood risk and vulnerability assessment: a comparison; Environmental Modelling & Software, 41(3), 84-92, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2012.11.002.

Balica, S, Dinh, Q, Popescu, I.,Vo, T.Q., Pham, D.Q., (2014), Flood impact in the Mekong Delta, J. of Maps, 10 (2), 257-268, (doi: 10.1080/17445647.2013.859636)

Bhattacharya, B., Shams, Md.S., Popescu I., (2013). On the influence of bed forms on flood levels. Environmental Engineering and Management J., 12 ( 5), 857-863.

Delipetrev B. Jonoski A. And Solomatine D. (2014) Development of a web application for water resources based on open source software, Computers & Geosciences, 62, 35–42.

Di Baldassarre, G., Viglione, A., Carr, G., Kuil, L., Salinas, J. L., and G. Blöschl (2013). Socio-hydrology: conceptualising human-flood interactions, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17, 3295-3303, doi:10.5194/hess-17-3295-2013, 2013.

Di Baldassarre, G., Kooy, M., Kemerink, J. S., and L. Brandimarte (2013). Towards understanding the dynamic behaviour of floodplains as human-water systems, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17, 3235-3244, doi:10.5194/hess-17-3235-2013.

Dottori F., Todini E., Di Baldassarre G. (2013). Detailed data is welcome, but with a pinch of salt: accuracy, precision, and uncertainty in flood inundation modeling. Water Resources Research, in press.

Ebrahim, G, A. Jonoski, G. Di Baldassarre, van Griensven, A. (2013). Uncertainty in the application of downscaling techniques for assessing hydrological impact of climate change in the Upper Beles River Basin, Upper Blue Nile, Ethiopia. Hydrology Research, 44(2), 377-398.